Kamala Harris: Kill Off Some Children So They Can Drink Clean Water and Breathe Clean Air

by | Aug 5, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    Kamala Harris, who seeks to be the head tyrant of the United States after November’s (s)election, is pushing for depopulation. In a recent speech, Harris said that in order for children to drink clean water and breathe clean air, depopulation of those children is needed.

    In her recent speech at Coppin State University in Baltimore, Maryland, Harris said that a reduced population could combat climate change. “When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water,” Harris said to the applauding audience. Well, except those we’ve “reduced,” right, Harris?

    Logical and morally sound humans should have already withdrawn their support of a ruling class. At this point, they are straight up telling us the intention is to kill us off. Or at least a good number of us useless slaves.

    The White House ruling class immediately released a transcript of the speech where the word “population” was crossed out and “pollution” was added in brackets to imply that this was what the “VP really intended to say.”



    Even the “fact checkers” for the ruling class determined that this video was legitimate. FactCheck.org confirmed that the video where the current vice president said “reduce population” was real and not deepfake. Harris’s video has been spread and gone viral since she made the comments. A comment on a post that shared the video said, “If they want to reduce population, we definitely should start with them.”

    Population reduction should most definitely start with those in favor of it. If they truly believed in depopulation, they’d volunteer themselves.

    Censored Pfizer Documents CONFIRM Deagel Depopulation Forecast

    The rulers are not our friends and do not have our best interests in mind, and that goes for all of them on all sides of the aisle and those in the middle. They have one goal, and that’s to secure more wealth and more power over those they see as slaves.


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