This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The Economic Collapse Blog.
Once upon a time, all of the major institutions in our society were running super smoothly, and most people could rely on the fact that they would always be there when they were needed. But now things are going haywire everywhere that you turn.
We are in the midst of the worst supply chain crisis in our entire history, the crime and violence in our largest urban areas are starting to spiral out of control, millions upon millions of our fellow citizens are absolutely seething with hate, and this pandemic is causing officials to make extremely irrational decisions that would have been unthinkable during “normal times”. Earlier today, I was horrified to hear that one of my readers had just been denied access to a local hospital. He was taking his wife in for a very important reason, but there were people at the entrance that were checking the vaccination status of everyone that attempted to enter. He and his wife had not been vaccinated, and so they were turned away.
That means that they will not be able to have access to any services at that hospital for the foreseeable future.
Did you ever imagine that a day would come when you might not even be allowed to go inside your local hospital?
In other cases, hospitals are not providing certain services any longer due to severe staffing shortages. In fact, the Wall Street Journal is reporting that some institutions may lose up to a third of their employees due to Biden’s mandate for health care workers.
That is madness, and I never imagined that we would see such a thing happen in America.
But here we are.
Moving forward, many Americans are going to have to start figuring out how to provide their own health care, because our health care system is being shaken like never before.
Meanwhile, we are seeing a “historic burst in entrepreneurship and self-employment” as millions upon millions of Americans seek to create jobs for themselves.
Thanks to Biden’s mandates, there are millions upon millions of Americans that may soon be ineligible to work for any company that employs 100 or more workers. For now, that particular mandate has been put on hold, but it could be reinstated at any time by the courts.
In any event, many Americans have decided that now is the time to leave the system and start working for themselves.
*EDITOR’S NOTE: Asking the master for permission to be stolen from (applying for a federal tax ID number) is not “leaving the system.” It’s staying in it in a different way. Free people don’t ask for permission and know that giving a cut of their laboring time and energy through force is not only theft but keeps the system firmly in place.
So far this year, a whopping 4.54 million new small businesses have applied for a federal tax identification number. That is up 56 percent from 2019…
Entrepreneurs applied for federal tax-identification numbers to register 4.54 million new businesses from January through October this year, up 56% from the same period of 2019, Census Bureau data show. That was the largest number on records that date back to 2004. Two-thirds were for businesses that aren’t expected to hire employees.
I have always encouraged entrepreneurship as a way for people to become more independent from the system.
The good news is that there are literally millions of different ways to work for yourself in this country today.
If you are considering taking such a leap, focus on what you are good at.
Personally, I would be an absolutely horrible auto mechanic, and if I tried to be a hairstylist it would be a complete and utter disaster.
But I can write, and so that is what I do.
Others can’t write, but they are incredibly talented in other areas.
The key is to find something that will add value to the lives of others.
The global energy crisis is another factor that is pushing people to become more independent of the system.
This year, Pennsylvania residents are being warned that their energy bills could increase by approximately 50 percent…
Energy costs in Pennsylvania are set to rise as much as 50% in some parts of the state beginning Dec. 1, according to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC).
“Most Pennsylvania regulated electric utilities are adjusting the price they charge for the generation portion of customers’ bills on December 1 for non-shopping customers, also known as the ‘Price to Compare’ (PTC),” the PUC explained in a press release. “The PTC averages 40% to 60% of the customer’s total utility bill. However, this percent varies by the utility and by the level of individual customer usage.
And as the global energy crisis escalates, we could see more painful energy shortages like we recently witnessed in China, India, and Lebanon.
This has motivated a lot of Americans to take matters into their own hands, and at this point demand for wood-burning stoves is off the charts…
At Central Arkansas Fireplaces in Conway, a suburb of Little Rock, the flood of orders for woodstoves has been so overwhelming that units purchased today won’t be delivered in time for this heating season. “You can’t get a stove until at least April,” says Lakin Frederick, an employee at the store.
Needless to say, demand for firewood has also soared, and this is pushing prices into unprecedented territory…
At Firewood by Jerry in New River, Arizona, a cord of seasoned firewood — roughly 700 pieces or so — goes for $200 today. That’s up 33% from a year ago. At Zia Firewood in Albuquerque, the price is up 11% since the summer to $250. And at Standing Rock Farms in Stone Ridge, a bucolic, little town in the Hudson Valley that’s become popular with the Manhattan set, the best hardwoods now fetch $475 a cord, up 19% from last year.
But those that prepared ahead of time don’t need to pay through the nose, because they already have all the firewood that they need.
For years, I have been pleading with people to make preparations in advance for the difficult times that were coming.
Now those difficult times have started to arrive, and things are beginning to get really crazy out there.
Even entire communities are trying to become more independent of the system. In California, the insanity coming from Sacramento just became too overwhelming, and so the entire city of Oroville decided to declare itself a constitutional republic…
Oroville declared itself a constitutional republic. A place where the local leaders pledge to fight mandates they say go too far.
“Any executive orders issued by the State of California or by the United States federal government that are overreaching or clearly violate our constitutionally protected rights will not be enforced by the City of Oroville against its citizens,” read the declaration passed this month by the City Council.
That is a pretty dramatic move, but the truth is that communities all over the nation are going to have to try to do what they can to insulate themselves from the authoritarian measures that are being instituted on the state and federal levels.
If you live in a city or a state where things are particularly bad, you may need to pick up and move to an entirely different part of the country.
I know that sounds extreme, but we live in extreme times.
If you want a normal life, you will want to find a place where people are still determined to live relatively normal lives.
Because as the system continues to collapse all around us, things are only going to get even crazier.
Our country is literally starting to come apart at the seams, and a lot more “change” is on the way.
***It is finally here! Michael’s new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.***
About the Author: My name is Michael Snyder and my brand new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available on Amazon.com. During this season, I would like to encourage you to send digital copies of my new book to your family and friends as gifts. That will help to support the work that I am doing, and it will help to multiply the impact of the book. In addition to my new book, I have written five other books that are available on Amazon.com including “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”, “The Beginning Of The End”, “Get Prepared Now”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned) By purchasing the books you help to support the work that my wife and I are doing, and by giving it to others you help to multiply the impact that we are having on people all over the globe. I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse Blog, End Of The American Dream, and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe. I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article. The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial or health decisions. I encourage you to follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and anyway that you can share these articles with others is a great help. During these very challenging times, people will need hope more than ever before, and it is our goal to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as we possibly can.
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Becoming “independent” of the system is virtually impossible.
Even the Amish are dependent on the system for their continued existence as the Amish.
Better to anticipate the worst that can happen to you in your own personal situation and go to work to make it better for yourself than try to become independent and unaffected by it.
Agreed. For the most part, so-called independence from the system is an illusion and sometimes a bit of a scam.
The ‘system’ is both the foundation of independence as well as the threat of tyranny.
The prepping movement makes the mistake of planning for the near total absence of authority.
However, this takes an overwhelming mass death event.
Otherwise, people are well-organized, including Deep Globalist organizations beyond the public face of hated ‘government’. These are far more worthy of ire because they are most responsible for seeding social and political dysfunction.
Governments will be the last organization to fall, if at all, and if they do, that would only be because powerful oligarchs no longer need it for control.
Then what? How may thousands of preppers found their bubbles popped by travel restrictions, long-term supply shortages, and even financial crisis due to job loss?
Stashes of food, guns and ammo don’t pay the bills. Gold and silver, still need to be converted into currency. Bitcoin needs internet and power infrastructure.
In fact the prepper movement seems to have been used to convince people to abandon politics and their economic posts, adding to government unaccountability and the worker shortage.
Vote, and not only vote but join an effective political party to help ensure candidates are worth voting for.
A lot of people yearn for a simple life but they don’t want to give up their electronic devices or move to remote locations far from the conveniences of suburban America and the city.
It’s not the 18th century anymore.
Technology forever changed society by conditioning people to become dependent on technology.
Being “100% self sufficient” in America pretty much ended after the 80’s.
It is what it is.
As this article says, I agree things are going to continue to get worse in many ways. Even IF/WHEN we can remove those purportrating the demise of this country are removed it would be a very long time and maybe NEVER to get this country back to the way it was before they took over.
Oroville commissioners are comedians. They are just mouthing feel good words when they say they are going to be a constitutional republic. If they are registered as a municipality, township, or city, they are state registered corporations and must follow state laws. Did they cancel their corporate registration?
Are they going to stop paying taxes to the state? Are they going to stop collecting taxes from the locals? Are they going to stop accepting grants, etc from the state? Are they going to give up their state funded pensions and healthcare? What about federal benefits like social security and medicare, food stamps. How about welfare, unemployment benefits?
What a bunch of jokesters.
It should be interesting to watch what happens there, how things play out.
My guess is that you are right about it.
Alley Oop”
Hey hey hey
Da da da
That’s what I say
Da da da
There’s a man in the funny papers we all know
Alley Oop Oop, Oop Oop Oop
He lived way back a long time ago
Alley Oop Oop, Oop Oop Oop
Well he don’t eat nothin’ but bearcat stew
Alley Oop Oop, Oop Oop Oop
Oh well this cat’s name is a-Alley Oop
Alley Oop Oop, Oop Oop Oop
He’s the toughest man there is alive
Alley Oop
Wears clothes from a wildcat’s hide
Alley Oop
He’s the king of the jungle jive
Look at that caveman go!
He’s got a chauffeur that’s a genuine dinosaur
Alley Oop Oop, Oop Oop Oop
And he can knuckle your head before you count to four
Alley Oop Oop, Oop Oop Oop
He’s got a big ugly club and a headful of hair
Alley Oop Oop, Oop Oop Oop
He’s oohhhh eatin’ grizzly bear
Alley Oop Oop, Oop Oop Oop
Forgot the words!
He’s the toughest man there is alive
Alley Oop
Wears clothes from a wildcat’s hide
Alley Oop
He’s the king of the jungle jive
Look at that caveman go!
He rides through the jungle tearin’ limbs offa trees
Alley Oop Oop, Oop Oop Oop
And knocking great big monsters dead on their knees
Alley Oop Oop, Oop Oop Oop
Other cats don’t bug him ‘cos they know better
Alley Oop Oop, Oop Oop Oop
‘Cos he’s a mean motor scooter and a bad go-getter
Alley Oop Oop, Oop Oop Oop
Well, uh, he’s the toughest man there is alive
Alley Oop
Wears clothes from a wildcat’s hide
Alley Oop
He’s a hully gully king of jive
Well look at that caveman go!
There he goes
(There he goes.)
Alley Oop Oop, Oop Oop Oop
Look at that caveman go
Alley Oop Oop, Oop Oop Oop
Ride, daddy, ride
Alley Oop Oop, Oop Oop Oop
Heigh-ho, dinosaur
Alley Oop Oop, Oop Oop Oop
Oh my goodness, what a big brute he is! Hm!
Alley Oop Oop, Oop Oop Oop
Oh, how would you like a dinosaur like that, for your own? Mm!
Alley Oop Oop, Oop Oop Oop
Alley Oop Oop, Oop Oop Oop
No Bond, I want you to die.
You can’t drive without a license, you can’t travel without a passport, you can’t build a house without a permit, you can’t sell liquor without a license. Most of Asia and Africa cannot be visited without getting multiple vaccinations. It is really not a big deal nor is it “fascist” to demand people are vaccinated and have proof of it.
I have to question how dumb and selfish most Americans are if they think it is okay to try and enter a hospital without being vaccinated.
Ahhhh! Nothing like some Snyder doom porn in the morning. I would suggest like Snyder states, find something your good at or know and try to make money at it while your still employed though.
For instance I learned to sell online part time when I needed to supplement my income. Mainly used goods on the bay, I even have clients that give me stuff to sell as well, and then I take the junk I can’t sell to the fleamarket.
I know if this all comes crashing down I can find a PT job somewhere and sell online as well. If this fails I will be moving to a red state just 90 miles to my north to say Let’s Go Brandon!
No author is addressing the vaccine deaths to come and how it affects the economy when 1/3 or more of the population dies off in the next few years.
There will be a severe shortage of everything, severe. The economic and dollar collapse will happen when people die in droves and food won’t be delivered and government will print money till it is worthless. Cities will see riots, chaos and killing, and there will be many orphaned childern. Get out now.
Remember most groups of workers were mandated the death vax and THERE IS NO UNDOING IT. So I suggest to make a plan to become independent, not in just business but in your survival, not what the government will do for you. Your lives will depend on it.
I suggest checking these out now:
The Home Doctor
The Lost Ways
Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods
Hunting and Trapping Books
Solar Power Generators/battery chargers
A Home Defense System (off grid)
This is the way they have planned the collapse. It is intentional. Once you realize that, then you realize once most die off, they will hunt the remaining down.
Unless you have lots of money I’m assuming.
I am very good at shooting weapons.
What would Micheal suggest?
I have a lot of different weapons for specific purposes and lots of Ammo for all of them.
If you have issues – I am the fixer – I fear no man or anything.
I sleep like a baby and can’t wait until the shtf.
Liberals need to fear people like me. I will come for them -hard
They have bought all this BS upon us and they will need to be held accountable
It’s all bs Michael
ht tps://www.usatoday.com/story/money/shopping/2021/11/29/supply-chain-ftc-investigation-walmart-amazon-prices/8799724002/
If you are convinced there just isn’t enough to go around ….you might not be adamantly opposed to a population reduction…eh?
All by design
Take off the foghat Michael!
I was blackpilled and exposed to this feral way of thinking by early elementary school.
A lot of us didn’t expect to be used, abused and screwed over by a corrupt system. We just learned how to be human garbage can consumers.