Putin Blames The “Destructive Strategy of the West” for The Conflict With Ukraine

by | Sep 2, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    According to Russian ruler Vladimir Putin, the Russia-Ukraine conflict is the natural outcome of the “destructive strategy of the West towards Ukraine.” Russia has repeatedly said that the “denazification” of Ukraine is a central goal of the current military operation.

    The West has continually interfered in this conflict siding wholly with Ukraine and supplying a massive amount of funding, military equipment, and weapons in what is becoming well-known as its proxy war against Russia.

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    The Russian leader is scheduled to visit Mongolia on Monday for a World War II commemoration. He is expected to attend a ceremony honoring the 1939 Battle of Khalkhin Gol, in which the decisive victory of the Red Army and its Mongolian allies over the Imperial Japanese Army secured the Soviet Union’s eastern flank until 1945.

    The visit would theoretically put the Russian leader at risk of arrest on the International Criminal Court’s war crimes warrant, as Ulaanbaatar recognizes the ICC’s jurisdiction. The court has insisted that Mongolia has an “obligation to cooperate.” However, Moscow has no concerns” about the ICC warrant, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters, noting that all possible issues concerning Putin’s visit have been worked out separately” in advance. –RT

    “The hatred for everything Russian has become Ukraine’s official ideology. The use of the Russian language has been increasingly restricted, and the canonical Orthodoxy has been subjected to persecution, which now has come to the point of a direct ban,” Putin said.

    “For decades, they [the West] have sought total control over Ukraine. They funded nationalist and anti-Russian organizations there; they persistently worked to convince Ukraine that Russia was its eternal enemy and the main threat to its existence,” the Russian ruler added.

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