Ukraine’s Top General Tells Troops There Is “Almost No Chance of Survival”

by | Nov 21, 2024 | Headline News

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    A top Ukrainian general told the troops that there is “almost no chance of survival” against the Russian military. Valery Zaluzhny has told soldiers fighting for Ukraine that the frontline mentality should be a kill-or-be-killed one.

    And the ruling classes wonder why the slaves are figuring out just how disturbing the idea of conscription has been. The rulers and masters start the wars, then force the slaves to kill or be killed in them. It isn’t too difficult to figure out why people are blasting the system of destruction.

    Conscription is slavery, just like government is slavery, but it can definitely be worse than that, especially on one’s moral sensibility.

    Why Military Conscription Is Worse Than Slavery

    The speech that Zaluzhny gave at a boot camp in southern England was shared by The Sun on Tuesday after the tabloid joined the official’s tour of the military facility. British Armed Forces Minister Luke Pollard accompanied the Ukrainian general-turned-diplomat. The comments definitely echo the sentiment felt by the planet at large. Ukraine is unlikely to beat Russia in this war that they insist on continuing.

    The United Kingdom is among the staunchest supporters of Kyiv’s bid to achieve an improbable military victory against Russia. Additionally, the British military has trained over 50,000 Ukrainian soldiers so far, according to the UK Ministry of Defence.

    ”Remember that the war is becoming more cruel with every day. It leaves almost no chance for survival,” Zaluzhny warned the trainees. “Learn not to be afraid of death.” He added: ”It’s not enough to save yourself and your friend, your brother. You still need to complete the task. To do this, you will need to kill. To kill without hesitation.”

    So go ahead and put morality aside and just do what we command; the creed of every master and tyrant.

    “Love each other and remember Ukraine. If you are gone, maybe someone else will take your place, but Ukraine will be preserved,” Zaluzhny added. But it doesn’t look like Ukraine is going to “win” the war (as if there are ever winners in war,) so it probably won’t be “preserved” at least by mainstream definitions.

    RT reports that the balance in the war has since swung in favor of Russia, whose troops have made significant progress in recent months.

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