Lockdowns Were a SCAM! Asymptomatic Carriers Don’t Spread COVID-19

by | Jun 10, 2020 | Headline News, Ron Paul | 14 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    The whole purpose (supposedly) of the lockdowns was to keep those healthy people who had COVID-19 from spreading it when they didn’t have symptoms. The entire planet was terrified of healthy human beings, so governments locked down entire swaths of the population without much evidence whatsoever.

    Now, the WHO (World Health Organization) has said that those scary healthy people who are infected but have no symptoms are not likely to spread the virus.  Mad yet? If not, you should be.  This was all done to usher in the New World Order and they aren’t done playing with us yet.

    Some Americans, still haven’t had enough.  There are people literally still wearing masks and gloves in the summer heat while others cry for martial law to stop George Soros’ band of looters and thugs.  And it’s all being done for the same reason: the New World Order must happen. If we expect to stop it, we need to realize first what’s been done to us.

    The entire shutdown was proven to be a hoax, yet the mainstream media and government officials are not giving up on the official narrative that we should all “fear the second wave.” Articles are all over the place parroting fearmongering comments from experts (the same experts that locked us in our homes and put us on house arrest over a virus that was less damaging than the flu if you’re a healthy person) that we should be prepared for yet another lockdown.

    The powers-that-should-not-be are not done toying with us just yet and Americans are not done falling for the lies and propaganda just yet either. Martial law is necessary to complete the global takeover and far too many Americans have fallen in line DEMANDING that come to fruition.

    Since coming out and saying asymptomatic people rarely spread COVID-19, the WHO said there’s a “misunderstanding,” and intend to toe the line using fear to keep people in a panicked state of dependency on the state for a false sense of safety.


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      1. What’s the average age of the readers of this blog? I bet it’s 60+. Will you feel any sense of guilt when you push stories like this (that have already been corrected), your readers stop social distancing, and they get sick and die? Probably not- you have your advertising money so who cares.

        • “Will you feel guilty?”, surely you jest. Greater age gives the thinking-person a chance to acquire WISDOM. Most of the contributors here have achieved that.

          Since you apparently haven’t learned that thinking-people take MSM news with a grain-of-salt. The Main Stream Media stories should always be questioned as their propaganda is so frequently wrong. Please take some free courses from Hillsdale College and learn something about the history of this country. That knowledge is required for critical thinking about these subjects.

          Original Coved-19 modeling & statistics have been proven spectacularly wrong. Reported “Covid-19” deaths are wrong as people with serious co-morbidities were mis-reported as Covid-19 deaths. So the question is: “do you feel guilty for accepting incorrect reporting?”

      2. Developing story:
        British Journalist Craig Murray indicted on bogus and un-named charges. Craig Murray has been indicted over non-existent charges, in addition to being accused of contempt for pointing out that the charges are non existent with paragraphs missing in the charges, then refrefrencing the non existent missing charges in relation to tweets which are not known or refernced either. Please read the blog link below written by Craig Murray.


      3. It is true that people are most contagious with viruses before symptoms appear. That is not unique to the coronavirus. That has been common knowledge in the medical community for my entire life. Maybe people are most contagious prior to symptoms because they are more socially active and people in their proximity do not take sub-conscious measures that they may not even be aware of, like distance, lowering their head, turning their head, washing hands more, not touching them or shaking hands, etc.
        -Andrea Iravani

      4. It looks more like a game of marbles that they are losing badly from my perspective!

        The governments at all levels, the media, and Wall Street have been rendered impotent and incompetent as a result of the surveillance state. This includes even low level local government employees, including teachers. 

        People that work in the governments, media, and financial sector have indicated that they are illegally surveiling me, indicated by gas-lighting references of repeating or re-enacting things that I have said or done by people that could only know these things if they were illegaly spying on me. This also includes many of my neighbors. I realize that this sounds totally delusional and paranoid to say something like that, and my guess is that they thought that I would not say it because it does sound so delusional and paranoid.

        The important thing at stake here though, factoring me out of it, is that if they can do this to me, they are very likely doing it to each other, which would explain why the corruption has not only persisted, but mushroomed, and nobody has been held accountable. 

        This is an intimidation tactic. They are obviously using such intimidation tactics on each other, as evidenced by the oveewhelming body of evidence of systemic corruption for which nobody has ever been held accountable. 

        If the government is rendered incapable of governing, and law enforcement is rendered incapable of enforcing the law, and reporters  are rendered incapable of reporting, and financiers are rendered incapable of financing and all through intimidation of illegal surveillance, then they all must resign for the good of the country.

        They are attempting to get me to join them. You are wasting your time! I would rather die than join you and your fucked up cult of surveillance! I am not bluffing! Your way of life is a crime! Everything about you and your fucked up life style is totally revolting! You do not have Qualified immunity! You are Qualified for prison for violating my rights, property, and many class one felony laws! Your lives are sick jokes! Your actions are inexcusable, unjustifiable, and absolutely unforgivable! Who the fuck do you think you are?! It is a sick cult that only perverted freaks and thives would ever have the sightest interest in being a part of! Fuck you amd ypur communal surveillance kleptocratic cult of perversion! So I am supposed to relinquish my fourth amendment rights, and in exchange I have to tolerate fucking pieces of shit like you?! What’s in that for me? Do you seriously think that I would waste my limited time on earth spying on you sick morally depraved fucking retards?! I would never be at such a loss to have nothing better to do with my time than that!

        Wake up and read the constitution you sick fucking retards! 

        It’s just another day in McCarthy Dahmerville! 

        -Andrea Iravani

      5. It looks more like a game of marbles that they are losing badly from my perspective!

        The governments at all levels, the media, and Wall Street have been rendered impotent and incompetent as a result of the surveillance state. This includes even low level local government employees, including teachers. 

        People that work in the governments, media, and financial sector have indicated that they are illegally surveiling me, indicated by gas-lighting references of repeating or re-enacting things that I have said or done by people that could only know these things if they were illegaly spying on me. This also includes many of my neighbors. I realize that this sounds totally delusional and paranoid to say something like that, and my guess is that they thought that I would not say it because it does sound so delusional and paranoid.

        The important thing at stake here though, factoring me out of the equation is that if they can do this to me, they are very likely doing it to each other, which would explain why the corruption has not only persisted, but mushroomed, and nobody has been held accountable. 

        This is an intimidation tactic. They are obviously using such intimidation tactics on each other, as evidenced by the oveewhelming body of evidence of systemic corruption for which nobody has ever been held accountable. 

        If the government is rendered incapable of governing, and law enforcement is rendered incapable of enforcing the law, and reporters  are rendered incapable of reporting, and financiers are rendered incapable of financing and all through intimidation of illegal surveillance, then they all must resign for the good of the country.

        They are attempting to get me to join them. You are wasting your time! I would rather die than join you and your fucked up cult of surveillance! I am not bluffing! Your way of life is a crime! Everything about you and your fucked up life style is totally revolting! You do not have Qualified immunity! You are Qualified for prison for violating my rights, property, and many class one felony laws! Your lives are sick jokes! Your actions are inexcusable, unjustifiable, and absolutely unforgivable! Who the fuck do you think you are?! It is a sick cult that only perverted freaks and thieves would ever have the sightest interest in being a part of! Fuck you and your communal surveillance kleptocratic cult of perversion! So I am supposed to relinquish my fourth amendment rights, and in exchange I have to tolerate fucking pieces of shit like you?! What’s in that for me? Do you seriously think that I would waste my limited time on earth spying on you sick morally depraved fucking retards?! I would never be at such a loss to have nothing better to do with my time than that!

        Wake up and read the constitution you sick fucking retards! 

        It’s just another day in McCarthy Dahmerville! 

        -Andrea Iravani

      6. What I’m doing is recording all the riots going on so when s.h.t.f.
        I will know who to go visit because I have there pictures. Your welcome. B

        • Thanks but I’ve got a large list too.

      7. Asymptomatic carriers, in the sense of a Typhoid Mary, is how I described vaxxers, shedding their viral particles, through sweat and every secretion, for some weeks to months.

        This was known for at least 200yrs. The controversy was printed in old, hardback books.

        And, now those vaxxers would make the saying unfashionable, while on the verge of turning you into a gmo. You are now supposed to create foreign antigens, but we don’t believe in asymptomatic carriers, anymore.

        Be as libertarian as you like, about your own social habits, but def treat vaxxers like transmitters.

        You should probably be doing most all of these distancing steps as a matter of everyday hygiene under social decay, anyway.

      8. WHO has reversed itself on that claim, they do spread the virus and infect others.

      9. CDC and WHO reverse their own statements every other day. Take vitamin D3 and live. Dump your television.

      10. The Zune concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.

      11. There is no Factual Data In This OPINION Article.

        OK so reader if you are running with the article as fact then I can only assume you already held this view.
        “Proven to be a hoax” – by whom may I ask? That has been called into question by many others. How can that logic be call proven, while people are in the process of disproving it?

        Quoting the WHO – an organization that you did not trust, after all they lied to us and serve the interest of China. Yet, now when there statement/misstatement aligns with you view they are now trustworthy?

        I suppose that it is possible that A-symptomatic persons can’t spread COVID-19…but if you do any reading on this at all…I know, I know the information is controlled by the government. Again I say if you do any reading at on what a Corona Virus is you will find that operationally speaking it very similar to the Flu Virus. Does anyone of you out there think that the Flu is not contagious during a time when a person has no symptoms? Anyway most people are talking to themselves these days, preaching to the choirs as they say.

        Bah Bah Bah

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