Mainstream Media Warns Bird Flu Is “Quietly” Getting “Scarier”

by | Sep 11, 2024 | Coincidence, Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Headline News, Health | 0 comments

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    The current bird flu outbreak in the United States is “quietly” getting “scarier” according to the mainstream media. The people who spent years pushing germ theory during the COVID-19 scamdemic are now fear-mongering over a bird flu case in a person who was never exposed to bird flu. So how did that happen when we were forced to mask to “slow the spread” of the cold?

    The previous 13 human cases of bird flu followed the official germ theory narrative. Then came Case number 14, and according to the week’s-end update from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at least one more person has now been infected with an H5 virus, and this time, the patient, who is in Missouri, isn’t known to have been exposed to any ailing farm animal. In other words, the harbinger of a broader, deadly crisis may just have ratcheted a little further up the flagpole, wrote The Atlantic. 

    U.S. Reports Its First Case Of Human Bird Flu NOT Linked To Animals

    No one seems to be picking up that this doesn’t align with the officially accepted germ theory. But don’t worry. The media is still pushing the germ theory narrative with some ideas as to how this could have happened.

    “The patient has reported no exposure to animals,” the department’s press release reads. But the patient’s level of contact with non-livestock animals, like pets or wild birds, remains unknown, reported the Kansas City Star. 

    But if that’s an explanation, how did indoor-only cats get the bird flu? Remember, the media has been pushing that narrative as well.

    “Indoor Only” Cats Test Positive For Bird Flu

    “I think household pets are probably a fairly good, plausible explanation for this,” said Dr. Dana Hawkinson, the medical director for infection prevention and control at the University of Kansas Health System. “In general we just don’t have a lot of information about this case.”

    Hawkinson explained that he believes surfaces are the culprit.  “Humans in general just touch their face on a regular basis, and don’t always do the best hand hygiene,” he said. “I have to believe there was some contamination where this person picked it up by high-touch surfaces, rather than airborne.”

    This entire “outbreak” is starting to feel more and more scripted every day.

    SCRIPTED: New Human Vaccines Are Already Developed & Stockpiled For Pandemic Flu That Doesn’t Exist Yet



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