Documents released by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reveal that drugmaker Pfizer recorded nearly 160,000 adverse reactions to its Covid-19 vaccine in the initial months of its rollout. And the FDA still went ahead and authorized the drug for use.
There should be no question that these shots are a part of some kind of larger agenda. It’s becoming more obvious by the day.
The documents were obtained by a group of doctors, professors, and journalists calling themselves Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, who filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the FDA for their release.
The first tranche of documents reveal that, as of February 2021, when Pfizer’s shot was being rolled out worldwide on an emergency basis, the drugmaker had compiled more than 42,000 case reports detailing nearly 160,000 adverse reactions to the jab. -RT
Breakdown of adverse events. pic.twitter.com/a8b0U7nd3C
— Aaron Kheriaty, MD (@akheriaty) December 12, 2021
The FDA also says it may take until 2096 to release all 451,000 pages it used to approve Pfizer’s vaccine. That’s a really long time to wait for information on a drug most ruling classes seem content to force on their slaves. With cases of the cold continuing to rise, the rulers keep saying the only way is to take these shots that have proven to be ineffective at stopping anything other than adverse reactions.
What Is the True Vaccine Breakthrough Rate? The CDC Doesn’t Want You to Know
With one South African study showing Pfizer’s vaccine up to 40 times less effective against Omicron than previous variants, the company says it could have an Omicron-specific vaccine on the market by March 2022. But you still need it! And a booster! And a fourth booster!
CDC Wants People To Get A FOURTH COVID Jab!
Not only that, big pharma companies are working on another jab specifically for the admittedly mild omicron scariant.
This agenda is plowing forward, so make sure you are prepared. The more people start to realize they are slaves and their masters are lying to them, the harder they will push to keep everyone in compliance. Be ready.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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How about I stay safe; never trust another health care person as long as I live or get any kind of vaccine ever again! Just say No! Mandates are not laws and piss on the face diapers now ! Wow has this shyte gotten beyond old or what? It’s time too take back our country back and tell TPTB TO GO TO HELL BECAUSE WE WILL NOT COMPLY ANYMORE!!!!
remember folks
absolutely EVERYONE
must take the alleged
“vaccine” – well, okay
not everyone:
Funny and so true:
Here’s Doris
telling people to
get more shots:
Nibblin’ on vit k
Watchin’ the sun bake
All of those vaxxers covered with soil.
Strummin’ my six-string
On my front porch swing
Smell their brains
They’re beginnin’ to boil
Wastin’ away again in Dullardsville
Searchin’ for my lost mask on the floor
Some people claim that there’s a mandate to blame
But I know it’s my own damn fault.
Don’t know the reason
I stayed here all season
Nothin’ to show but this pfizer tattoo
But it’s a real beauty
a cabal cutie
how it got here I haven’t a clue
Wastin’ away again in Dullardsville
Searchin’ for my lost brain on the floor.
Some people claim that there’s a mandate to blame
Now I think, hell, it could be my fault
I blew out my flip-flop
Stepped on a pop top
Cut my heel had to cruise on back home
But there’s “devils breath” in the blender
And soon it will render
That frozen concoction that helps me hang on
Wastin’ away again in Dullardsville
Searchin’ for my lost brain on the floor
Some people claim that there’s a mandate to blame
But I know it’s my own damn fault
Yes, and
Some people claim that there’s a mandate
to blame
And I know it’s my own damn fault
Safe and effective?? Really! Why isn’t this the story of the century and all over lame stream media? Maybe big pharma is paying off all six major media companies of the world. It’s truly sickening this is allowed to go on and the global mass cover up and collusion could not be possible without the devils help.
It boggles the mind all the worlds governments were on board. Japan is finally waking up, when will the west!
The companies have been given freedom from liability for damages done by their vaccines from the government.
What makes you think they would they care what harm they do? The companies are making billions off of US taxpayers.
Keep that in mind if you decide to get vaccinated.
It’s like a giant a JFK conspiracy and only 75 years to release the evidence! Not a single word in the lame stream media on the 38 page freedom of information act release from the FDA on Phizers initial research on the MRNA shots.
The first 90 days only 1200 humans died and it still gets rubber stamped by the for profit and directly funded by Big Pharma right arm FDA! Nothing to see here, move along and take your experimental Russian Route snake juice jab! Not today nor ever! FOAD BIG PHARMA SCUM!!!!!!!
We will eventually have to fight. I think we should call it –
“Against Our Will War” AOWW. Wars are devastating. We do or we die.
Best billy goat meme ever!