Russian Intelligence Claims Ukraine Is Planning An “Inhumane” False Flag Attack

by | Sep 17, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) has claimed that Ukraine is planning an “inhumane” false flag attack, possibly on children. Kiev is looking to strike perhaps a a children’s hospital or kindergarten could be hit by what will be dubbed a Russian missile strike.

    The “inhumane provocation” is being masterminded by the leaders of Ukrainian intelligence and the military at the advice of “US handlers,” a statement from the SVR said on Monday. The goal is to cause a large number of casualties and publicize the event through the international media, the agency added. “The [Volodymyr] Zelensky clique disregards the lives of the Ukrainian children that it puts in harm’s way,” the SVR added. It cited a number of “bloody provocations” over the course of the conflict, adding that after those, “few people in the world believe that Moscow is ‘insidious” and Kiev is ‘innocent’.”

    The SVR claims that a false flag attack of this nature would help garner support for the use of long-range missiles deep inside Russian territory. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said at the time that Kiev was using the tragedy to hype up the participation of Ukrainian ruler Zelensky at the NATO summit in the US. He pointed to a pattern of high-profile incidents, similar to the Okhmatdet bombing, occurring before Zelensky’s meetings with senior foreign officials.

    This is not the first time Russia has warned that Ukraine, with the help of its Western backers, is planning false flag attacks to broaden the war.

    Russia: The U.S. Is Planning False Flag Chemical Attacks In Ukraine

    Zelensky is set to travel to the US to meet President Joe Biden, and the two presidential nominees for the November election – Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. He intends to share with them his so-called “victory plan,” a four-point roadmap which he believes will allow Ukraine to end the conflict with Russia on its own terms. Continued US military support and permission to conduct strikes deep inside Russia with Western weapons is understood to be crucial for his plan. -RT

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