by Mac Slavo | Nov 15, 2018 | Headline News | 74 comments
On October 1, 2018, Maryland’s new “red flag” gun law went into effect.
On November 5, 2018, the law claimed its first victim.
Officially called Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO), “red flag” laws permit police, healthcare providers, or family members (or pretty much anyone, really – let’s be honest here) to petition a state court to order the temporary removal of firearms from a person who may present a danger to others or themselves. A judge decides to issue the order based on statements and actions made by the gun owner. After a set period of time, the guns are returned to the owner unless another court hearing extends the period of confiscation.
Proponents of the law say it should not be seen as a “gun grab.”
As of November 8 – just a little over a month after the law went into effect in Maryland – 114 red flag warrants had already been served across the state.
Proponents of the law also claim it will “save lives.”
However, a life has already been lost because of the law.
Gary J. Willis, a 61-year-old Maryland resident, was killed by police when they showed up at his home at 5 am to serve him with a court order requiring that he surrender his guns.
Anne Arundel County Police said Willis answered the door with a gun in his hand. He initially put the gun down by the door, but “became irate” when officers began to serve him with the order and picked up the gun again, police said.
Sgt. Jacklyn Davis, a police spokeswoman, said “A fight ensued over the gun.” Police claim that as one of the officers struggled to take the gun from Willis, the gun fired but did not strike anyone. Then, the other officer fatally shot Willis, who died at the scene. Neither officer was injured.
Davis said she did not know who had sought the protective order against Willis.
But Michele Willis, the victim’s niece, said this was a case of “family being family,” reports The Baltimore Sun:
She said one of her aunts requested the protective order to temporarily remove Willis’ guns.
Michele Willis said she had grown up in the house and had been there Sunday night to move out her son, who had been helping to care for her grandmother.
She said her uncle “likes to speak his mind,” but she described him as harmless.
“I’m just dumbfounded right now,” she said. “My uncle wouldn’t hurt anybody.”
Willis said the officers should have continued to negotiate with her uncle.
“They didn’t need to do what they did,” she said.
Police Chief Timothy Altomare said the fatal shooting was a sign that the law is needed:
“If you look at this morning’s outcome, it’s tough for us to say ‘Well, what did we prevent?’ ” he said. “Because we don’t know what we prevented or could’ve prevented. What would’ve happened if we didn’t go there at 5 a.m.?”
Can you wrap your head around that statement? I can’t.
As far as we know, Willis never harmed anyone. Yet, he is dead…because of a law that was supposedly enacted to save lives. If Willis had a history of violence or a criminal record, the police department would surely be talking about it, using it as justification for the man’s murder.
In reality, red flag laws are ripe for abuse.
In an article titled Gun Owners Must Oppose Red Flag Laws, Greg Pruett of Gun Owners of America warns,
A new wave of dangerous laws is being pushed across the United States. These laws don’t require due process and your rights are removed without a crime ever being committed. If this sounds familiar, then it may sound like something out of “Minority Report” with Tom Cruise. Sadly, it isn’t a Hollywood blockbuster, it’s the new America. At least it will be if you don’t fight back.
“Red Flag” laws, also known as “Extreme Risk Protection Orders” or Gun Violence Restraining Orders,” have now passed in 12 states. Even some Republican-controlled states (Indiana and Florida) have passed these laws. They are dangerous to freedom, unconstitutional, and should be more properly termed, “Gun Confiscation Orders.”
As of the time of this writing, 13 states have red flag laws: Connecticut, Indiana, California, Washington, Oregon, Florida, Vermont, Maryland, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Delaware, Massachusetts, and Illinois. More are surely coming. Bad ideas tend to spread, and cries for stricter gun control have grown much louder and more common.
Red flag laws are implemented differently in states have have them. Some limit these gun confiscation orders to “immediate family” members, Pruett writes. “But some states, like Oregon, are already expanding their orders to include neighbors, medical professionals, teachers, and other school staff.”
There is one aspect of red flag laws that is particularly chilling, as Pruett explains:
Remember, no crime has been committed, and the person who loses their rights does NOT get to defend themselves before those rights are removed. Some have the audacity to call this “due process.” It’s not due process if you aren’t part of the process. Going to court after your guns have been removed, to petition to get them back, is also not due process.
According to the Capital Gazette (five people were murdered by a lunatic with a vendetta at the newspaper’s Annapolis location back in June), Altomare said of the 19 protective orders granted in Anne Arundel County, his officers have handled nine – and seized “around 33 guns” in the process.
The Capital Gazette also reports that Altomere said while he is “cautiously optimistic” the rate of protective orders won’t increase too rapidly, the department is building a storage facility specifically to accommodate the increase in seized firearms.
According to a report by the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, Maryland is expecting 1,342 red flag petitions in the first year of the law being in effect.
How many more deaths by cop will we see in Maryland by October 2019, then?
How many people who have never committed a crime will have their Constitutional rights violated due to this law?
As Scott Boyd of NOQ Report warns,
All it takes is a good story and a sympathetic judge to take away someone’s guns. In this case, it was a relative of the deceased who filed the petition after an incident that occurred in the beginning of the week. We don’t know the details so there’s no way to judge, but the notion that this incident is proof the law is working is the type of circular reasoning gungrabbers will use to encourage more confiscations.
Boyd concludes,
Gary J. Willis isn’t dead because he tried to shoot someone. He is dead because someone convinced a judge that he might shoot someone, and now police are hailing this as a success. The PreCrime Departments are pleased with the results.
Red flag laws only benefit the government, and render “we the people” defenseless against the ever-growing police state.
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This is something all of us as gun owners may have to someday start worrying about. Let’s all hope NONE of us are ever faced with such a scenario. These ‘red flag’ laws will get some innocent people AND cops killed for no good reason. The basis for the law sounds like some of that precrime crap.
I ain’t worried about it. Day or night when they come they will not have adequate time to stop several of them from being killed before they ever even see me. Best not come.
All police who follow these unconstitutional orders will reap nothing but the deaths they deserve..nothing but hell and shame awaits these evil traitors of fellow man and country
and their families as well
COPY THIS BELOW, Keep copies with your Weapons, glove box and on your phone as word doc and in your Bug-Out-Bag. This is the Law. I would use this Law also during Martial Law which is also an emergency.
42 U.S.C.
United States Code, 2010 Edition
Sec. 5207 – Firearms policies
From the U.S. Government Printing Office, http://www.gpo.gov
§5207. Firearms policies
(a) Prohibition on confiscation of firearms
No officer or employee of the United States (including any member of the uniformed services), or person operating pursuant to or under color of Federal law, or receiving Federal funds, or under control of any Federal official, or providing services to such an officer, employee, or other person, while acting in support of relief from a major disaster or emergency, may—
(1) temporarily or permanently seize, or authorize seizure of, any firearm the possession of which is not prohibited under Federal, State, or local law, other than for forfeiture in compliance with Federal law or as evidence in a criminal investigation;
(2) require registration of any firearm for which registration is not required by Federal, State, or local law;
(3) prohibit possession of any firearm, or promulgate any rule, regulation, or order prohibiting possession of any firearm, in any place or by any person where such possession is not otherwise prohibited by Federal, State, or local law; or
(4) prohibit the carrying of firearms by any person otherwise authorized to carry firearms under Federal, State, or local law, solely because such person is operating under the direction, control, or supervision of a Federal agency in support of relief from the major disaster or emergency.
(b) Limitation
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any person in subsection (a) from requiring the temporary surrender of a firearm as a condition for entry into any mode of transportation used for rescue or evacuation during a major disaster or emergency, provided that such temporarily surrendered firearm is returned at the completion of such rescue or evacuation.
(c) Private rights of action
(1) In general
Any individual aggrieved by a violation of this section may seek relief in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress against any person who subjects such individual, or causes such individual to be subjected, to the deprivation of any of the rights, privileges, or immunities secured by this section.
(2) Remedies
In addition to any existing remedy in law or equity, under any law, an individual aggrieved by the seizure or confiscation of a firearm in violation of this section may bring an action for return of such firearm in the United States district court in the district in which that individual resides or in which such firearm may be found.
(3) Attorney fees
In any action or proceeding to enforce this section, the court shall award the prevailing party, other than the United States, a reasonable attorney’s fee as part of the costs.
(Pub. L. 93–288, title VII, §706, as added Pub. L. 109–295, title V, §557, Oct. 4, 2006, 120 Stat. 1391.)
COPY THIS BELOW, Keep copies with your Weapons, glove box and on your phone as word doc and in your Bug-Out-Bag. This is the Law. I would use this Law also during Martial Law which is also an emergency.
42 U.S.C.
United States Code, 2010 Edition
Sec. 5207 – Firearms policies
From the U.S. Government Printing Office, ht tp://www.gpo.gov
§5207. Firearms policies
(a) Prohibition on confiscation of firearms
No officer or employee of the United States (including any member of the uniformed services), or person operating pursuant to or under color of Federal law, or receiving Federal funds, or under control of any Federal official, or providing services to such an officer, employee, or other person, while acting in support of relief from a major disaster or emergency, may—
(1) temporarily or permanently seize, or authorize seizure of, any firearm the possession of which is not prohibited under Federal, State, or local law, other than for forfeiture in compliance with Federal law or as evidence in a criminal investigation;
(2) require registration of any firearm for which registration is not required by Federal, State, or local law;
(3) prohibit possession of any firearm, or promulgate any rule, regulation, or order prohibiting possession of any firearm, in any place or by any person where such possession is not otherwise prohibited by Federal, State, or local law; or
(4) prohibit the carrying of firearms by any person otherwise authorized to carry firearms under Federal, State, or local law, solely because such person is operating under the direction, control, or supervision of a Federal agency in support of relief from the major disaster or emergency.
(b) Limitation
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any person in subsection (a) from requiring the temporary surrender of a firearm as a condition for entry into any mode of transportation used for rescue or evacuation during a major disaster or emergency, provided that such temporarily surrendered firearm is returned at the completion of such rescue or evacuation.
(c) Private rights of action
(1) In general
Any individual aggrieved by a violation of this section may seek relief in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress against any person who subjects such individual, or causes such individual to be subjected, to the deprivation of any of the rights, privileges, or immunities secured by this section.
(2) Remedies
In addition to any existing remedy in law or equity, under any law, an individual aggrieved by the seizure or confiscation of a firearm in violation of this section may bring an action for return of such firearm in the United States district court in the district in which that individual resides or in which such firearm may be found.
(3) Attorney fees
In any action or proceeding to enforce this section, the court shall award the prevailing party, other than the United States, a reasonable attorney’s fee as part of the costs.
(Pub. L. 93–288, title VII, §706, as added Pub. L. 109–295, title V, §557, Oct. 4, 2006, 120 Stat. 1391.)
Eventually, the prog’s will probably win out if too many of us cave into their moronic demands. This will be all of our problem some day…..
The cops following such unconstitutional orders are NOT innocent and deserve death as much as the politicians making the unconstitutional laws.. and they will all get it soon
and their families as well
Then that makes us no better than them .. innocent family members must be shown mercy.. if they attempt to follow in the footsteps of their corrupt kin or avenge them then they will reap the sword as well
The Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese did not show any mercy and they won. Do you want to be on the winning team or the losing team? They won their freedom from imperialism and globalism.
They won because our guys weren’t allowed to defeat them they didn’t win because of their demonic innocent murdering savagery
Correction, DR: “These ‘red flag’ laws HAVE GOTTEN some innocent people… killed for no good reason.”
Now the gamer swatters can “drop a dime” on anybody, with complete impunity.
OPEC – Loose lips sink ships. Trust no-one. Not even your wife, who can divorce you, take half your stuff and rat you out on your Gun collection.
“gun owners may have to someday start worrying about” ??? The start was many years ago. It’s here and has been for quite some time. It crept in under the cover of darkness. It expanded under the Affordable Health Care Act to encompass anyone
Had this man killed one of the cops he’d be a hero. Now he’s a martyr and should be respected as such.
Here’s the future of these laws: “Your honor, when I pulled the man over, he was really upset I wrote him a ticket. He’s mentally unstable and we need to take his guns so he doesn’t shoot up a police station or a school!”
That’s why you have your property fenced off with barbed wire, No trespass signs up and Mutha Fcker crosses the property line uninvited gets it. Yeah, lets see your warrant MF’er before you even come onto the property. Then you call an Atty. Taking a mans guns, For shame. And even before any trial or the man having his day in court. Its an illegal law, guilty before even being tried. The man’s family needs to sue for tens of Millions of dollars. Cold blooded Murder on his own property. Never forget Ruby Ridge or Waco. Remember the psychopaths are in charge again.
The Dems in Broward and Palm Beach, stole the Dept of AGRICULTURE election from the Republican candidate Mark Caldwell by a few thousand votes. He was up 30K votes. The AG commissioner is the person who issues concealed weapons permits in Florida.
Can ya see where this is going? Get ready people. Game on, civil war. The American Patriots vs the Liberal Lefty Communists.
As they come for my Guns, I shoot them with my crossbow and razor broadheads. Crossbows are stealthy..
Good idea, arrows with razor heads can trespass easily kevklar bulletproof vests very easy, if they are throwed from a high powered crossbow.
I need to get the heck out of Maryland!
How can a Constitutional right be deprived without Due Process?!?! This is outragous!
Do you honestly think Democrats give a darn about your rights?
If they have the drop on you, comply and then go get better weapons on the black market.
Find out the name of the judge who issued such an order and then assassinate it at its home. You could not have possibly done it since they took your guns. If they start to provide judges with protection start to assassinate their family. Same goes for the cops that come to take your guns. That is how to deal with Democrats.
If everyone of us killed one judge and one cop in reaction to a red flag action, that will really slow such actions down.
It won’t change a Democrats mind, but when you are dealing with mentally ill people there is not much you can do.
Also if you have a medical marijuana card or buy legal pot from a dispensary they will do the same thing. You are on record as being a pot user and it is fed law that you can’t have guns. I don’t use drugs but a lot of people do and do not think about this. Think about if you use ssri’s, antidepressants, opioids, etc. They WILL come for your guns, the party is just getting started.
rellik, I have always known that the day would come when they would ask for our guns, thereby, depriving us of the God Given Right of Self-Defense.
It’s hard to really accept that we live in a totalitarian state/nation where a person doesn’t even have the right to defend their and their loved ones life (much less property). God help us!
Rellik, I posted an interesting video regarding egg preservation. If you are interested I can post it again. It’s about the main ways eggs have been preserved over the past 200 years. Supposedly they work well.
Fkn nice..!!! Sometimes that’s how shit has to go down to solve a BIG “RED FLAG” problem before it gets to NAZI levels…I agree with you
Thanks To President Trump for this One MAGA!
Civil asset forfeiture is employed in the absence of due process and is utilized by our government. The government can confiscate your assets just on the suspicion of wrong doing, no due process involved. A violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments but they do it.
So an unscrupulous spouse(x) or family member can simply go to a Judge, claim your violent or a danger, and have a court order to eliminate your 2nd amendment right? And then a swat team shows up at your house at 5am in the morning (still dark) to confiscate your weapons? If this isn’t akin to a police state, then what is? NADA….the way it should work is that the “accused” has a right to a hearing, and there must be solid evidence to support the order. And it must be a panel of Judges that agree unanimously to the order. Not one filthy leftist communist bum in a black robe.!!!!!
Welcome to America as Democrats envision it.
A scorned ex-wife or girlfriend can be EXTREMELY dangerous and vengeful.
If you have kids you better sit them down and THOROUGHLY explain to them to keep their mouths shut about what’s inside their home,and if anyone tries to ask them questions about certain items inside the home,to politely respond by saying that their not allowed to answer questions without their parents present.
There, their, they’re. “They’re concerned about their rights there in Maryland.”
I’ve done that my entire life with my family and extended family. My parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles did the same with me. Its not like we are criminals, but Cops and the government has always been the enemy to be carefully watched and not trusted.
Prepare your property and kill them when they arrive outside!
That’s just asking to be killed, which is what will happen.
I saw this article a few days ago. Yes, apparently anyone can make a complaint and without any other evidence the police can show up and take private property.
This is extrajudicial and sickening to anyone that believes in the rule of law.
Rule of law in the USSA? What rule of law?
Texas will welcome you.
Thanks loadtoad51, that’s a mighty tempt’n offer. I have family that just left there. It’s seems all of my kin are meeting up in Kentucky, which is my fall back plan/position.
If I have to I’ll go back up in them thar hills, where even today Johnny Law is afraid to venture. Find me an abandoned coal mine to live out the rest of my days.
These unconstitutional red flag laws will separate the good cops and politicians from the bad.. the bad ones are all going to die horrible deaths that traitors to the constitution and fellow man deserve
Texas is China.
Texas is India.
Texas is Mexico.
Texas is California.
Texas hax been invaded. More of the above peoples than Texans.
Catholic Family Services brings in Africans with TB and other disease. CFS ships these no education or job skills Africans into smaller communities.
So sure. Come to Texas. Everyone else has.
And try to take a Texans gun away.
Come and Take It.
Remember the Alamo.
Texas is China.
Texas is India.
Texas is Mexico.
Texas is California.
Texas has been invaded. More of the above peoples than Texans.
Catholic Family Services brings in Africans with TB and other disease. CFS ships these no education or job skills Africans into smaller communities.
So sure. Come to Texas. Everyone else has.
And try to take a Texans gun away.
Come and Take It.
Remember the Alamo.
Whether or not you want to believe this, Trump is on board with this program as was Jeffrey Sessions. His new AG will have to be as well. Trump has never had to own a gun because he’s always had security around him even in his private residences. He never had to worry about a break-in or self-defense. In his casino days he had 24/7 private security, and goons and mobsters to protect him.
In fact, as a child he was driven to his private schools in a limo and then from 12-18 lived at private boarding schools and later the university he attended and afterwards married and had both private security and personal drivers and a fleet of limos. Same with flying. He never flew commercial and had to worry about a hijacking. He owns his own fleet of jets.
In his youth when he was pulled over for a traffic violation while driving one of his expensive sporty cars the cops let him go because of his name. This is fact. It should give you an idea of his privileged life which I don’t begrudge him. This isn’t about envy. I am just making a point that he has always been safe and secure with others who carried and protected him, and does not relate to us even if you think he does.
His whole life he’s had 24/7 protection. He has only admitted to never owning a gun, and has never admitted that he doesn’t believe in private citizens owning guns or that he’s never needed to own a gun. He will not admit to that. Trump has always been protected and privileged and has never needed to own a gun for self-defense or for any other reason.
FACT: He doesn’t get why private citizens need guns and believes only law enforcement should carry. He won’t admit this to his supporters but it’s a fact.
There was never a time when he had to own a gun/carry and he simply doesn’t relate to the rest of us. It’s that simple. But you’ll go on supporting this bs and vote for him again and then come here and bitch when violations and confiscation comes to your town after YOU helped support it.
Trump doesn’t relate to your life even though you seem convinced he does relate. I guarantee you Trump is behind this bs and fully on board.
Are you aware that Trump is a self acknowledged licensed gun owner and has been for quite a while?
And also self acknowledged is that he has a concealed carry permit and does carry it concealed when he thinks he should do so.
Anonymous, When Trump was running for office I looked up his stance on gun control. He appears to be pro-gun, but “appears” would be the key word.
There is zero evidence that he actually shoots guns. He owns one that he was once given as a gift but never fired one because he has people to do that for him. It is difficult to research this unless you customize your search to look BEFORE the past years recent rash of mass shootings.
Trump has had a very strange dalliance with Second Amendment rights that can’t be denied. His stance appears to shift depending upon the situation and audience. He is for arming teachers, then he isn’t, then he is again.
He was also for an assault weapon ban before he was against it. There is zero evidence that Trump carries a gun. He says whatever the crowd wants to hear even if its not true.
He claims to have a concealed carry permit, but that means very little since a lot of people with concealed carry permits never carry or know how to aim and fire. He was apparently trying to connect with his base, most of whom do own guns and are skilled using them if need be. That’s all he was doing.
I still support him but I don’t believe everything he says. His stance is wishy-washy, inconsistent and all over the place. Big red flag right there.
There’s zero evidence you do as well. You SEEM to believe this, but you’re probably just a libtard infiltrator.
Am I doing this right?
Hillary would’ve wanted to ban guns because she’s an incompetent, ineffective mental case democrat. Trump doesn’t want us to bear arms because he just doesn’t get it.
He’s never needed to own a gun. If Trump was against this he would have prevented it from happening or already done something about it. But there won’t be a word from him about this because he’s going along with it. It starts with this isolated incident type of bs and only gets worse. Get Real.
Look at the list of states that have said law. That should tell you everything you need to know about it. It will certainly be abused….
Jim in Va,
Hawaii has had such a law for awhile although very well hidden.
All modern firearms are required to be registered here.
You have to get permission from the police to buy or receive a gun from a dealer, friend, or relative.
Everyone obtaining a gun gets entered in the Federal Rapback data base which is normally used to identify nationwide sex predators, drug busts, domestic abusers, et al.
If anything pops up at some future date that gives them an excuse, they don’t even need to see a judge as all they have to do is withdrawal the permission they gave you to buy or obtain a gun. They will come to get all guns registered to you.
Coming to a state near you, if America keeps electing Democrats.
What does Hawaii consider and not consider to be modern firearms?
Black powder and any guns made prior to 1899 are not considered modern.
Screwy law. For example if you have a model 94 made in 1898 you don’t have to register it. If you have a model 94 made in 1899 you have to register it.
That is Winchester Model 1894 for you guys that aren’t into guns.
I think production of that rifle under the name of Winchester ceased in 2006.
Essentially the same as Federal law then. Can you also buy them mail order in Hawaii?
There are some very viable weapons available if it includes new made black powder weapons as well as antiques, the only problem being the time taken to reload them. Many black powder (percussion) revolvers are very potent and useful for self defense. I’ve seen a few with changeable cylinders that make reloading fairly fast.
Might not hurt to look at some of the modern airguns too, there are some plenty powerful enough that they can be used for large game. Rather high powered fully automatic ones are also a possibility, they’re not toys anymore and some can do some really serious defense work. Video’s available on the internet if you’re curious.
Might not hurt to pick up a few before someone decides they need regulating.
The government will arrest a possible suicidal person, and kill him in the process. Once convicted, that person could be sentenced to death?
Government’s solution to theft crimes may be to cut off everyone’s hands.
“We don’t let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns?” – Joseph Stalin
Pre-crime victim, Gary J. Willis was killed by police ?♀️ during an illegal gun confiscation procedure initiated by someone who must not have read and understood the Constitution.
Illegal because it violates the Constitution.
It might be a good idea to start teaching the Constitution in Kindergarten. And keep teaching it until the kids graduate ? high school.
Perhaps we all should promote a law requiring the schools to teach the Constitution as a way to instill respect and appreciation for this brilliant document.
B from CA, when I was in Law School we did NOT read the constitution once. In Con Law all we studied were Supreme Court decisions. What does that say; that the original text is meaningless. All that apparently matters is how the court interprets it.
Given numerous Supreme Court decisions I have come to the conclusion that we DO NOT live in a Constitutional Republic anymore and even more so that the rule of law is dead. Really!
Given such a situation, the rational thing to do is run!
Inadvertently, you made my case. The Judge is incompetent.
And if by “run” you mean “run for office”, I agree. Win or lose, when the people participate in the game things change.
You are right about the condition our legal system is in. We can run or we can fight. When you are challenged by over whelming odds you need to be creative. Goliath fell because David used his brain and came up with a creative solution: a slingshot, a rock, and a big target ?.
The Constitution is nothing but a piece of paper to them. They think that they can over ride it with a red flag law or an executive order. We are in real trouble. As for Trump standing up for us, forget it. Any one who knew him in NYC, knows he was antigun, until he needed the NRA to get elected. I still fear that if it looks like he is going out, he will go after guns and the rest of us be damned.
A snitch got somebody killed. Can’t have a red flag law like this without snitches.
Have you people heard of something called “Swatting”?
Read article about a young man that called police on video gamer as moronic prank. Kids call this “swatting”.
Idiot cop murdered the unarmed innocent victim.
Then the prank caller was charged with the murder. WTF?
Not the cop that pulled trigger and shot the unarmed victim.
Only in America. What lunacy.
But of course “support your Police”.
Support “your” troops.
Support “your” sports team.
Over and over the brainwashing messages from media.
Wrong. I neither own nor have any Police, Troops, or professional sports teams. I never take a knee for national anthem. I take off my hat as respect for my fallen brothers who bled and died in unpleasant places far from home in wars not called wars.
I support my family, friends, neighbors, that is all.
Look up Alan Watt on YouTube.
Look Up Tristan Harris on YouTube.
Look Up “Persuasive programming.” Technology is hijacking your mind and life.
Anyone else notice all of President Trump’s picks for Attorney General are anti-marijuana legalization. I don’t smoke the stuff myself but I am pro legalization in part because I’m against the stupid war on drugs.
Here’s the presidents list of contenders for Attorney General:
Pam Bondi, Alex Azar, Chris Christie, John Ratcliff, and last but not least, Rudy Guiliani. All vehemently oppose legalization and support the war on drugs which means our hard earned tax dollars will continue going towards fighting an idiotic, futile war on drugs. Notice the commonality among all of them = anti-pot. What happened to “We’ll leave it up to the states”. How can that be when his his former and future AG are vehemently against it.
Rudy Ghouliani took a hard-line approach on marijuana, directing the police to make arrests including Civil Asset Forfeiture for possession of small amounts of the drug. He has also fervently opposed the legalization of marijuana, including medical marijuana in the past. Chris Christie want the plants eradicated from the planet and will take costly measures to prevent any marijuana from entering the country or from being grown here, even destroying “legal” grow operations too, all of which will cost us tax dollars. Ditto for the rest of President Trump’s list of AG contender. That operation takes enormous resources and tax dollars to accomplish.
It’s clear as day President Trump will not consider anyone for AG who wants to leave this issue up to the individual states; to let them vote on the matter and then decide.
Exactly where is the money going to come from to fund this costly program that is nothing more than a spin-off of the useless war on drugs? A huge waste of our tax dollars not too mention perpetuating black market sales.
Numerous times President Trump promised if elected he would leave this up to the individual states but by appointing opponents he is allowing the exact opposite in a backhanded way; saying one thing, believing another. His motive; he didn’t want to risk losing votes over the recreational pot legalization issue. He played it safe.
He only wants an Attorney General who opposes legalization and who will also support Civil Asset Forfeiture for those caught with any on their possession including states where it is legal. One big mind game.
Under the Trump Administration marijuana is basically illegal everywhere including states where it passed vote and the voters voted to legalize it, pot dispensaries are everywhere, all throughout the state.
Amazingly, he continues to claim he wants to leave this matter up to the individual states but then how come he will only appoint AG’s who are staunch opponents, against legalization, and who want to criminalize and end recreational legalization. He will not consider anyone for AG who is neutral or pro legalization? Why is that?
I voted for President Trump but now I am having a real hard time trusting a leader who says one thing and does another, regarding gun control/confiscation, Civil Asset Forfeiture and ending the ridiculous war on drugs by NOT appointing opponents of marijuana legalization. Oh, and where’s the wall? Not the makeshift transparent barbed one, the real one.
I guess its time to USE the 2nd Amendment to Protect the 2nd Amendment….
Did not read the story, didn’t need to. This man is a hero and hopefully he resisted the blue costume wearing gang squad and hopefully tried to kill the mthrfckrs trying to confiscate his firearms. Things are ramping up and many people are going to die; when the numbers start going the other way things will go dormant, until the PTB come up with a new idea. Fact.
And another thing. This is what happens when you call the police on somebody- they die. Why would any thinking individual call the police on their own relative? The aunt or whoever should be real proud of themselves for getting a family member killed. Stupid.
The family probably know who called the cops, publish the persons identity and contact info.
Never open the door if they come a’knocking. All or any conversation can be done through the closed/locked door. If they try to breach the door, give them shotgun slugs or unleash the full mag of 30 cal through the door. Aim low for the crotches and femoral arteries in the legs and thighs.
Good advice! I think Imma make me some blueberry wine. Sounds like a great superfood! Didn’t get any elderberries (very good for cold/flu) and makes excellent wine too! I hope the thugs don’t make me spill it while blasting my door….
Right at the seams and gaps of any body armor and all of the critical instantly crippling locations likely to be quickly fatal thorough bleeding. If you are going to take the war to the enemy, KNOW the weaknesses to make each bullet count.
Well now, there are people out there that think like I do.
Why not move to Kentucky?
Even IF there is a domestic violence dispute, one does NOT have to surrender firearms.
There are better states, I am told regarding say edge weapons and concealment being no problem like Indiana, but Kentucky seriously facilitates gun ownership.
Illinois is a terrible state for edged weapons.
Don’t worry we are the government and we are here to help you
Famous last words said when the government disarmed the American Indians.
What happens when the police show up at someone’s house who is heavily armed and ready? Someone with firepower that makes their body armor useless? Then rounds go into neighboring houses and more people die?
Will they say look what we prevented ???
Trump is a sell out. Civil war is coming. Pick a side fellow patriots.
Oh CW II is here. Just not hot. Yet.
I picked my side. White, Christian, conservative.
When will people understand – The Government does not help people.
The police do not save lives – They bring a notebook and small pencil and do an investigation. You need to handle things yourself – including protecting yourself and your family
I know a suspicious Democrat.
This is all by design. If a civil war doesn’t get underway soon, the patriots will be disarmed and there won’t be a war…..only slaves.
Oregon’s New Red Flag Laws Result In State Confiscating Nearly 50 Gun Owners’ Guns
The state of Oregon is full-blown Communists. These anti-Americans running the show in the Western state have implemented their newest man-made, constitution-violating laws in the form of Red Flag “laws,” and those “laws” have resulted in nearly 50 people having their property stolen from them even though they were not charged with a crime nor were found guilty of a crime.