New York Ruling Class Says It Can Now Quarantine People Against Their Will

by | Nov 29, 2023 | Headline News

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    The New York Supreme Court Appellate Division has overturned a decision in a lawsuit over the state’s unreasonable COVID-19 quarantine regulations in a move that could pave the way for quarantine camps in New York. The ruling class thinks it has ultimate power over the slave class, and until we stand up and disobey together, we are stuck being slaves.

    The Path To Freedom & Abolishing Slavery

    At the heart of the case is Rule 2.13 of New York’s public health law, which gives state health officials the power to order anyone who is suspected of having a communicable disease like COVID-19 to be placed in temporary housing against their will. It allows them to issue isolation or quarantine orders without any proof of an individual being infected. The rule also allows them to force individuals to stay in their homes or go to other locations that public health authorities consider appropriate. It gives authorities the power to hold people for as long as they wish. –Natural News

    The ruling means that the New York Commissioner of Health can now issue quarantine orders to control diseases despite the plaintiffs’ argument that the regulations impede individual liberty and majorly overstep the separation of powers.

    The Appellate Division court is claiming that by reversing the lower court decision and then dismissing this case for “lack of standing,” they believe that Senator George Borrello, Assemblyman Chris Tague, Congressman Mike Lawler, and the citizens’ group Uniting NYS did not have the right to bring this lawsuit last year against the Governor and her Department of Health for their heinous “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures” regulation. According to the court, the plaintiffs were not “harmed” by the quarantine policies, only those forcibly locked in their homes.

    For more information, please read the following article by The Brownstone Institute:

    Courts Pave Way for New York Quarantine Camps

    The problem isn’t that New York gave itself power. It has no power to give itself power unless the public believes in the throne.

    Many have been able to recognize and oppose specific acts of tyranny by specific regimes, but very few have recognized that the underlying problem is not who sits on the throne; the problem is that there is a throne to sit on. -Larken Rose

    I don’t care if there’s one looney with a stupid mustache. He’s not a threat if the people do not believe in “authority”. -Larken Rose

    We need to stop begging these rulers to be free. We already know that it is not in the best interests of any master to allow a slave to go free.


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