U.S. Ruling Class Is About To “Allow” Ukraine To Cross Russia’s Last Red Line

by | Sep 11, 2024 | Headline News, War | 0 comments

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    Russia’s restraint against NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and the West is one of the few things left keeping the globe from being flung into a full-fledged World War 3. But now, the United States ruling class is about to “allow” Ukraine to use the weapons donated by the West to strike deep inside Russian territory; crossing the last red line Russia laid down.

    Washington intends to lift restrictions on Kyiv’s use of U.S.-provided ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile System) missiles to strike deep inside Russian territory, an Axios reporter has claimed, citing a prominent member of Congress, as reported by RT.  Current ruler, Joe Biden confirmed this saying “We’re working that out now.”

    Other Western allied countries have already publically stated that they think crossing all of Russia’s red lines is reasonable and “permissible.”

    Austria Says Crossing Russia’s “Red Line” Is “Permissible”

    The limitations were originally put in place to allow the U.S. and its allies to claim they were not directly involved in the conflict with Russia while consistently arming Ukraine. So far, the United States has given Kiev about $200 billion or more in both funding and military equipment and weapons. Kiev has been clamoring for the restrictions against using long-range missiles as long-range missiles to be lifted since May.  That also begs the question; was the U.S. always going to “allow” Ukraine to cross Russia’s red lines? Because Washington did give kiev the long-range weaponry, so why would they ban them from using it indefinitely?

    This should serve as a warning for the U.S. If Kiev does strike Russian territory using these donated weapons, it may be the final straw as Russia’s last red line is crossed.

    U.S. Secretary of State war-mongering Antony Blinken intends to announce the policy change while visiting Kiev with his United Kingdom counterpart, David Lammy, this week, Axios journalist Juliegrace Brufke claimed on Tuesday, citing Congressman Michael McCaul.

    “I talked to Blinken two days ago, and he is traveling with his counterpart from the UK to Kiev to basically tell them that they will allow them [to hit Russia with ATACMS],” McCaul, a Texas Republican who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told Brufke in an interview last Friday.

    Blinken will be in Kiev on Wednesday “to show continued support for Ukraine’s defense,” State Department spokesman Matt Miller has confirmed. He did not announce any policy changes.

    According to a report by Bloomberg, Blinken was quoted on Tuesday as having “signaled” Washington’s intent to change its rules because of the claims that Iran has supplied Russia with ballistic missiles.

    Iran has denied the accusation saying it has not supported any side of this particular conflict.

    But, the U.S. was likely just looking for an excuse for Ukraine to aggravate this conflict and take it to the next level, and they have found one; or manufactured one.


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