Russia Makes More Threats Against Ukraine With “Harsh Response” Rhetoric

by | Aug 18, 2024 | Headline News

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    Familiarly, Russia has made yet another threat in the ongoing war with Ukraine. It now promises Kiev will be met with a “harsh response” if it attacks the Kursk nuclear power plant.

    In a statement on Saturday, the ministry said it was taking very seriously reports of Kiev’s plans to attack the Kursk NPP, located about 90 km from the Ukraine-Russia border, which has become the scene of fierce fighting in recent days.

    The Russian military will “unleash a swift retaliation” if Ukraine launches an attack on the Kursk nuclear power plant, according to a report by RT. The Defense Ministry in Moscow made the threat as the nuclear facility is located not far from the frontline following Kyiv’s cross-border incursion into Russia.

    “If the Kiev regime begins to realize its criminal plans aimed at creating a man-made disaster in the European part of the continent that would infer the radioactive contamination of vast territories, tough military, and military-technical countermeasures will be taken immediately.”

    While the ministry did not give details of a possible retaliation, it noted that Kiev’s preparations for an attack on the Kursk plant – which Moscow claims are backed by the West – would contradict a UN resolution on combating nuclear terrorism.

    The statement comes after Russian military journalist Marat Khairullin reported on Friday, citing sources, that Kiev was “preparing a nuclear false flag – an explosion of a dirty atomic bomb” which would target “the storage sites of spent nuclear fuel of a nuclear power plant.”

    According to the reporter, the strike could be launched on either Russia’s Zaporozhye NPP in Energodar – also not far from the frontline and the largest facility of its type in Europe – or the Kursk NPP in Kurchatov. Ukraine has vehemently denied the allegations. –RT

    This isn’t the first time Russia has made threats, and it continues to fail to follow through.

    Another Empty Threat? Russia Warns Ukraine Over Kursk Attack

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    So far, while beating back Ukraine, Russia has failed to follow through with its tough rhetoric. That’s a good thing. At this point, any retaliation by Russia will likely cause another world war to break out. We should all be at least mildly grateful Moscow is showing some restraint.





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