Ukraine Drone Strike on Russia Triggers Massive Explosion

by | Sep 18, 2024 | Headline News, War

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    Ukraine used a drone strike overnight to attack Russia, triggering a massive explosion. The media is saying that Kiev targeted a massive Russian weapons stockpile.

    “A fire started in Toropets, Tver region, as a result of falling debris from a drone that was repelled by air defense forces,” the Tver regional administration said early Wednesday. The oblast declared a “partial evacuation” due to the large blast and surrounding fires. A social media video showed a huge fireball erupting against the night sky, according to a report by ZeroHedge. 

    The above video was likely taken from about 2 kilometers away or more, strongly suggesting this could be the largest explosion of the war on Russian territory. There’s widespread speculation that it was a missile and ammo storage site.

    Reuters has described it as an”earthquake-sized blast” which also resulted in a mushroom cloud rising high after the explosion. Some online commentators went so far as to say the blast looked suspiciously nuclear. President Vladimir Putin last week said it has become clear that NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) countries assist with targeting and that its satellites and coordinating systems must be involved in such attacks.

    Kiev has admitted to the attack. The ruling government released a statement saying Ukraine’s Security Service and Intelligence and Special Operations Forces launched the strike. Russian state media has been quiet about the details or confirmation, and the Russian defense ministry has seemed slow to weigh in. This is likely because it was a highly sensitive facility and this is a huge blow to Russia’s military, according to ZeroHedge. 

    Russia Has A “Basis To Start Nuclear War”

    Russia has been warning the West and Ukraine to not cross its last red line; which would be the use of Western-donated long-range missiles to strike deep into Russian territory. This drone strike does not appear to cross that red line.

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