U.S. Is Ready To “Support” South Korea With Nuclear Weapons

by | Oct 31, 2024 | Coincidence, Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Headline News, War

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    The United States military-industrial complex has stated that it is ready to support South Korea with nuclear weapons. The Pentagon and Seoul have “an unequivocal nuclear-based alliance,” U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has said.

    “I assured Minister Kim today that the United States remains fully committed to the defense of the ROK and our extended deterrence commitment remains ironclad,” Austin said. “That commitment is backed by the full range of America’s conventional missile defense, nuclear and advanced non-nuclear capabilities.”

    He added that the U.S. and South Korea will be returning “to large-scale exercises” and “strengthening [their] combined readiness and our interoperability,” Austin added according to a report by RT. 

    The “support” for South Korea comes as North Korean Ruler Kim Jong-un confirmed that Pyongyang conducted an ICBM test in response to their adversaries’ “dangerous nuclear alliance.” Kim was referencing the alliance between the U.S. and Seoul.

    “The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea affirms that it will never change its course of strengthening its nuclear arsenal,” state-run news agency KCNA cited Kim as saying. He stressed that the test was an “appropriate” response to “the enemies’ dangerous nuclear alliance-strengthening maneuvers and various adventurous military activities” threatening Pyongyang’s safety.

    The media has been a little more focused on “nuclear” stories as of late; let’s hope that’s just a coincidence. Especially as the U.S. accuses North Korea of helping Russia.

    The United States Claims North Korean Troops Are In Russia

    According to the Pentagon, Pyongyang has sent 10,000 troops to Russia for training and potential deployment against Kiev. Russian President Vladimir Putin has neither confirmed nor denied the claims made by Ukraine and its backers about the North Korean troops.

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    Ukraine’s ruler, Volodymyr Zelensky is continually trying to convince the world to “allow” him to use long-range missiles to strike deep into Russian territory. This is a red line Russia has warned the West not to cross, while simultaneously allowing all others to be blurred.

    Recently, Russia threatened a German military factory in Ukraine:

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