So… Putin Isn’t Dead! Tucker Carlson Proved It

by | Feb 16, 2024 | Headline News

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    How Lies, Truths, and Half-Truths
    Mix Into a Russian Cocktail

    I have to hand it to Tucker Carlson because to go to the Kremlin, sit down with President Vladimir Putin, and get the interview out in a 2-hour format is no small achievement. Let’s dive into exactly what the main points of the session were. We will start with the first: Vladimir Putin looks, sounds, and acts much more alive than President Joe Biden does.

    If you don’t think that looking presidential is important, look at American presidents that were admired and how vibrant and strong they were!

    Theodore Roosevelt, for example, survived an assassination attempt. On October 14, 1912, while Roosevelt was campaigning in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, John Schrank came up to him and shot him in the chest as he was waving to supporters.

    Roosevelt was quite knowledgeable in matters of the human body and made an assessment that since he was not coughing up blood, the bullet didn’t hit a lung. He refused to go to the hospital until after his scheduled speech! He gave it while dripping blood.

    If I were to take one crucial conclusion from America's debacles in Russia, Ukraine, and the Middle East before that, it is that America failed to export its way of life to others.

    It was a worthwhile attempt to westernize the entire planet, but after 33 years of colossal fiscal changes and monetary currency printing, military operations, diplomatic pressures, and utter catastrophes, it’s time to say it aloud: the world DOESN’T TRUST in American interventions.

    Of course, America’s security blanket is extremely beneficial to its allies, but with each passing day, its allies see that Washington is flip-flopping. It's going from Democrats to Republicans, military operations to non-interventionism, and going from stationing tens of thousands of soldiers in the Middle East to taking them all out. They now realize that they must militarize themselves instead of waiting for the U.S. Navy or other military.

    I hope you are also disillusioned and understand that the world is heading into the post-American age!


    1. This interview went viral on social media. In the mainstream media, it is shadowbanned like it never happened.
    2. Putin’s chief argument for the invasion is that Ukraine is not really a country but an artificial land belonging to Russia, populated by Russians, and it has no right to exist, yet Carlson pressed him on this matter because that wasn’t his casus belli, and Putin evaded answering.

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      To that, I would just say that most modern countries were formed from the ashes of WW1 and WW2 agreements, so most countries could claim the same about their neighbors and we’d all constantly be at war.
      1. American propaganda saying that Putin is interested in rebuilding the Soviet Union is just that: propaganda.

      After listening to the interview, it's clear that Putin is a student of history with a lot to say about Soviet leaders and their mistakes.

      What he is really interested in is rebuilding the Russian empire, but it’s a pipe dream.

      Russia’s demographics don’t support that, but crazier things have happened…

      1. When discussing his justification for invading Ukraine, he compared it to Poland’s reluctance to give Hitler the Polish Corridor, which Germany felt was theirs, leaving Hitler with no choice.

      He essentially said that because Ukraine has no right to exist in the first place, when he made attempts to peacefully annex it back and they were unanswered, he had no other choice.

      In the next publication, we will go into his views on America, the CIA coup attempts, promises made to him by Washington and European leaders that were broken, and more!

      There is so much to unpack here.


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