The Rise Of China: Doubles Military Spending, Focused on US Asian Intersts

by | May 4, 2009 | Headline News

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    Reuters reports that China’s military is expanding to protect its security needs and may be focusing on US intersts in the region:

    “They are developing capabilities that are very maritime focused, maritime and air focused, and in many ways, very much focused on us,” he told a conference of the Navy League, a nonprofit seamen’s support group, in Washington.

    “They seem very focused on the United States Navy and our bases that are in that part of the world.”

    China in March unveiled its official military budget for 2009 of $70.24 billion, the latest in nearly two decades of double-digit rises in declared defense spending.

    We can always pay back our debts by giving them Taiwan – or perhaps they’ll just try to take it.


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