Elon Musk is on track to become the world’s first dollar trillionaire. Are we still naive enough to somehow believe that he’s “on our side?”
Musk, who is often described as a tech entrepreneur, is on track to become the world’s first-dollar trillionaire by 2027, according to the global education company Informa Connect Academy. The projection published on Friday is based on Musk’s average annual wealth growth rate, which stands at 109.88%.
The owner of X (formerly Twitter) is the richest man in the world with a fortune of $237 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. It makes sense that he’s so wealthy considering all the help he’s offered to the slave class, right? It’s becoming quite clear that Musk is not on the side of those being ruled.
Musk has co-founded six companies, including electric car maker Tesla and spacecraft manufacturer SpaceX. Tesla, which has a market capitalization of $669.28 billion, is expected to hit the trillion-dollar mark next year. Musk acquired Twitter in 2022, renaming it X and promising less censorship and more transparency, according to a report by RT.
It’s highly doubtful that all of his Space X satellites launched will be of any benefit to the slaves. And we are all aware of his attempts to brain chip humans with neuralink. In fact, his first human test was started in January.
Musk hopes to create an interface that allows people to control devices using their brains alone to tell things what to do. What could possibly go wrong? This is an interesting step for humanity, to say the least, and probably not one we should be applauding. If we can “control” devices using a brain chip, can the devices control us?
SpaceX Satellites: Mucking Up Space and Already Causing Health and Environmental Issues on Earth?
Musk’s First Neuralink Brain Chip Implanted Into A Human
Musk first appeared on the Forbes Billionaire list in 2012 with a net worth of $2 billion. In 2021, he became the world’s wealthiest man, displacing Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. Musk lost this status in December 2022 to Arnault when Tesla stock tumbled, but topped the list once again six months later. –RT
Musk is aiding the ruling class as humaity drifts further and further away from what is appropriate for them. Will enough see it before it’s too late, and humanity is gone or altered in such a way that it’s unrecognizable?
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Nope he is 100% on Satan’s side the dude wants to enslave humanity with brain chips and force them into submission and constant surveillance with Star-link, and his Optimus bots.
His profile picture is still of him wearing Satans Champion from a few years ago.
He will deceive many, and has.