A member of the ruling class has tested positive for COVID after getting 2 doses of the Pfizer experimental gene therapy shot. Representative Alma Hernandez from Arizona says even after taking the shots, she continued to take all precautions, such as wearing a mask, washing her hands, and practicing social distancing.
COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines
And she still got COVID. Does anyone want to ask what’s going on? If all of those precautions work, how did someone, fully vaccinated, washing their hands religiously, wearing a mask, and social distancing contract the dreaded COVID-19? Anyone else ready to call this a scamdemic yet?
Are Face Masks & COVID Rituals Occultist Symbols For Submission?
Many questions are coming in and answering them here for all to see. Yes, I was fully vaccinated and have been so for over 11 weeks. Just because you're vaccinated it does not mean you're in the clear. I don't feel well. Fever, horrible migraine, and I can’t taste or smell.
— (((Rep.Alma Hernandez))) (@almaforarizona) April 29, 2021
So, just as she says on Twitter, just because you’re “vaccinated” (even though these shots they are giving are not vaccines) you have to continue to comply with whatever edicts the ruling class decides. And even then, you can still get a cold. Time to wake up. This is a hoax and a scam and we had better figure it out soon because they will not stop until we do.
Hernandez shared that she tested positive for Covid-19 and that her symptoms include fever, “horrible migraine,” and loss of sense of smell and taste. “Just because you’re vaccinated it does not mean you’re in the clear,” she said, warning that “despite wide availability of vaccines,” the pandemic is still here, according to a report by RT.
High-profile cases of being diagnosed with the novel coronavirus even after vaccination have been reported previously. Former Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra and his wife controversially enrolled in a clinical trial of the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine, and both tested positive for Covid-19 weeks afterward. Argentine leader Alberto Fernandez was also infected despite vaccination with Russia’s Sputnik V. Researchers have said that while the vaccines do not guarantee 100% protection from the virus, they can ease the symptoms and speed up recovery.
Yet, Hernandez says she “doesn’t feel well.” Did she get lessened symptoms? How would she know?
This story is meant to fearmonger the public into continued compliance, but if you apply critical thinking and use your own discernment you’ll begin to see the truth. There’s no way they continue this facade for much longer, so expect anything now. Stay alert.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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Vaccines do not have a 100% effectiveness, regardless of mRNA or traditional methods. And variations of coronaviruses occur that aren’t covered by a certain vaccine. That’s why the flu shot changes each year. This is one example of that. It’s not a scam, it’s medical science.
“her symptoms include fever, “horrible migraine” and a loss
of sense of taste and smell”
which everyone knows can ONLY be brought on by covid and not by anything else such as a cold,the flu, etc?
Yes, it doesn’t mean the virus is a hoax, however. It just means that the vackseen doesn’t prevent you from catching the virus. They have said from the beginning it doesn’t prevent you from catching it. They said that the vaxx will prevent most deaths and most hospitalizations.
No one has ever come up with a viable coronavirus vaccine, and they should stop calling it a vaccine.
The so-called pandemic is being used to disguise peak resources by making the world economy slow down to try and make them last longer and avoid an all out Mad Max scenario.
It won’t work. The monetary system requires constant growth of debt or it collapses. Constant growth requires an ever growing supply of resources to expunge the growing debt. The result is what you are seeing. Trillions upon trillions of created debt to buoy up a failing system with no corresponding resources. Thus, Mad Max will be visiting a country near you very soon.
Better get the sand rail tuned up and the assless chaps conditioned ahead of time.
The sound I heard reading your comment was the hammer hitting the nail
Well done!
Sars-CoV2 has never been isolated
So,this woman caught “covid” after having been vaccinated? Is there a hidden sinister agenda with the rush to get everyone jabbed?
Rhetorical question.
There is a pandemic alright but it is a pandemic of lies built with the purpose of tightening the reins of control on everyone.
A little off topic but
recently saw this:
“Parents protest for Vail
School District to lift mask mandate – UPDATE: Board
quits, PARENTS replace
members, cancel mandate”
Speaking of “vaccines”
Looks like more people are questioning what effect those vaccinated with this gene therapy may have on the unvaccinated.
This covid business was manufactured at least 3 to 4 years ago as a near – future political and social control measure. One can find information from multiple sites online about its origins, and its function for social engineering. It worked but not to the degree planned. By now, the inoculation rate was anticipated to be in the 80s or 90s percent.
In addition, where they couldn’t manipulate science to do as they wished they manipulated information. There has been contradictory information put out from the beginning. The gov’t said don’t wear masks, then said do wear masks. Furthermore, absolutely no one knows who initiated the 6 foot rule for social distancing (a totally contrived term). Last summer, some authority in NY said you could swim without a mask, but not walk the beach without a mask, while in California an authority said you could walk the beach without a mask, but if you are swimming you have to have one, yet both said the requirements where based on science.
We were told a vaccination would render one immune to getting covid or even spreading it. Nevertheless, now even a vaccinated person still has to wear a mask, social distance, and perform all the other public rituals.
The public is just so misled one cannot know from day to day what is actually going on. Several times an official announcement has been issued that we are “turning the corner” on this so-called pandemic only to have more restrictions placed on us.
The gov’t says it is looking out for our well-being. This is the same gov’t that performed medical experiments for decades on citizens without their knowledge or consent. It’s the same gov’t that has no compunction about sending our young people to fight and die and be injured and disabled in wars when there were no WMDs. This is the same gov’t that is chem-trailing the sky until the air and water and soil is too poisoned to use. This is the same gov’t that has a two-tier system of justice.
Now this same gov’t demands we trust it and wants us to get a vaccine that has not been properly tested by manufacturers or gov’t, and gave corporations legal immunity from lawsuits.
This covid business was manufactured at least 3 to 4 years ago as a near – future political and social control measure. One can find information from multiple sites online about its origins, and its function for social engineering. It worked but not to the degree planned. By now, the inoculation rate was anticipated to be in the 80s or 90s percent.
In addition, where they couldn’t manipulate science to do as they wished they manipulated information. There has been contradictory information put out from the beginning. The gov’t said don’t wear masks, then said do wear masks. Furthermore, absolutely no one knows who initiated the 6 foot rule for social distancing (a totally contrived term). Last summer, some authority in NY said you could swim without a mask, but not walk the beach without a mask, while in California an authority said you could walk the beach without a mask, but if you are swimming you have to have one, yet both said the requirements where based on science.
We were told a vaccination would render one immune to getting covid or even spreading it. Nevertheless, now even a vaccinated person still has to wear a mask, social distance, and perform all the other public rituals.
The public is just so misled one cannot know from day to day what is actually going on. Several times an official announcement has been issued that we are “turning the corner” on this so-called pandemic only to have more restrictions placed on us.
The gov’t says it is looking out for our well-being. This is the same gov’t that performed medical experiments for decades on citizens without their knowledge or consent. It’s the same gov’t that has no compunction about sending our young people to fight and die and be injured and disabled in wars when there were no WMDs. This is the same gov’t that is chem-trailing the sky until the air and water and soil is too poisoned to use. This is the same gov’t that has a two-tier system of justice.
Now this same gov’t demands we trust it and wants us to get a vaccine that has not been properly tested by manufacturers or gov’t, and gave corporations legal immunity from lawsuits.
CASES NOT DEATHS! EVENT 201 proves this was all a PLANNED FARCE! Understand that Epstein GUILTY Trumpy is a deep state FAKE like all others before him and gave Gates GAVI group a BILLION to FORCE a vaccine on YOU using the MILITARY in a ‘powerful way’ Gates controlled and funded Fauci AND Birx and they ALL should be EXECUTED. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pV1U9s3vJ0
@Bill, enjoyed reading your post. You made so many great points. I always find it amazing how there are still people now who will blindly accept and believe what our government tells them. I still remember many of the things you mentioned and I think we both know that our government has not ever been on “our” side. I have heard that one of the reasons some people have difficulty believing that the government is not our friend and trust in them is that they believe “oh no,they wouldn’t do that to us”. The fact is that we normal everyday human beings might not do such evil and barbaric things
without any compassion or empathy,however the evil elite and our government would commit such evil in a heartbeat – they would not hesitate.Unfortunately, there are still people who refuse to even entertain the possibility of that being the case.
I read that the Astra Zeneca vaccine gives blood clots, Pfizer vaccines make your skin fall off and the Moderna vaccine has HIV antibodies in it. Who the hell do these human creatures think they are using others as guinea pigs for their experiments? ?
@Marcy, at least any one willing to be experimented on by these “vaccines” has their choice of which effects their selection will cause them and judging by the list you gave – ALL the options are terrible!?
If the virus don’t kill you, something else will.