Russia Destroyed 3 U.S.-Supplied Ukrainian High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS)

by | Jul 9, 2024 | Headline News, War

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    The Russian military continues to pummel Ukraine even though Kiev has received billions of dollars worth of military-grade weapons systems and money. Up to ten foreign specialists who were operating the HIMARS for Ukraine were also eliminated, the Defense Ministry has said.

    This is not the first time Russia has boasted of the destruction it’s causing to the Ukrainian military and the equipment supplied to it.

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    On Monday, the Defense Ministry stated that the systems were eliminated through the combined actions of Russian warplanes, drones, artillery, and missile forces. It added that the strike also killed “up to 10 foreign specialists servicing those systems,” according to a report by RT. 

    Officials, however, would not say where the HIMARS – which have a range of fire of about 80km – were destroyed, nor would they provide details regarding the nationality of the foreign personnel.

    However, several Russian Telegram channels released a video of the purported strike, claiming it had taken in Russia’s Kherson Region at night. The black-and-white clip shows what looks like aerial footage of three HIMARS arrays maneuvering on the road before being hit by a single powerful missile strike, causing fire and smoke to rise into the air. –RT

    Russia has also said it is well aware of the presence of foreign military personnel in Ukraine, noting that they are regarded as “legitimate targets” for Moscow’s forces. Russian President Vladimir Putin said in late May that those foreign servicemen were suffering casualties.

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    Several Russian Telegram channels released a video of the purported strike, claiming it had taken in Russia’s Kherson Region at night. The black-and-white clip shows what looks like aerial footage of three HIMARS arrays maneuvering on the road before being hit by a single powerful missile strike, causing fire and smoke to rise into the air.


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