Israel Threatens Iran With “Deadly” Pinpoint Strike

by | Oct 10, 2024 | Headline News, War | 0 comments

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    Israel has threatened to hit Iran with a “deadly, pinpoint accurate, and surprising” strike. According to comments made by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, the Iranians won’t know what hit them, has said.

    While speaking to Intelligence Unit 9900 of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), which is charged with visual intelligence collection and analysis, Gallant said that he credited their work with Israel’s “air supremacy” and ability to see very precisely and in every place what we want to,” according to the Jerusalem Post.

    ”The Iranian attack was aggressive but inaccurate,” Gallant said on Wednesday. “In contrast, our attack will be deadly, pinpoint accurate, and most importantly, surprising – they will not know what happened or how it happened. They will just see the results.”

    The IDF has vowed a “serious and significant” response to an attack by Iran earlier this month. Tehran has already warned both Israel and the United States that it would no longer exercise “unilateral self-restraint” and strike even harder instead.

    Israel Is Planning A “MASSIVE RETALIATION” Against Iran

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reportedly been trying to coordinate a strike with the US. Gallant’s planned trip to Washington on Tuesday was canceled after Netanyahu said he had not been able to get a hold of US President Joe Biden yet, according to media reports.

    Biden has publicly warned Israel not to go after Iran’s nuclear program or oil facilities. According to both US and Israeli media, the IDF is now expected to target military and intelligence sites instead. –RT

    At any time, any of these strikes could be the one that gets global attention and flings this war into a global one. It’s getting more and more tense by the day, and most Americans are distracted (rightfully so) by the deadly hurricanes ravaging their hometowns. It doesn’t look like any of the ruling classes are looking for any way to cool off this conflict, and it sure looks like expansion is the most likely scenario.



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