U.S. Reports Its First Case Of Human Bird Flu NOT Linked To Animals

by | Sep 7, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    The United States has reported its 14th human case of bird flu in 2024. This is the first case that is not linked to exposure to infected animals. It’s also the first H5 case detected through the country’s national flu surveillance system rather than targeted surveillance of the ongoing bird flu outbreak in animals.

    “This is the 14th human case of H5 reported in the United States during 2024 and the first case of H5 without a known occupational exposure to sick or infected animals,” the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a statement.

    What is “alarming” to the media is that there are no cases of bird flu among cattle in Missouri, but there have been outbreaks of the virus among poultry in the state. This infected person did not appear to have contact with any infected animals.

    This case is currently under investigation by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (MDHSS), according to a report by CNN.  The person had underlying medical conditions and was hospitalized on August 22nd. The person also tested positive for influenza A, was treated with influenza antiviral medications, and is now recovered and at home, according to MDHSS.

    The CDC claims that the risk to the slave class is still “low.” Recently, the virus was found in three dairy farms in California, the state that produces the most dairy products in the U.S.

    Bird Flu Outbreak: Virus Found In 3 Dairy Farms In California

    It was also recently reported that “indoor only” cats, domestic pet cats that never go outside and cannot be exposed to wild birds, have tested positive for the bird flu.

    “Indoor Only” Cats Test Positive For Bird Flu

    Based on germ theory, this shouldn’t be possible. So what’s going on? Are we really having an outbreak of avian influenza? Or have we been lied to and forced to believe germ theory?  It’s time to start asking questions before they initiate the same type of protocols we saw during the COVID-19 (common cold) scamdemic.


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