Next in Coronavirus Tyranny: Forced Vaccinations and ‘Digital Certificates’

by | Apr 27, 2020 | Headline News | 22 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    This article was originally published by Ron Paul at The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. 

    In my first week in the House of Representatives in 1976, I cast one of the two votes against legislation appropriating funds for a swine flu vaccination program. A swine flu outbreak was then dominating headlines, so most in DC were frantic to “do something” about the virus.

    Unfortunately, the hastily developed and rushed-into-production swine flu vaccine was not only ineffective, it was dangerous. Approximately 50 people who received the vaccine subsequently contracted Guillain-Barré syndrome, a potentially fatal form of paralysis. According to an expert with the Centers for Disease Control, the incidence of Guillain-Barré was four times higher among those who received the swine flu vaccine than in the general population.

    That sad history may soon repeat itself. Right now, governments and private industries are working to rapidly develop and deploy a coronavirus vaccine. Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who is a major funder of these efforts, has suggested everyone who receives a vaccine be issued a “digital certificate” proving he has been vaccinated. Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose record of wrong predictions makes him the Bill Kristol of epidemiology, also wants individuals to carry some proof they have been vaccinated.

    Another authoritarian proposal floated to deal with coronavirus is to force everyone to download a phone app that will track their movements. This would allow government officials to identify those who may have been near anyone who may have had coronavirus. Such mandatory “contact tracing” is an assault on our privacy and liberty.

    Vaccines can improve health. For example, vaccines helped reduce the incidence of diseases like polio. But not all vaccines are safe and effective for all people. Furthermore, certain modern practices, such as giving infants multiple vaccines at one time, may cause health problems. The fact that vaccines may benefit some people or even most people, does not justify government forcing individuals to be vaccinated. It also does not justify vaccinating children against their parents’ wishes. And it certainly does not justify keeping individuals and families in involuntary quarantine because they do not have “digital certificates” proving they have had their shots.

    If government can force individuals to receive medical treatment against their will, then there is no reason why government cannot force individuals to buy medical insurance, prohibit them from owning firearms, dictate their terms of employment, and prevent them from taking arguably harmful actions like smoking marijuana or drinking raw milk. Similarly, if government can override parents’ wishes regarding medical treatment for their children, then there is no reason why government cannot usurp parental authority in other areas, such as education.

    Proponents of mandatory vaccines and enhanced surveillance are trying to blackmail the American people by arguing that the lockdown cannot end unless we create a healthcare surveillance state and make vaccination mandatory. The growing number of Americans who are tired of not being able to go to work, school, or church, or even to take their children to a park because of government mandates should reject this “deal.” Instead, they should demand an immediate end to the lockdowns and the restoration of individual responsibility for deciding how best to protect their health.


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      1. That’ll be the day.

      2. Polio is a gastrointestinal tract virus caused by the ingestion of polio contaminated fecal material in the water supply, or ingesting food contaminated with polio infected fecal material.
        It is no coincidence that polio became epidemic when public water supplies started being used in America and elsewhere.
        The first polio epidemic occured in Vermont in 1846. There was indoor plumbing dating that far back for the elite. As sewers and water supplies were created throughout America, polio increased as a result of it. Although many homes in America had indoor plumbing in the early 1900’s, most homes still used out houses and chamber pots. This polio contaminated feces would then leak into the ground water supply that was piped into people’s homes.

        Since FDR was a victim of polio, he wanted to eradicate polio through forced vaccinations. Since polio was known primarily as a childhood disease, people wemt along with this.

        For the majority of people, very similar to the majority of seasonal flu viruses, 95% of people were asymptomatic or had mild symptoms, a small percenatage, primarily children, did suffer the horrendous paralysys, though many did regain at least partial mobility, and less than one percent died from polio.

        Polio was eradicated through both the elimination of out houses, better water filtration, and I hate to say it, but through adding minute quantities of chlorine to drinking water, which is being abused, particularly in Gaza where people are forced to drink heavily bleached sewage, or die of dehydration resulting in not only nitrate toxicity, but chemical toxicity as well from the high levels of chlorine.

        The polio vaccine eradicating polio was a hoax. It did no such thing. Eradicating polio contaminated drinking water and better sanitation eradicated polio.

        Polio is not transmitted via respiration, just as venereal diseases and AIDS are not transmitted via respiration.

      3. Polio is a gastrointestinal tract virus caused by the ingestion of polio contaminated fecal material in the water supply, or ingesting food contaminated with polio infected fecal material.

        It is no coincidence that polio became epidemic when public water supplies started being used in America and elsewhere.
        The first polio epidemic occured in Vermont in 1846. There was indoor plumbing dating that far back for the elite. As sewers and water supplies were created throughout America, polio increased as a result of it. Although many homes in America had indoor plumbing in the early 1900’s, most homes still used out houses and chamber pots. This polio contaminated feces would then leak into the ground water supply that was piped into people’s homes. 

        Since FDR was a victim of polio, he wanted to eradicate polio through forced vaccinations. Since polio was known primarily as a childhood disease, people went along with this.

        For the majority of people, very similar to the majority of seasonal flu viruses, 95% of people were asymptomatic or had mild symptoms, a small percenatage, primarily children, did suffer the horrendous paralysis, though many did regain at least partial mobility, and less than one percent died from polio.

        Polio was eradicated through both the elimination of out houses, better water filtration, and I hate to say it, but through adding minute quantities of chlorine to drinking water, which is being abused, particularly in Gaza where people are forced to drink heavily bleached sewage, or die of dehydration resulting in not only nitrate toxicity, but chemical toxicity as well from the high levels of chlorine.

        The polio vaccine eradicating polio was a hoax. It did no such thing. Eradicating polio contaminated drinking water and better sanitation eradicated polio.

        Polio is not transmitted via respiration, just as venereal diseases and AIDS are not transmitted via respiration. 

      4. If they try to inject me with a vaccine I’ll inject them with lead.

        • They won’t force it on you that way, you’ll willingly accept it in order to participate in society (such as going to public places and businesses, buying food and fuel, making any kind of financial transactions, maybe being allowed to walk around on the sidewalk).

          And when you have a cop confront you and you pull out your gun screaming “you’ll never take me alive” they will accept your terms so at least have enough left in your estate to cover your funeral so your family isn’t burdened with it.

          People always cooperate, no matter what they say, the same way they are doing now with all the lock downs and closures.

          • Not to mention the fact that they are also vandals and thieves that stole a potting container, and knock plants and lawn sculptures over deliberately everyday. They really are total psychopaths. Why anyone would dedicate their lives to being evil destroyers is a mystery to me that I will never figure out. Trying to delve into the minds of total retards is a bad trip that I refuse to venture into. I don’t know why they are like that. They just are. The majority of them are complete strangers, or people that I have had extremely limited interaction with other than a casual hello when walking my dog years ago, that I know nothing about and do not know me.

        • People have different opinions of what is the source of magical power. Some believe that trolling is vampiric and gives them mental influence over another human being. They do things oppositewise and backward. Others think blood has some literal value, or believe that life is cheap. I’m sure that your data has some kind of voyeuristic value.

          But, these chip people want your consent. They are allowing you to know every possible counter-opinion or argument against what they are doing. Revelations, design flaws, and flaws in the narrative, glitches in the matrix, are fairly available, to anyone who wants to know.

          Short of God himself snatching us away, and putting us in some secret place, none of us would be completely impossible to find, if there was a total moratorium on free speech. It’s being allowed.

          • Darth Skippy,
            People are insane. They can want my consent until they die. They will not receive it. They are wasting their time and their lives.

      5. Polio is a gastrointestinal tract virus caused by the ingestion of polio contaminated fecal material in the water supply, or ingesting food contaminated with polio infected fecal material.

        It is no coincidence that polio became epidemic when public water supplies started being used in America and elsewhere.
        The first polio epidemic occured in Vermont in 1846. There was indoor plumbing dating that far back for the elite. As sewers and water supplies were created throughout America, polio increased as a result of it. Although many homes in America had indoor plumbing in the early 1900’s, most homes still used out houses and chamber pots. This polio contaminated feces would then leak into the ground water supply that was piped into people’s homes. 

        Since FDR was a victim of polio, he wanted to eradicate polio through forced vaccinations. Since polio was known primarily as a childhood disease, people went along with this.

        For the majority of people, very similar to the majority of seasonal flu viruses, 95% of people were asymptomatic or had mild symptoms, a small percenatage, primarily children, did suffer the horrendous paralysis, though many did regain at least partial mobility, and less than one percent died from polio.

        Polio was eradicated through both the elimination of out houses, better water filtration, and I hate to say it, but through adding minute quantities of chlorine to drinking water, which is being abused, particularly in Gaza where people are forced to drink heavily bleached sewage, or die of dehydration resulting in not only nitrate toxicity, but chemical toxicity as well from the high levels of chlorine.

        The polio vaccine eradicating polio was a hoax. It did no such thing. Eradicating polio contaminated drinking water and better sanitation eradicated polio.

        Polio is not transmitted via respiration, just as venereal diseases and AIDS are not transmitted via respiration. 

        Vaccination does the opposite of preventing people from contracting a virus. It forces people to contract a virus.

        Gates wants to use messenger-RNA vaccines that would edit people’s RNA with a programmed imune reponse to attack a virus which invades people’s cells, thereby triggering a response for the body to attack itself, which is insane and evil, particularly considering that the extreme majority of over 99.8% survive the virus.

        It is insane and counterintuitive to anyone that wishes to promote the health of society, as well as the health of the individual.

      6. I have posted on here before more than a few times to take advantage while trump is in office and the economy was good to take a trip or or buy something you always wanted as I always thought he would be the last gop president before enough states flipped democrat that conservatives no longer had a chance to run the country.
        well, no one could have seen what the virus has done and will still do to the country and its economy, but imo; the chance to do what you will in the usa is now gone.
        either you will not have the money or you may not be allowed. America as found, 1776-2020; RIP.

      7. It is very interesting that births increased by 20% in N.Y.C. nine months after 9/11 attacks, while 100,000 jobs were lost and the largest attack on the U.S. occured! 

        Who would say, yeah, now is a really great time to have a kid, unless maybe they thought, Hell yeah, took a bribe from the boss to mums the word, I’m set for life now with bribery money and never have to work again?!

        What ever happened to the peeps that worked there anyways? I am certain that more than 50,000 people worked there! Way more! Probably more like 125,000!

      8. Since this virus has pretty much baffeled the allopathic medical system, weseem to be on our own for figuring this out. Once an infected person has reached the respirator stage, the chance of survival has been reduced considerably. The following protocol can provide some resistance. Lyposomal Vitamin C @ 50 mg/kg. Lyposomal because it absorbes at 80%. compared to ascorbic acid @ 25%. C flushes out through the urine if not used so should be taken throughout the day. C zaps viral protein with an electron which disables it. Vitamin D @ at least 10,000IU daily or sunshine on bare skin. Most north country people are low on D. Dark skinned folks need more because their skin manufactures D more slowly. Zinc. Melatonin… interferes with furin receptor spike. May be the reason the virus bypasses most children. Melatonin levels decrease with age. Chaga.. a fungus that lives on birch trees. Over 4,000 years of indigenous use in Siberia.. has been shown to reduce cancer growth.. acts as an immune stabilizer that can mediate the cytokine storm. Live the resistance!

      9. The deep state picked a fight with me, so now I am at war against the deep state for violating my rights. Covering up their crimes is not in my best interest, or in the best interest of anyone else for that matter.

        If they can’t stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen!

        The fact that they have gone to such extraordinary lengths to destroy the life of a single individual is proof as to how weak, incompetent, and impotent they are.

        Considering that I am one individual out of many, it is a battle that is impossible for them to win, since they have united around lies, corruption, destruction, death, oppression, and evil, and I am committed to the truth, liberty, justice, and peace, and the end of oppression, I am absolutely certain that there are more people who stand for what I believe in, than what they believe in.

        No need to take a census on that or rally around the state house. I’ve been there and done that, and it didn’t solve a damned thing.

        • You create your own reality.
          You control your inner universe.
          Your perception of reality can be manipulated ONLY if YOU allow it.

          Get outside. Unplug from the screens. Exercise. Go for walks. Get a dog. Grow a garden. Go to a beach. Do Not Obey any media/politician.

          Change your head space and you will change your world literally. I’ve experimented with this for a decade. It really works. Your perception creates your world.

          • Grasshopper,
            After you have endured so eone using DEWs on you for three years as I have, get back to me on that, and hell no, I will not go for a walk since my home is broken into every time that I did in the past, in addition to being stalked by neighbors!

            I don’t even want to have to have the psychopaths in my sight!

            I prefer my world without them in it, so I stay inside and away from them!

            • Not to mention the fact that they are also vandals and thieves that stole a potting container, and knock plants and lawn sculptures over deliberately everyday. They really are total psychopaths. Why anyone would dedicate their lives to being evil destroyers is a mystery to me that I will never figure out. Trying to delve into the minds of total retards is a bad trip that I refuse to venture into. I don’t know why they are like that. They just are. The majority of them are complete strangers, or people that I have had extremely limited interaction with other than a casual hello when walking my dog years ago, that I know nothing about and do not know me.

      10. If anyone gets any stimulus payments, I would be considering a legitimate, religious outlet and rebooting civilization.

      11. From my point of view, the difference between Trump and Biden is that Biden is senile and Trump is not.

        It is pretty obvious that Goldman Sachs has been calling the shots in the White House since 1992.

        It really probably doesn’t make a damn bit of difference who gets elected! They all become demonically posessed!


      12. Is it Lost on you that China Communist CCP unleashed a Biological weapon of war upon the world?
        China CCP unleashed a bioweapon for economic warfare.
        No calls for Accountability?
        What is wrong with you people?

        You allow criminal politicians to flush your human rights down a sewer of fear.
        You allow media to make you act strange and fearful. Everyone now going around in masks like the third world communist wear, as they murder the locals in made up civil wars.
        Now you allow the criminal politicians to force vacinate you like owned cattle?
        Guess like cattle, you will go to the camps like docile domesticated livestock to be slaughtered? You will do ANYTHING and Believe ANYTHING a communist controlled Mass Media talking head or criminal powerd drunk Politician tells you? Gullible docile sheep to be vacinated tracked with a chip and slaughtered?
        What happened to your courage?
        What happened to your critical thinking?
        Why can’t you see what is really going on?
        Are you Livestock or Human beings?
        You better decide quick.
        You damn well better push back HARD. before you loose everything that matters.

      13. yeah may not have been but think some a-hole tried to track me yesterday. while I stopped to talk to him.
        Plus what he was all up in an uproar wasn’t even that bad…
        But yeah good luck with that I don’t even own one wont neither.
        I hate those damn things and the more I see how they are to be used now yeah eff it.
        cell phones that is I don’t own one wont.
        so far almost everytime I’ve refused any vaccines. I did get the flu vaccine earlier in the years just before this crap so not sure that has saved me or not for I’ve not done much of the crap they say to do anyhows.
        Romans 13 never said to obey govt it said liberty.
        Exousia, the word power is translated into meant liberty.
        Liberty in the string of words that described Exousia liberty is the top of the list. Govt is 4th o 5th down the line.
        Be real people check into it.

      14. Beer lots of beer!

        • And some chips and pretzels, followed by more Beer!

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