Journalist Predicts Trump Will Win The Election & The Left Will Meltdown

by | Oct 22, 2024 | Coincidence, Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Experts, Forecasting, Headline News, Opinion, ORIGINAL, War | 0 comments

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    Real Clear Wire journalist Frank Miele predicts that Donald Trump will “win” the (s)election and the left will have an epic meltdown over it. Miele says that Trump will win decisively.

    Trump will win convincingly, but that doesn’t mean the progressive left won’t have a meltdown, Miele writes. Just as in 2016, when Trump was first elected president, the media will be dismayed, the Democrats will be shocked, and there will be protests in the streets, possibly violent ones.

    Could this be the start of a civil war? If the left gets violent and starts damaging property, the right could get involved to “stop” it and cause an outbreak of a civil war.

    Congressional Democrats such as Jamie Raskin will try to prevent Trump from being sworn in by declaring him an insurrectionist. This is probably going to be the most chaotic selection in United States history.

    Seven so-called battleground states are supposed to decide the election: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona. But even more important will be the experience of the American people, who in large measure have come to regret the election that put Joe Biden in the White House four years ago. –Frank Miele

    At least, this is what the mainstream media and more conservative-leaning voters will believe.

    Stop Drinking the Political Kool-Aid, America: Voting Will Not Save Us

    One thing is for certain: a ruler will be appointed over everyone and most will “accept” and obey without question as to whether or not they should be ruled.

    So, yes, Trump will be elected as the 47th president of the United States, and the liberal talking heads will melt down just as they did in 2016. But what matters most is what happens after the election, and whether the experience of Americans will reflect renewed prosperity, a safer world, and respect for tradition and common sense. Many will try to prevent that, but making America great again should be a unifying goal. “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” –Frank Miele



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