NO LOGIC: Top 5 Toxic Ingredients We’re Told Are BAD In FOOD And Other Products But GOOD In VACCINES

by | Oct 16, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    This article was originally published by S.D. Wells at Natual News. 

    The main reason there is fluoride in tap water, canola oil in food, and fake news on television is to keep the population’s cognition at a minimum level, so nobody uses logic to figure out they’re being duped daily. If the 270 million Americans who choose to get vaccinated with anything the CDC puts out as “safe and effective” simply used logic to figure out the ingredients are hazardous to their health, they might not be so sick and miserable, needing prescription medications daily for all their “manageable” symptoms.

    Big Food reminds us all the time to watch out for mercury in fish, especially pregnant women and infants, but did you know there is 100 times the “warning” amount in multidose influenza vaccines than that in the fish the EPA cautions consumers about? That’s right, tens of millions of Americans get injected every year, including pregnant women and their newborn babies, with 100 times the mercury that they are warned by the EPA might be in some tuna or salmon they eat.

    Still, the medical “community” of experts LIE to them and say it’s such a “minuscule amount” in vaccines that it won’t harm them, or that it’s ethyl mercury, not methyl mercury, so it’s safe. Wrong. Both kinds are neurotoxins and should never be injected into a human being.

    If these vaccine fanatics who are so worried about mercury in their fish, would use a little bit of logic and do a little bit of their own research, they would figure out that mercury in vaccines, listed as “thimerosal,” is one of the most toxic heavy metals on planet earth, and any amount injected into a human is dangerous, especially a pregnant woman or a newborn child.

    That mercury can accumulate in the brain, so add up all those flu shots over the years and what have you got? Millions of chronically sick humans whose doctors simply can’t seem to figure out what’s wrong with them. Maybe that’s because their doctors get the flu shot yearly also (and drink fluoridated tap water).

    What’s even worse is that consumers are warned about aluminum in food and seeping into food from aluminum foil, but aluminum in vaccines helps the mercury cross the blood-brain barrier, adding to the toxicity and harm there.

    Mainstream media warns about toxic ingredients in food and other products, but Big Pharma claims they are “safe and effective” to inject via vaccines

    Here are some of the ingredients mainstream sources constantly warn about it food, but are not mentioned when it comes to vaccines:

    #1. Mercury

    #2. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

    #3. Aluminum

    #4. Formaldehyde

    #5. Glyphosate

    America may be the “Land of the Free,” but it’s also the land of the dumbed-down, brainwashed masses. Countless articles have been published about the concentrated salt known as MSG (monosodium glutamate) that can give you horrible migraine headaches, and even damage a child’s brain. You find it in spicy foods, like Chinese food, chips, and soups, and it’s often used as a preservative in deli meats. Watch out, we’re warned, don’t eat too much of this stuff.

    Then, take a look at vaccine ingredients as listed on the CDC’s very own website, and you find MSG in several “recommended” childhood vaccines, so, you were saying? It’s even MORE DANGEROUS to inject MSG than to eat it, because vaccines bypass the body’s protective digestive tract, so the MSG goes directly from the muscle tissue into the bloodstream and can cross the blood-brain barrier. Use common sense here.

    Mainstream media also warns consumers about formaldehyde in building products and carpets, which can be bad for health, especially babies and children. Watch out for that, but don’t you worry your little head about embalming fluid in vaccines. Nothing to think about there.

    We’re also told we shouldn’t consume weed killer, like Roundup that contains glyphosate. It warns you on the bottle not to ingest it (still it seeps into gardens and crops). Still, some vaccines that were independently tested were shown to contain glyphosate, so it’s not safe to eat it, but it’s safe to inject. Since when?

    Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on Long-Vax-Syndrome that’s sweeping the nation and the world, while they tell us that all vaccines are “safe and effective.”

    Sources for this article include:


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