U.S. Issues A New Threat To Chinese Ruling Class

by | Jul 30, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    The United States secretary of state has warned the ruling class of China against continuing to provide support for Russia’s defense industry in its conflict with Ukraine. On Saturday, Antony Blinken issued another threat saying that Washington would continue to take measures against Chinese companies if Beijing did not stop providing help to Moscow.

    Blinken issued the threat to Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Laos on Saturday according to a press statement published on the U.S. State Department’s website.  Spokesperson Matthew Miller outlined the details of Blinken and Wang’s meeting, stating that the two sides had “productive discussions on key bilateral, regional and global issues.”

    According to a report by RT, Blinken asserted that the US would continue to advance its vision for a “free and open Indo-Pacific” and raised concerns over China’s “destabilizing actions in the South China Sea.”

    He also reiterated Washington’s “serious concern with PRC support for Russia’s defense industrial base,” and warned Beijing that if it does not act to address this “threat to European security,” the U.S. would “continue to take appropriate measures to do so.”

    China Warns The U.S. About Crossing “Red Lines”

    Both Beijing and Moscow have repeatedly denied U.S. claims that China has been providing support for Russia’s defense industry through bilateral trade. Nevertheless, Washington has sanctioned dozens of Chinese businesses, accusing them of selling goods and components to Russia that can be used for military purposes.

    All of this is being done while the U.S. is in an obvious proxy war with Russia through the support of Ukraine.

    Stop The Denial: Ukraine Is A Proxy War That Will Lead To Wider World War

    All of the threats and rhetoric are going to lead to one outcome, and it could very well lead to a wider or even global war that could kill millions.

    A spokesman for the Chinese embassy in the U.S., Liu Pengyualso said China has the right to engage in “normal economic and trade exchanges with all countries, including Russia,” and tried to warn the ruling class of the U.S. against attempts to undermine these relations, which he said were based on equality and mutual benefit.

    “The US is organizing a campaign to help Ukraine while making groundless accusations,” the Chinese spokesman said, slamming such an approach as “hypocritical and irresponsible,” which he said China firmly opposes.


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