It isn’t enough for tyrant Volodymyr Zelenksy of Ukraine, that the United States and several other NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) members have now given him permission to use long-range missiles to strike deep into Russian territory. He now demands that all of the NATO members give him the green light to continue to wage a war he’s destined to lose.
Yesterday, for the first time, Ukraine crossed the last of Russia’s “red lines” with permission from the United States. So far, Russia’s warnings have been empty and they have refrained from retaliating against NATO and the West for their involvement in the conflict. But now, it’s being said that this is “direct involvement.” Will that change Russia’s mind?
NATO Countries Are Preparing For WAR As Ukraine Uses Long-Range Missiles To Strike Russia
The United Kingdom and France have also reportedly lifted restrictions on the use of the long-range missiles they have provided to Kiev, although they haven’t confirmed the move either. Germany
Speaking alongside Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, Zelensky added that Ukraine is now “working to ensure that all countries support long-range capabilities,” urging Germany in particular to “take the appropriate decision” as well.
“Now that there are relevant decisions, not just in the media, but also from the relevant countries, it is very important to add to these decisions the number of opportunities with which we can reduce the military potential of the Russian Federation, wherever it is,” Zelensky said on Tuesday at a press conference in Kiev, according to a report by RT.
Russian Foreign Minister: The U.S. “Wants Escalation” of WAR
At least six long-range ATACMS (Army tactical missile systems) missiles were fired into Russia’s Bryansk Region overnight, Moscow’s Defense Ministry reported on Tuesday. Five of them were shot down, while debris from one reportedly caused a localized fire at a military base, causing no property damage. But just because Ukraine’s attempt was lackluster doesn’t mean Russia hasn’t repeatedly warned the West of this very scenario.
Now that Ukraine has crossed the final red line, will this be the start of WWIII? The only thing stopping this global war is Russia’s refusal to follow through with its threats and warnings, and we should be concerned about that.
On Tuesday, Russia officially updated its nuclear deterrence doctrine to authorize an atomic response to conventional attacks from countries backed by nuclear powers. This has been widely interpreted as applying to Ukrainian strikes with weapons supplied by the US, UK, and France.
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