U.S. Rulers Expect Israel To Strike Iran Before (S)Election Day

by | Oct 16, 2024 | Headline News, War | 0 comments

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    While much of the United States is enthralled with choosing its next master, the current rulers expect Israel to strike Iran before they get a chance to vote. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears to be “highly sensitive” to any potential political ramifications of Israel’s actions in the U.S., ruling class officials said.

    Netanyahu has been described by senior U.S. administration officials as a political animal deeply attuned to American politics. That’s likely because he needs the support financially and militarily of the U.S. to continue his war efforts in the Middle East.

    According to a report by mainstream media outlet, CNN, the growing conflict in the Middle East has emerged as a persistent issue in the American election. President Joe Biden, and by extension, Vice President Kamala Harris, have faced pressure from progressives for their handling of the situation. Meanwhile, Republicans, including former President Donald Trump, have accused the administration of bungling the crisis, sending the world into chaos.

    As the election nears, the administration has begun applying new pressure on Israel to improve humanitarian conditions inside Gaza. In a stern letter revealed this week, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned Israel a failure to deliver more aid to the enclave could trigger a cutoff of military assistance. –CNN

    And yet, a strike on Iran could upend all efforts toward a peaceful solution in the Middle East. U.S. ruler Joe Biden allegedly did not attempt to “dissuade” Israel from striking Iran, however, the current tyrant is worried that any misstep could cause oil prices to spike before the naive slaves head to polls to choose their new master.

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    Netanyahu informed Biden last week that Israel does not intend to go after Iran’s nuclear or oil sites during this round of retaliation, CNN previously reported a message that was received with relief inside the White House. Biden had publicly encouraged Israel to avoid those targets.

    Israel Vows To Strike Iran’s Military Sites


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