Putin Torments Biden: America’s WEAK!

by | Feb 19, 2024 | Headline News

Do you LOVE America?


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    Navalny Got Epstein’d

    Here I was thinking that Russia’s election date is March 15th, but it looks like it was pushed forward.

    Before I go any further, I want to make sure you know the term 'useful idiot.'

    This is a person championing a cause (specifically a bad one that starts as a devious and vicious idea from a known evil) without them ever realizing the agenda.

    How does someone become a useful idiot? I have often asked myself this, and I have boiled it down to two main faults:

    1. Lack of personal ambition: one cannot be a useful idiot if they know exactly what they want in life. A useful idiot ALWAYS champions someone else’s goal. They're a follower and protestor of an agent of chaos that makes no real advancement in their own life.

    Who would be consciously willing to sacrifice their own time on this planet to help someone else’s goal without ever studying it? Only a person, who does not respect their own soul and purpose in this world.

    How did Hitler get his followers? How did everyday Germans accept the reality of mass murder? How does Greta Thunberg assemble climate anarchists to block roads and interrupt commerce and trade? How does Iran persuade teens and children to come to their training camps and become part of their militias? How does the former head of Harvard University allow America’s college students to be so confused?

    There's no personal ambition.

    If you want to turn a person into a useful idiot, look for a lost soul first. 

    Courtesy: Zerohedge.com

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      At the depths of the bear market, Wall Street’s agenda was simply to convince the retail public to stay away from the world’s best businesses at the best valuations possible. They succeeded in persuading those with no personal ambition that don’t study Warren Buffett and the other great traders, who all said to BUY.

      I did.

      I don't listen to fear; I eat it for breakfast. When Bill Ackman asked CNBC’s Andrew Sorkin to scare the nation into submission, I bought stocks like Cintas (CTAS):

      Useful idiots are the kids on campuses that chant “from the river to the sea” and can’t point to the river or the sea. Qatari and Chinese money in the pocket of Harvard’s Claudine Gay was enough for her to agree to brainwash the sheep that are the American woke liberal Generation Z to champion for terrorists.

      Is it because America itself has lost its soul?

      1. A sense of deep inferiority expressed by anger toward the winning side as an imaginary oppressor.

      There’s always an excuse…

      Greta blames the oil executives, Marx blamed the capitalists, Bin Laden blamed the West, Hitler blamed the Jews, and Iran blames… everybody.

      If there is an oppressor, then Greta has an excuse for her mediocrity and ugliness.

      Terrorism is the same as wokeness: both justify the “any means necessary” approach because they conjured up an oppressor.

      You and I are not that type and will never allow ourselves to fall prey to this defeatist attitude. No one oppresses us – no one!

      We’re not inferior nor superior – we are equals.

      Only inferior types abuse their power to take down their opposition once they have attained it. I don’t know if Putin had Navalny Epstein’d, but I know that I am not Biden’s, Trump’s, or Putin’s useful idiot because I know where I’m going, and no one will stop me. I am building the greatest newsletter in history.


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