Rising Egg Prices Blamed on Bird Flu

by | Sep 30, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    It isn’t a big secret that the ruling classes of the world are pushing a plant-based diet, so it should come as no surprise that the bird flu is infecting cattle and the egg supply. This whole bird flu plandemic is killing several birds (literally and figuratively) with one stone at this point.

    Egg prices have risen 28.1% in the past year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the average price for a dozen large, grade-A eggs was $3.20 in August. NPR reported that prices have spiked in recent weeks due to a large bird flu outbreak at two Colorado chicken farms in July. That, paired with higher consumer demand, is contributing to the sticker shock many Americans may be experiencing in the aisles.

    More than 100 million “wild aquatic birds, commercial poultry, and backyard or hobbyist flocks” have been infected with bird flu since January 2022, according to the CDC.

    The Overhyped Threat of a Human Bird Flu Pandemic is a Hoax to “Reset” Our Food System

    Not only is this likely a way to “reset” the food system to a more plant-based and processed food system, but this is going to usher in the mass vaccination for a disease that will, in all likelihood, be noticeable this time.

    The “Cluster” of Possible Human Bird Flu Infections Has Expanded to 8

    People will be much easier to control this time because unlike with COVID, which they renamed all colds and cases of flu, this will be something that people will notice. Contracting avian influenza can be deadly.

    They are preparing to not only announce the transmission between human beings but also release the stockpiled “vaccines” that will likely work as well as the COVID shots.

    Ruling Class Has Prepared MILLIONS Of “Vaccines” For The Bird Flu Plandemic

    Amy Hagerman, an associate professor of agricultural economics at Oklahoma State University, says table egg-laying chickens seem particularly susceptible to HPAI, likely because the virus can spread quickly in their close quarters. “Table egg-layer facilities tend to be very large, and so you can lose a million or 2 million birds on a single facility because this is a highly contagious virus,” she says.

    So far, this is rolling out quite nicely, for the rulers. No one has really noticed anything other than prices rising, but once they start to visibly see that there is actually wrong this time, it’ll be too late. Stay alert to this and where the narrative is at currently. This could explode at any minute when the rulers decide it has been transmitted between humans.


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