The Ruling Class, Now $35 Trillion In Debt, Finds Another $2 Billion For Ukraine

by | Jul 30, 2024 | Headline News, War | 0 comments

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    The ruling class has found another $2 billion in an “accounting error” that can be sent to Ukraine to fuel the proxy war with Russia. This news comes as the national debt also reaches $35 trillion.

    The Defense Department made a similar claim last year, saying it availed Washington of $6.2 billion in weapons to fuel the Ukraine proxy war with Russia.

    Biden’s “Accounting” Scam To Fund Ukraine

    This latest report brings the improperly valued military material to a total of $8.2 billion, with the error said to be a result of unclear accounting definitions.

    According to a report by AntiWar, in June 2023, the Pentagon insisted that weapons shipped to Ukraine from US military stockpiles, under the Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA), over the past two years were overvalued using the “replacement value” of the arms as opposed to the “depreciated value.” This bought the White House some time to continue sending weapons to Kiev after much of the US funding then allocated for the war had dried up.

    Stop The Denial: Ukraine Is A Proxy War That Will Lead To Wider World War

    In April, Congress passed and President Joe Biden signed into law a massive $95 billion foreign military aid supplemental which included $61 billion to keep the Ukraine war going. This is despite Kyiv’s inability to win the war or reclaim significant territory already seized by Russia. After discovering the latest overvaluations, the Pentagon told the GAO it now has another $2 billion in weapons that can be shipped to Ukraine.

    “The GAO said a vague definition of value in the Foreign Assistance Act and the absence of specific valuation guidance for [PDA] have led to inconsistencies in the reported value of military aid,” Reuters reported. –AntiWar

    Whatever can be done to continue to fund this war will be done by NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and the West. That alliance seems intent on ensuring a larger regional war with Russia develops.


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