MSM Reports A 3rd Trump Assassination Attempt

by | Oct 14, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    The mainstream media has been reporting of a third attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump. The previous ruler is still OK, and the would-be assassin is In custody.

    United States Law enforcement officers had arrested an armed man with fake press passes who attempted to enter a rally held by Republican candidate Donald Trump in Coachella, California, a local sheriff has said according to a report by RT. 

    Miller is a Las Vegas resident and was arrested at a checkpoint outside the Trump rally venue on Saturday with an illegally owned shotgun, a loaded handgun, and a high-capacity magazine, the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement on Sunday.

    Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco told local media that the alleged assassin had presented fake VIP and press passes at the checkpoint. “They were different enough to cause the deputies alarm,” Bianco told the Press-Enterprise. “We probably stopped another assassination attempt.”

    While law enforcement toots their own horn, Vem Miller, who was in custody and 49 years old, told Fox News Digital that he was 100% a Trump supporter and that all of the claims against him are false. Bianco described Miller as a “sovereign citizen,” referring to a human being who understands that they are free from birth and not beholden to any master or ruler.  That means they understand that no government or any other group or individual can morally exercise authority over them. Miller is a registered Republican who holds a master’s degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, and ran for state assembly in Nevada in 2022, Bianco added.

    It’s strange that Miller admits that as a Trump supporter, he isn’t a “sovereign citizen” as he’s willing to bow to Trump as his master, and he’s registered to vote. So either he’s lying or law enforcement is lying. Or maybe both are lying and this is just another scheme to paint those who know a voluntary society is the only society in a “crazy” and “psychotic” way.

    The 49-year-old suspect has been released on $5,000 bail and will appear before a court in January charged with illegal firearms possession.

    Republican Representative Matt Gaetz claimed last month that there are currently five “assassination teams” in the United States trying to kill Trump, three of them connected with Iran, Pakistan, and Ukraine. Another theory popular with some Republicans is that “a mole inside the Secret Service” is leaking information to these teams of hitmen, Gaetz told Breitbart News. -RT

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