UK Man Arrested For Online Anti-Ruling Class Rhetoric

by | Aug 20, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    In most places, criticizing the masters, or ruling class has become prohibited. They don’t seem to like it when the slaves figure out their enslavement, and the United Kingdom has just proven how fragile the lie has become. The masters have arrested a slave for his “anti-establishment rhetoric” which he posted online.

    Forty-year-old Wayne O’Rourke of Salix Approach, Lincoln, was arrested this weekend over material he published online that the police claim seeks to stir up racial hatred.

    Although it is not known what specific post has drawn these charges, he “allegedly expressed support for the recent riots and offered advice on how to remain anonymous to his 90,000 followers.” The Nottingham Magistrates Court was told that his posts contained both anti-establishment and anti-Muslim rhetoric. O’Rourke chose not to enter a plea and is scheduled to appear in front of Lincoln Crown Court on Friday, according to a report by Natural News. 

    The Path To Freedom & Abolishing Slavery

    Remember, the masters told the slaves they weren’t allowed to have free speech and warned them of punishments for their disobedience.

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    Repulsion toward those who continually participate in mental slavery is increasing, and that is only a good thing. No one should be ruled or owned, even mentally.

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