Moscow Says The U.S. Cannot Be Trusted As It Prepares To Lift The Ban On Strikes In Russia

by | Aug 23, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    Moscow is still using harsh rhetoric without much to back it up. It’s now saying the United States cannot be trusted, as it is preparing to lift the ban on strikes deep in Russian territory.

    Moscow’s ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, has said that claims made by Washington that have banned Ukraine from using U.S.-supplied long-range weapons for strikes deep inside Russian territory cannot be trusted. Anything any politician says cannot be trusted. They are nothing more than rulers, death dealers, and propagandists.

    This news comes as Ukrainian ruler Vladimir Zelensky has resumed his calls for the country’s Western backers, like the U.S. and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) to allow long-range strikes on Russian territory during Kyiv’s ongoing incursion into Kursk Region.

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    Speaking to journalists on Friday, Antonov claimed that the US authorities “seem to be constantly teasing us by saying that today it is allegedly not allowed to use long-range systems to strike at Russian territory…But in reality, they are essentially preparing the ground to simply remove all existing restrictions, at a certain point,” the Russian envoy added.

    The Pentagon stated last week that its stance remains unchanged and that Ukraine is still banned from using U.S.-supplied ATACMS missiles, which have a range of up to 300km (186 miles), for attacks deep inside Russia.

    Judging by Washington’s previous assistance to Kiev, including its training of pilots to fly F-16 jets, it is almost certain that Ukraine will “fight with US-made [long-range] weapons against us,” the ambassador said, as cited by TASS. “Where exactly will it happen? We cannot say or foretell,” he stressed.

    According to Antonov, the administration of US President Joe Biden is becoming increasingly unpredictable. “There is no guarantee that the whole world will not change tomorrow when you and I wake up. How the Americans will behave in this situation is very hard to tell,” he said. –RT

    U.S.-Made F-16 Fighter Jets Spotted Over Ukraine

    If the U.S. does come out and allow Ukraine to strike deep into Russian territory, will this be the red line needed that will force Russia’s hand? Maybe, maybe not.


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