Russian commander General Igor Kirillov has said that the Ukrainians will increase the use of chemical weapons by making special accommodations to shells so that they will be compatible with Western-supplied guns.
”Operative intelligence suggests that Ukrainian troops are preparing chemical shells compatible with Western-produced artillery systems,” Kirillov said, citing military documents recovered from captured Ukrainian positions. Kirillov added that Russian chemical weapons experts had identified more than 400 apparent cases of banned arms being used during the ongoing conflict. He expects more to emerge, “considering the multiple provocations involving toxic chemicals and attempts on the lives of officials in new Russian regions.”
According to a report by RT, the general reported that the evidence shows the delivery to Ukraine of roughly 500 tons of Triethanolamine (TEOA), a compound listed under Schedule 3 of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) since it can be used to manufacture nitrogen mustard. A Ukrainian firm has allegedly imported over 160 tons of the compound in July alone, and Russia found no evidence that the chemical was intended for peaceful purposes, Kirillov said.
”I’d like to remind you how the purchase of similar chemicals by Syria caused an uproar among Western nations,” the general said. Consequently, he added, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the CWC implementing body, last year recommended a full ban on the exportation of dual-use chemicals to the Middle Eastern country. –RT
The Russian governor of Kursk already claimed that Ukraine had used chemical weapons in the recent attack.
Russian Governor Says Ukraine Used Chemical Weapons In Kursk Region
Kirillov further claimed that the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons was applying double standards to its work because its decision-making process “is fully controlled by the US,” which has subverted the international agency for its geopolitical goals. The U.S. is quite obviously on Ukraine’s side in the conflict supplying weapons and financial assistance to Kiev’s military.
Stop The Denial: Ukraine Is A Proxy War That Will Lead To Wider World War
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