Israel Vows To Strike Iran’s Military Sites

by | Oct 15, 2024 | Headline News, War | 0 comments

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    Because he promised Joe Biden, Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to strike Iran’s military sites. When Israel retaliates against Iran for the latest missile barrage Tehran fired on the Jewish state, it will only target military installations.

    The Washington Post has claimed that Netanyahu promised United States ruler, Joe Biden that he wouldn’t go after Iran’s oil or nuclear infrastructure. In fact, Biden has publicly urged Netanyahu to refrain from striking oil or nuclear infrastructure in Iran, and in exchange, the U.S. ruling class reportedly offered Israel a “compensation package” should it agree to the request.

    According to The Washington Post sources, Netanyahu was in a more moderated place” during the call with Biden, which prompted the US leader to authorize the deployment to Israel of a THAAD anti-ballistic missile system and about 100 associated US military personnel. The Pentagon announced the move on Sunday.

    The message was delivered during a phone call between the two leaders on Wednesday last week. It was the first such conversation in several weeks, the newspaper said, on Monday. Details about the top-level conversation were provided by two anonymous sources: a US official and an “official familiar with the matter,” who described the Israeli position.

    Reuters reported that while Isreale intends to “listen” to the U.S. on war matters, it will also make its own decisions.

    Israel’s imminent strike will be in retaliation for missiles fired by Iran on October 1st. According to a report by RT, the Islamic Republic fired over 180 missiles at Israel on October 1st, stating that it was a reprisal for Israeli assassinations of Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of the Palestinian militant group Hamas, who was killed by a bomb in Tehran in late July, and Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Lebanon-based militant group Hezbollah, who was killed in an Israeli airstrike in Beirut in late September. The Netanyahu government said it would choose how to respond.

    Any one of these retaliations could result in a major escalation to a global war.


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