New York governor Andrew Cuomo says the state will no engage the un”vaccinated” in one-on-one conversations in order to “get that shot in their arm.” The $15 million campaign will target only those who have not yet taken the jab.
The corrupt ruler Cuomo announced on Monday that the state would give a total of $15 million to six New York community organizations to carry out “localized information campaigns” (propaganda) targeting zip codes where vaccination rates are the lowest. Approximately 75% of adults in New York state have received at least one Covid shot, while 68% are fully vaccinated. These psychopaths certainly need a good amount of humanity to take this shot, and since we know it isn’t about health, it must be a part of the agenda.
The ruling class and their mainstream media propaganda outlets continue to try to tell the public that this is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Every un”vaccinated” person I know is healthy and fine, not even a cold (which is all COVID-19 is anyway) to report. Yet they want us to believe we are being killed off by not taking the shot?
New York is facing a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” and more must be done to persuade unjabbed adults in the state – around 3.5 million people – to get the shot, Cuomo said.
“[W]e have to get in those communities, and we have to knock on those doors, and we have to convince people, and put them in a car and drive them and get that vaccine in their arm. That is the mission.” –RT
NY Gov. Cuomo: “We have to knock on those doors, and we have to convince people, put them in cars & drive them and get that vaccine in their arm. That is the mission.” pic.twitter.com/60eLxvbqjg
— Herkos Odonton (@herkosO) July 27, 2021
The initiative coincides with a new policy announced by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, which will require all city employees to be vaccinated against Covid-19 or undergo weekly tests. The right is also trying to convince people to get the shot.
Left vs. Right Paradigm Lie: DeSantis Urges Vaccination
Local and federal governments across the globe have begun to resort to open coercion to increase vaccination rates among their populations. The free gifts, such as beer and scholarships, have done little to coerce the public. The forceful health policies have often been justified by pointing to the threat posed by the Delta variant. However, there is no conclusive evidence that this strain of Covid-19 is unusually lethal. There is actually very little evidence (other than the words of the mainstream media and politicians) that COVID-19 is actually anything other than the common cold or the flu rebranded to panic people into getting this shot.
Protests have sparked around the globe as rulers attempt to mandate this jab. While protesting against your master’s brutality will do little (they honestly don’t give a damn if you like it or not) it lets others know that they are not alone.
Stay alert and aware and know what’s going on. They likely have more sinister plans if the public continues to refuse this shot.
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I think the NY gov might be
Lucifer himself. He even
looks like him. Creepy evil
nasty little bastard.
“pandemic of the unvaccinated” Give me a break. These psychos are a bunch of filthy liars. Covid is nothing but the flu which as you correctly mentioned has been renamed “covid”.
The lies are just in our faces now. These tyrants are beyond evil. Just a reminder
to anyone out there who has not caught on after a year and a half of this bullshit:
The only pandemic has been the nonstop propaganda/lies
designed to gain control over every aspect of your lives and of course also designed
to frighten the masses into being injected with that
“God knows what” mrna concoction. At this point, anyone out there who is still asleep to this obvious scam
will never wake up, as they are in a stupidity induced coma!!!!!?
Send in the goons!
Just break a few fingers!
A government whistle blower reports about 45,000 deaths within 3 days of the JAB and that more than 500,000 people have had adverse reactions resulting in serious health issues.
The world population is more than 7 billion people. 4 million have died: most of them with serious existing heath conditions. Does that virus sound like a threat to you ???
Then take 50 mg of vitamin C per kilo of body weight spread out over the day. C is a POWERFUL antiviral and is totally non toxic. What the body doesn’t use the body excretes. To your good health. 🙂
Local and federal governments across the globe have begun to resort to open coercion to increase vaccination rates among their populations. The free gifts, such as beer and scholarships, have done little to coerce the public. The forceful health policies have often been justified by pointing to the threat posed by the Delta variant. However, there is no conclusive evidence that this strain of Covid-19 is unusually lethal. There is actually very little evidence (other than the words of the mainstream media and politicians) that COVID-19 is actually anything other than the common cold or the flu rebranded to panic people into getting this shot.
This, is the truth of this authoritarian, tyrannical attempt at getting people (
wethey, the sheeple) to do as they are told to do.This is just one facet of this ongoing problem. There are/will be many more.
I don’t live in New York state or anywhere close to it ( thank God ), but yes I did get the shot. but only to shut my son and daughter in law up as they both work in the health care industry. If I hadn’t got the shot, then maybe I could have been with my wife a lot sooner. She passed away four years ago from cancer.
You should thank your children. You will see your wife sooner than you think as the shot is a “kill shot” and opens you up to all sorts of health problems. It in no way protects you from anything. I hope this brings you joy, not that I believe your post because I have seen the exact same post on several places. Idiot.
We all gonna die someday.
STOP being terrified of death.
STOP being terrified of the unknown.
Get busy living or get busy dying.
Yes the choice is still yours.
“Approximately 75% of adults in New York state have received at least one Covid shot, while 68% are fully vaccinated.”
Hypothetical, herd immunity occurred at 70% vaccination — when the environmental load would be so high, and there would be so many shedders, no one was expected to escape exposure.