Putin Says Russia Will Attempt To Prevent A Global Conflict

by | May 9, 2024 | Headline News, War

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    Russian president Vladimir Putin has said that he will attempt to prevent a global conflict, but at the same time, will not allow threats against the ruling class. Moscow’s strategic forces are always “on alert” against potential threats, the Russian president has said at the Victory Day parade.

    The Victory Day parade was complete with cannon blasts, and the Russian national anthem.

    At the event which was celebrating the 79th anniversary of victory over Nazi Germany, Putin noted that the Russian military is “always on alert” and ready to defend the country’s sovereignty. “The West would like to forget the lessons of World War II, but we remember that the fate of humanity was decided in grandiose battles near Moscow and Leningrad,” as well as other cities, Putin said.

    The president emphasized that Russia is “experiencing a difficult milestone period” in its history, noting that the fate of the country depends on every Russian. “We celebrate this Victory Day in the conditions of the special military operation – all its participants, those who are on the front lines – they are our heroes. We bow to their perseverance and sacrifice. All of Russia is with you,” Russia’s ruler stated according to a report by RT. 

    “May 9 is always a very emotional, poignant day… Victory Day unites all generations. We are moving forward based on our centuries-old traditions and are confident that together we will ensure a free, safe future for Russia,” Putin added.

    Military parades and other events celebrating Victory Day are taking place in over 300 cities across Russia. For over a decade now, the celebration also included a massive civilian march known as the Immortal Regiment, in which people carry portraits of their relatives who fought the Nazis during the war. This year, the ceremony was canceled due to security concerns.

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