Researchers Claim Bird Flu Is Spreading Silently, & Containment Measures Are “Failing”

by | Sep 27, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    Researchers have stated that the current containment methods in place for the bird flu are “failing” as the virus continues to spread silently. Researchers at The Pirbright Institute have discovered that with current global containment strategies failing, and evidence of sustained transmission between mammals, concerns have surfaced about the potential spillovers to humans.

    Writing in the scientific journal Nature, researchers analyzed whether outbreaks in European fur farms, South American marine mammals, and United States dairy cattle raise questions about whether humans are next. Led by zoonotic influenza specialist Dr. Thomas Peacock, the scientists evaluated how recent changes in the ecology and molecular evolution of H5N1 in wild and domestic birds increase opportunities for spillover to mammals, according to a report by Science Daily. 

    It seems very convenient that there is already a “vaccine” stockpiled and ready to go for this plandemic too.

    Ruling Class Has Prepared MILLIONS Of “Vaccines” For The Bird Flu Plandemic

    “Influenza A viruses (IAV) have caused more documented global pandemics in human history than any other pathogen. Historically, swine are considered optimal intermediary hosts that help avian influenza viruses adapt to mammals before jumping to humans,” said Dr. Peacock, who investigates the drivers of the current H5N1 avian influenza panzootic. “However, the altered ecology of H5N1 has opened the door to new evolutionary pathways.”

    “What keeps scientists up at night is the possibility of unseen chains of transmission silently spreading through farm worker barracks, swine barns, or developing countries, evolving under the radar because testing criteria are narrow, government authorities are feared, or resources are thin,” Dr. Peacock added. “New control strategies are needed, including vaccination. Influenza vaccines are licensed for poultry that reduce disease burden, but do not prevent infection and have varying degrees of success.”

    Notice how the solution is always a pharmaceutical intervention and not a health-centered one?

    Stocks of H5 vaccine that are antigenically related to circulating viruses are available and could be produced at scale using mRNA platforms if H5N1 begins spreading in humans, the authors note.

    SCRIPTED: New Human Vaccines Are Already Developed & Stockpiled For Pandemic Flu That Doesn’t Exist Yet

    An evolutionary process of “genomic reassortment” in viruses with segmented genomes is driving the global panzootic outbreak. When two or more viruses co-infect a single host, they can swap entire segments during genome replication to create novel hybrids. –Science Daily

    There are just too many coincidences with this bird flu outbreak to make it anything other than either the official narrative or a springboard for what’s coming next. But we hope we are wrong on that account because this one could actually do noticeable damage.

    For now, the narrative seems to be rolling out slowly, but it could all progress quickly once everything is in place.


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