Russia Warns Of “Red Lines” Being Crossed…Again

by | Nov 5, 2024 | Headline News, War

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    Russia is once again warning NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) of crossing any red lines. The rulers of Russia have been continually warning NATO as it crosses every line laid down by Moscow.

    This new warning is no different. There will be consequences if NATO “allows” Ukraine to strike Russia with long-range weapons. Russia, in turn, claims it would not hesitate to respond to “aggressive actions” by NATO, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has stated. Allowing the Ukrainian military to use Western-supplied long-range weapons for strikes deep inside Russia would be treated as one such step, the diplomat told Rossiya Segodnya on Tuesday.

    Ukraine And NATO Urge U.S. To Cross Another One Of Russia’s “Red Lines”

    So far, the West continues to cross red lines, while Russia continues to issue warnings against doing so. This, however, is one red line that still hasn’t been crossed. That could be because Kyiv’s military forces would not be able to operate such weapons independently, and would require the presence of NATO specialists as well as intelligence data obtained through the bloc’s satellite systems, Lavrov stated according to a report by RT. That would make the West compliant in any attack, and put those nations in the crosshairs of World War 3.

    “If such weapons are used, that would mean that not just Ukraine but the NATO nations are openly at war with Russia,” Lavrov was quoted as saying. “The nature of this conflict, which the Western leaders sought to conceal… would literally come out.” He added:“Europe is being militarized at a quickened pace.”

    “Our opponents should not be mistaken. In case of any aggressive actions by NATO or its member states against our nation, adequate retaliatory measures will be taken in full compliance with Russia’s right for self-defense embodied in the UN Charter,” the diplomat said, adding that Moscow would use “any means to ensure its security.”

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