We proudly RE-POST this publication, originally released on WealthResearchGroup.com. In 2023, Wealth Research Group’s founder made his portfolio visible and the results were world-class! Over 15 companies reached new highs and he just made his 2024 portfolio available for us. ACCESS IT HERE!
“Be there at 2:30 PM, Lior.” A Swiss pilot and captain at one of Europe’s low-cost airlines who also flies military-grade aerobatic planes (turboprops and jets) told me to meet him at the gate of the Lausanne Airport on the banks of Lake Geneva, and I planned to get there right on time.
In the past two weeks, I was in Grindelwald and Verbier. The sun was shining bright that morning on the magnificent Alps, and my wife and I were skiing the slopes. At noon, my nearly 8-year-old daughter and my wife were scheduled for two tandem paraglides next to each other from the mountain down to the valley, and I had decided to skip the activity and trade it for a high-maneuvering flight with high G-force on a PC-7, a beautifully designed Swiss plane.
Sipping one last gulp of water before hopping on the wing and into the rear cockpit, the lead pilot told me we couldn’t have anything loose during loops, rolls, and sharp banks, so I’d have to keep my phone in my pocket and any water bottles in the office – not on board.
Once in the air, we began with a 360-degree loop and sharp 360-degree left turns.
I had decided not to eat anything beforehand, and I am glad I didn’t.
20 minutes into it, he pulled a vertical climb. We reached 4.9 Gs and remained there for what seemed like forever to me, and I passed out for three seconds, immediately coming to and telling him, “I just fainted, I believe.” The GoPro camera that recorded me throughout the one-hour adventure became the highlight of the day when I showed it to my family and friends at the chalet after returning home.
In this image, I am caught between heaven and Earth, upside down with the canopy pointing toward the Alps and my feet aimed at the skies.
This isn’t natural, and it doesn’t feel right. It is an extreme situation, and I was focused on my breathing as the force of 5x my mass was applied to my body.
Humans can train to deal with this stress and overcome it, but everything in your being screams for equilibrium.
“Because it’s there” is the famous quote of the mountaineer who first wanted to climb Everest: George Leigh-Mallory. This has been falsely attributed to Sir Edmund Hillary, the New Zealander who made it to the top and lived to tell the story.
We push the limits and look for new ones, and the markets are currently doing just that:
Courtesy: Zerohedge.com
When you pull a 3, 4, or 5 G-force maneuver, the next thing to do is to pull out. No matter how you do it, it MUST be done.
The stock market is currently at an extreme that is the equivalent of a 10 G-force Tom Cruise Top Gun-style stunt, and we’ve only seen it before major recessions and generational market bottoms.
Just like in aerobatics, the next stage is to pull out – is the pilot going to soar or dive?
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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be nice for someone with more knowledge than me to make an educated guess into the future of the chart