Pediatrician Alarmed at Bill Gates’ Plan to Inject 500 Million Children With Harmful and Unnecessary Vaccines

by | Jul 22, 2024 | Headline News, Health | 0 comments

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    This article was originally published by Rhoda Wilson at the Daily Exposé.

    A prominent pediatrician, Dr. Paul Thomas, has expressed alarm over Bill Gates’ plan to vaccinate 500 million children by 2030 through the $11.9 billion initiative by GAVI. Dr. Thomas warns that the plan is dangerous and unnecessary, advocating instead for a focus on nutrition and overall health.

    According to a report published last week by the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (“UNICEF”), global childhood immunization rates have stalled, with 84% of children vaccinated in 2023, which has not improved despite efforts. According to the report, This stagnation highlights ongoing challenges in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, including poor access to health services and fragile, conflict-ridden areas.

    The report highlights the reduction in missed doses of “routine” DTP vaccines last year with 13.9 million fewer children receiving all doses in 2022. The report also laments the gaps in measles vaccinations, noting that outbreaks hit 103 countries.

    GAVI’s plan aims to vaccinate 500 million children by 2030, with existing and new vaccines, claiming it will avert up to 9 million deaths. The organization is seeking $9 billion in new pledges of the $11.9 billion needed for the strategic period.

    However, Dr. Paul Thomas, who is the author of a study comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children and others, argued that vaccination programs are unnecessary.  Additionally, he argued, success should be measured on the overall health of the population, not on vaccination rates.

    “The less we vaccinate, the healthier the population,” he said.

    The pediatrician’s warning highlights the potential risks and unintended consequences of mass vaccination efforts. He told The Defender that the global vaccination programs continue to use the dangerous whole-cell DTP formulation instead of the less risky acellular version.

    The whole-cell vaccine, which contains the entire Bordetella pertussis organism rather than just purified components, has since the 1930s resulted in widespread reports of neurological damage. It was phased out in the US by 1997, but the formulation has continued to be used in low- and middle-income countries, potentially killing millions of children.

    Dr. Thomas also doesn’t agree with WHO’s stance on measles.

    WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: “Measles outbreaks are the canary in the coal mine, exposing and exploiting gaps in immunization and hitting the most vulnerable first.”

    Dr. Thomas stated that measles is not a threat to well-nourished, healthy children and that the focus on vaccines as a solution “is destroying the immune systems” of those who are highly vaccinated.

    “The focus should be on making sure children of the world have adequate nutrition and adequate support of vitamins A, D, and C,” he said.

    WHO’s report noted “progress” in some areas of global immunization including HPV vaccine uptake.

    Thomas called the HPV shot “the most dangerous vaccine on the planet other than COVID,” and argued that it “should have been removed from the market long ago.”

    “The push to increase vaccine uptake is all about money,” Dr. Thomas said. Adding that GAVI and others involved in financing and increasing vaccine distribution are “a big part of the problem” and called for “a total paradigm shift.”

    “Imagine the health and freedom and happiness that could be enjoyed worldwide if we focused on healthy nutrition, and assessed health by looking at all health outcomes when we do an intervention,” he said.

    Sources for this article include:


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