U.S. Is “Concerned” About Russian Military “Reconstitution”

by | Oct 3, 2024 | Headline News, War | 0 comments

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    Military and political rulers in the United States are reportedly, “highly concerned” about the rapid “reconstitution” of the Russian military. The Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell partly attributes this to Moscow’s “formidable” ties with China, he said.

    While discussing the Ukraine conflict in an interview on Wednesday, which was hosted by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a Washington-based think tank, Campbell stated that “what we’ve seen over the course of the last two years is a reconstitution of the Russian military with a rapidity and a determination that, frankly, surprises us.” He further admitted that this “has been a topic of real anxiety” for the West, according to a report by RT. 

    When Campbell was asked whether the U.S. has been too cautious in providing military capabilities to Kiev, he responded by pointing out that Washington is by far and away the largest provider of assistance to Ukraine” and that most of the aid was delivered on a timely basis.”

    President Biden Makes Surprise Visit To Kyiv, Pledges New Military Aid

    Campbell further argued that the relationship between Beijing and Moscow is “probably the most formidable and important bilateral engagement globally today that we have to take note of and respond to.”

    “The stakes for us are high, we cannot afford to accept outcomes that are suboptimal to the extent that either Russia or China would come away from this thinking that this kind of experience should be replicated elsewhere,” the deputy secretary said.

    Moscow’s stated goals in the conflict include making Ukraine a neutral nation with caps on its military strength, the reversal of discriminatory policies against ethnic Russians by Kiev, and the removal of radical Ukrainian nationalists from positions of authority. Russia has also demanded that Kiev relinquish its claim of sovereignty to five formerly-Ukrainian regions. -RT

    Ukraine has recently come up with a “victory plan” that was presented to the ruling class of the U.S.

    Key Ukrainian Stronghold About To Fall To Russia As Zelensky Touts ‘Victory Plan’ In D.C.

    Ukraine’s victory plan will require a massive amount of aid and intervention from Western backers and allies.


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