Longtime Pro-Jab Apologist Finally Comes Clean About Lack of Science Proving Vaccine Safety

by | Jul 19, 2024 | Coincidence, Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Headline News, Health | 0 comments

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    This article was originally published by Ethan Huff at Natural News. 

    After decades of aggressively promoting vaccines of all kinds, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the world’s leading vaccinologist, is finally coming clean about the fact that vaccine safety has never been robustly studied as he has long claimed.

    A paper he co-authored that was published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) on July 6, 2024, reveals that no vaccine has ever been properly studied either before or after their release.

    Aaron Siri tweeted a lengthy post about Plotkin’s new paper in the NEJM, which admits that “prelicensure clinical trials have limited sample sizes [and] follow-up durations,” as well as that “there are not resources earmarked for post-authorization safety studies.”

    “That is an incredible reversal,” Siri said before unpacking the rest of the study’s damning revelations basically indicting the vaccine industry and Big Pharma for science fraud.

    “For decades, the medical community insisted vaccines are the most thoroughly studied product ever; for example, Dr. Paul Offit said, ‘I think we should be proud of vaccines as arguably the safest, best-tested things we put in our body,'” Siri further explained.

    “For decades, parents of vaccine-injured children, vaccine-injured adults, and other stakeholders contested these claims only to be shunned and attacked by the medical community and health agencies.”

    (Related: At the 2020 Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices [ACIP] meeting, Plotkin, often referred to as ‘the godfather of vaccines,’ promoted Donald Trump’s COVID injections before they were even released under Operation Warp Speed.)

    The rats are suddenly changing their tune

    In 2018, Siri personally met with Plotkin to “depose the architecture” of the nation’s vaccination program. Siri presented undeniable evidence that there is a prolific lack of vaccine safety trials and studies, something Plotkin initially denied but now admits is true.

    At the time, Plotkin went on a tirade in response to Siri’s evidence, demanding that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) add “missing information on safety and efficacy” in vaccine package inserts. Plotkin also demanded that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) exclude the list of harms from Vaccine Information Sheets.

    Other harm Plotkin caused at the time included:

    – Lobbying the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to support vaccine organizations

    – Working to have the World Health Organization (WHO) list so-called “vaccine hesitancy” as a global threat

    – Lobbying the AAP, IDSA, and PIDS to “support training of witnesses” to promote the idea of vaccine safety

    Plotkin was on a crusade, in other words, to make vaccine safety studies a real thing even when they did not exist. Now that the entire world is turning on the COVID-19 injections from Operation Warp Speed, suddenly Plotkin is changing his tune.

    “The problem is, it doesn’t work,” Siri says. “It doesn’t work because, at the bottom, there are no proper safety studies. So, there is no safety data to add to the FDA package inserts, and hiding harms by removing them from CDC inserts doesn’t make them go away.”

    “Parents and other adults don’t simply stop believing what they have seen with their own eyes because CDC, WHO, the Gates Foundations, etc., won’t acknowledge them, or worse, they attack them.”

    Now that Plotkin and his “disciples,” to quote Siri’s reference to them, realize that “they can’t cast voodoo on the public” about this critical issue, they are now trying to co-opt the truth that they have lied about for decades.

    “But in making that admission, they conveniently fail to admit that for decades they lied, gaslit, defrauded (and I don’t use that word lightly) the public by claiming that vaccines are probably the most thoroughly safety tested products on the planet and that people should rest assured, no stone on vaccine safety was left unturned,” Siri says.


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