RFK Jr. Wanted To Meet With Kamala Harris In Pursuit Of Cabinet Position

by | Aug 15, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    They are literally all on the same team. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made an attempt to meet with Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris about a position in her cabinet. There is no left, right, or middle. There is the ruling class versus the slaves, and the sooner more of us figure this out, the better off humanity will be.

    So far, Team Harris has ignored RFK Jr’s pitch. “We’ve reached out repeatedly through the highest level intermediaries. We’ve been told that they have no interest in talking with me,” Kennedy told the New York Times. Separately, Kennedy expressed disappointment to the Washington Post. “I think it is a strategic mistake for them. That’s my perspective,” Kennedy said. “I think they ought to be looking at every opportunity. I think it is going to be a very close race.”

    In July, Kennedy described Harris as “monumentally unpopular with her own party,” and condemned her tenure as attorney general in California, saying she worked to keep nonviolent criminals in jail in a “modern version of slavery” and thus “has one of the worst civil rights records of any public official.”  He also condemned her for being “a war hawk on Ukraine…a war hawk on China.”  -ZeroHedge

    The entire idea of government is slavery, not just the criminal justice system, although that’s a great example. RFK Jr. would simply be another master and his orders would become law and enforceable with violence. That’s slavery, and it can be nothing else.

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    According to a report by ZeroHedge, Kennedy’s poll numbers have sagged since the Democrats pressured President Biden into calling off his re-election campaign — which means his potential endorsement has also lost some zing. The Washington Post further said that its averaging of polls in July had Kennedy backed by about 9% of voters. With Biden out and Harris in, his support has faded to around 5%. What’s more, some polls suggest that Kennedy’s presence on ballots is a net benefit to Harris.

    Neither is the solution. They both seek to sit on the same throne which makes them immoral in their quest to become head tyrants of a large chunk of humans.

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