The Coronavirus Spike Protein Encoded in mRNA Injections Leads to Autoimmune Chaos

by | Oct 25, 2024 | Headline News, Health | 0 comments

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    This article was originally published by Rhoda Wilson at The Exposé.

    The human leukocyte antigen (“HLA”) system is a complex of genes on chromosome 6 in humans that encode cell-surface proteins responsible for regulating the immune system.

    Tampering with HLA gene expression leads to autoimmune chaos – and this is precisely what mRNA injections called “vaccines” do.  This is not a mere side effect – it’s an intentional risk built into the core of mRNA technology.

    And, “the consequences could be catastrophic: aberrant immune responses, autoimmune disease, and long-term genetic instability passed down through generations,” Drs. John Catanzaro and Peter McCullough write.

    The Spike Protein Series: The Dark Reality of mRNA Vaccinology: Embedding Rogue Genetic Code into the Human Exome

    By Dr. John Catanzaro and Dr. Peter A. McCullough

    A Catastrophic Shift

    The rapid rise of mRNA technology, particularly in the form of covid-19 vaccines, has been heralded as a revolutionary breakthrough in modern medicine. Yet, behind the fanfare lies a more sinister truth – the dangerous and reckless embedding of encrypted genetic code back into the human exome. mRNA vaccinology is not just altering immune responses; it is tampering with the very blueprint of our DNA. This technology represents a catastrophic shift, one that risks permanently mutating the human genome and triggering an irreversible cascade of genetic damage.

    The False Promises of mRNA Vaccines

    mRNA vaccines have been marketed as cutting-edge precision medicine, but they are nothing more than a reckless experiment with human biology. Unlike traditional vaccines, which already come with their own set of risks, mRNA technology takes things to a whole new level. Instead of merely stimulating an immune response, mRNA vaccines hijack the cellular machinery, instructing cells to produce spike proteins – a direct attempt to manipulate our body’s core functions.

    But this is where the horror begins. These synthetic codes are far from benign. The assumption that mRNA breaks down harmlessly after doing its job is increasingly proving to be a dangerous misconception. The reality? These artificial sequences initiate rogue transcription – causing cellular processes to misfire, mutate and spiral out of control. Worse still, these rogue processes embed encrypted genetic errors into the human exome, rewriting our DNA in ways that could wreak havoc for generations.

    Rogue Transcription: Genetic Tampering Gone Wrong

    The idea that mRNA vaccines would target the immune system without disrupting broader genetic functions was always wishful thinking. As we now see, this technology opens the door to widespread transcriptional chaos. When these rogue transcription processes are initiated, they cause unintended mutations that don’t simply vanish – they embed themselves into the exome, the crucial regions of DNA that code for proteins.

    These mutations, initiated by mRNA vaccine technology, can scramble the human leukocyte antigen (“HLA”) gene complex, which is essential for immune recognition. This tampering with HLA gene expression leads to autoimmune chaos – immune responses become erratic, misidentifying healthy cells as threats and triggering harmful inflammation. The consequences could be catastrophic: aberrant immune responses, autoimmune disease, and long-term genetic instability passed down through generations.

    This is not a mere side effect – it’s an intentional risk built into the core of mRNA technology. The embedding of rogue code through spike protein synthesis and transcriptional misfires is a flagrant violation of genetic integrity. mRNA vaccinology has introduced a Pandora’s box of genetic manipulation with no way to contain its effects.

    Permanent Genetic Encryption: The Future of mRNA’s Damage

    When mRNA vaccines embed encrypted code back into the human genome, they are playing with fire. What we’re seeing is a technological overreach – a reckless gamble with the future of human health. Once these genetic errors become encrypted in our DNA, they are not easily erased. The mutations resulting from rogue transcription could become permanent fixtures of the human genome, passed down through successive generations. This raises the chilling prospect of intergenerational genetic damage – a legacy of defective DNA that impacts not just those who receive the vaccine but their children and grandchildren.

    The repeated dosing of mRNA vaccines, particularly through boosters, only compounds this risk. Each additional exposure amplifies the likelihood of further mutations embedding themselves into the genetic code. The constant rewriting of cellular instructions increases the chance of catastrophic transcriptional errors, driving an escalating cycle of genetic tampering.

    Spike Proteins: The Toxic Messengers of mRNA Vaccines

    The focus on spike proteins in mRNA vaccines has proven to be a fatal flaw. Spike proteins, once produced in the body, are not simply a benign byproduct – they act as toxic agents. The spike protein induces oxidative stress (“ROS”), wreaking havoc on cellular processes, damaging DNA and disrupting the body’s ability to repair itself. The oxidative environment it creates facilitates the misfiring of transcription processes, accelerating the accumulation of genetic mutations.

    To make matters worse, the spike protein’s long-term behavior remains poorly understood. How many more genetic alterations will it trigger? How many lives will be irrevocably changed by this toxic protein coursing through their systems, continually damaging their cellular integrity?

    The Catastrophic Failure of Standard Vaccination Strategies

    Standard vaccination strategies have always relied on flawed principles, but mRNA technology has elevated the risks to unprecedented levels. Vaccination, in its very essence, has been tampering with natural immune function for decades, introducing foreign agents into the body with unpredictable outcomes. mRNA vaccines have only magnified this danger, turning standard vaccination strategies into a reckless genetic experiment.

    The medical establishment’s blind faith in vaccines has resulted in catastrophic failures, from autoimmune diseases to neurological disorders, yet no lessons have been learned. The same approach is now being applied to mRNA technology, with far more devastating consequences. Traditional vaccines already disrupt immune function, but mRNA vaccines take this a step further by actively manipulating the genetic code – a violation of the most sacred biological boundaries.

    The Need for High-Definition Surveillance and Hopeful Solutions

    Given the magnitude of the risks we now face, the only responsible course of action is immediate and rigorous molecular surveillance. High-definition molecular diagnostics must be employed to detect and address these transcriptional errors before they take hold. Relying on the flawed methodologies of randomized trials and conventional research models is no longer acceptable in the face of such genetic threats. Real-time monitoring, personalized approaches, and molecular precision are the only ways forward.

    Moreover, there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon. Collaborative efforts from organizations such as Neo7Bioscience, the McCullough Foundation, and the Genomics Centre at the University of North Texas are pioneering RNA direct detection methods with specialized analytics. These advancements aim to assess spike-embedded coding that has been reversed and transcribed back into the genome. By understanding these alterations, we can develop a multi-target personalized peptide remediation protocol designed to address and mitigate the risks associated with these rogue genetic modifications. This innovative approach could potentially offer a pathway to rectify the unintended consequences of mRNA vaccines, restoring genetic integrity and safeguarding future generations.

    Conclusion: The Reckless Tampering Must Stop

    The full scope of the damage being caused by mRNA vaccines is only beginning to emerge, but what we already know is deeply concerning. The reckless embedding of encrypted genetic code through rogue transcription processes represents a direct assault on human genetic integrity. The mRNA vaccine experiment is rewriting the human genome in ways that could lead to widespread genetic disease, autoimmune dysfunction and untold generational consequences.

    This is not just a medical oversight – it’s a disaster in the making. It is time to stop unquestioningly accepting the false promises of mRNA technology and traditional vaccination strategies. The risks far outweigh the benefits, and the long-term consequences for humanity could be dire. We must demand immediate action, transparency, and a complete rethinking of how we approach vaccines before the damage becomes irreversible.

    The Collaboration: Neo7BioscienceMcCullough FoundationThe Well Integrative Medicine, and UNT (University of North Texas Genomics) for direct RNA transcription and DNA embedding detection in patients infected with covid, suffering from post-sequalae complications, and also mRNA vaccine-related systemic injury.

    [Note from The Exposé: If we’ve learned anything from COVID, it’s to be careful about what we inject into our bodies.  Please think carefully, ask lots of questions about the benefits vs risks, and do your own research before considering further gene therapy to correct the damage that the COVID gene therapy injections may have caused.]


    1. Potential health risks of mRNA-based vaccine therapy: A hypothesis – PMC (
    2. The Long Covid-19 Syndrome the Spike Protein and Stem Cells, the Underrated Role of Retrotransposons, a Working Hypothesis[v1] |

    About the Authors

    Dr. John Catanzaro, CEO and Co-founder of Neo7Bioscience, merges AI with bioscience. With more than 25 years of experience, he specializes in molecular technology.  You can follow him on his Substack page ‘John’s Substack’ HERE.

    Dr. Peter McCullough is an internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist. Together with John Leake, he co-authored the book ‘The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization & Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex’.  You can follow him on his Substack page ‘Courageous Discourse’ HERE.

    The article above is the second in a series titled ‘The Spike Protein Series’.  You can read the first part HERE.


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