U.S. Announces More Sanctions Of Russia

by | May 24, 2023 | Headline News

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    Even though Russia has continuously gotten around the United States’ perceived “authority” over sanctions, Washington is trying it again. The new sanctions on Russia were imposed in coordination with the Group of Seven, but they fall far short of what the Biden administration was hoping to achieve.

    According to the Treasury Department, over 300 sanctions were implemented on individuals, entities, vessels, and aircraft. The measures are meant to combat the circumvention and evasion of Western sanctions on Russia. “We are imposing further sanctions and measures to increase the costs to Russia and those who are supporting its war effort,” the G7 leaders said in a joint statement on Friday during their summit in Hiroshima.

    Ahead of the summit, the U.S. was pushing for the G7 to agree to a full export ban on Russia, but the EU and Japan were against the plan and said it wasn’t realistic. The export ban would have had exemptions for medicine and agricultural goods. –Antiwar

    The G7 leaders said they are “united in imposing coordinated sanctions and other economic actions to further undermine Russia’s capacity to wage its illegal aggression,” according to a report by Antiwar.  But the US-led Western sanctions blitz against Russia has done nothing to stop the war in Ukraine, and there are no indications further measures will.

    The G7 leaders stated that they are “united in imposing coordinated sanctions and other economic actions to further undermine Russia’s capacity to wage its illegal aggression.” However, the U.S.-led Western sanctions blitz against Russia has done nothing to stop the war in Ukraine, and there are no indications further measures will.

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    The U.S. ruling class is also going to attempt to “control” and manipulate China. The Biden administration is also taking economic action against Beijing and is considering screening U.S. investment in the country. At the summit in Hiroshima, the G7 leaders accused China of “economic coercion.”

    While expecting a thaw in relations with Beijing, Biden has shown no sign of backing down on his hardline policies against China. The G7 Hiroshima summit came as the US is preparing to provide Taiwan with $500 million in “free” weapons, and after it has deployed about 200 troops to the island, steps the Chinese military called “intolerable.”

    The U.S. seems to be pushing hard for a full-scale war with both Russia and China at this point.


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