NO COINCIDENCE: Excess Deaths Due To Cardiac Arrest Skyrocketed During Vaccine Campaign in Washington

by | Jun 4, 2024 | Headline News

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    This article was originally published by Cassie B. at Natural News. 

    In King County, Washington, excess deaths increased by more than 13 times after COVID-19 vaccines rolled out, and there was a shockingly high correlation between the percentage of people vaccinated and the rise in excess deaths.

    This is according to Dr. Peter McCullough, a renowned cardiologist who took a deep dive into the link between excess cardiopulmonary arrest and mortality during an intense vaccine campaign in the area with a team of investigators from the McCullough Foundation, led by Nicolas Hulscher.

    Dr. McCullough explained that when he did his internal medicine residency at the University of Washington in Seattle in the 1980s when the school was at the top of its game, he worked with the MEDIC ONE paramedic units in King County. They are known as trailblazers in out-of-hospital resuscitation research, and he noted that their cardiac arrest statistics are considered some of the most accurate in the nation.

    He chose to explore these statistics given the strong link between COVID-19 vaccines and a type of heart inflammation known as myocarditis, which is asymptomatic in roughly half of its sufferers. Many do not even realize that they have it until they experience cardiac arrest – an effect that may not even occur until years after they get the jab. Sadly, many autopsies that are being performed on people that had received the vaccine who died suddenly confirm that myocarditis was the cause of death.

    By 2023, roughly 98% of people in King County had received at least one dose of a COVID-19 jab. An analysis found that there was a 25.7% rise in total cardiopulmonary arrest, while cardiopulmonary arrest mortality rose by 25.4% from 2020 to 2023.

    However, it is excess cardiopulmonary arrest deaths that are most concerning; these are deaths related to cardiopulmonary arrest that go above and beyond the number that would be expected in a typical year. From 2020 to 2023, these excess deaths rose by 1236%. The team made their calculations using the 2015-2020 cardiopulmonary arrest mortality trend line, according to the study’s abstract. In terms of raw numbers, excess cardiopulmonary arrest deaths are estimated to have risen from 11 in 2020 to 147 in 2020.

    At the same time, King County’s general population was declining sharply. In 2021, for example, it fell by 0.94% and deviated from the expected population size. This makes the numbers even more worrying.

    When the model from this data is applied to the U.S. as a whole, it means there could have been 49,240 excess deadly cardiopulmonary arrests from 2021 to 2023 – which is a really sad statistic that illustrates how many people are needlessly dying, especially when you consider that cardiopulmonary arrest is only one of the ways that these jabs have been killing people.

    The researchers called for further studies to determine whether other regions experienced similar trends.

    Esteemed cardiologist has been calling for vaccines to be halted

    Unlike many doctors who are too afraid of jeopardizing their careers by criticizing the vaccines, Dr. McCullough has not been shy about warning people about the dangers of the jabs. In particular, he has been drawing attention to their negative effects on the heart, and he has pointed to numerous studies that back up his assertion.

    In fact, the potential dangers of the jabs are so bad that he has called for them to be discontinued entirely on numerous occasions, the most recent of which came in a post he made on X about this new study.

    “During pandemic county population declined, was 98% vaccinated, and cardiac arrests began to dramatically increase. These data call for immediate investigation into vaccine status of victims and moratorium on further COVID-19 vaccination,” he wrote.


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