Ukrainian Soldiers Deserting And Going AWOL

by | Oct 30, 2024 | Headline News, War

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    News reports that Ukraine will conscript over 160,000 more people to kill or be killed for the ruling class have surfaced. Meanwhile, other outlets claim that over 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers have deserted or gone AWOL (absent without leave).

    This means that a large number of human beings have woken up to the horrific immorality of war, conscription, and therefore, governments in general. Is this the turning of the tide we’ve been waiting for, and the first step toward the failure of all ruling classes? Here’s hoping.

    Ukrainian MP Anna Skorokhod admitted on Tuesday that more than 100,000 soldiers have left Ukraine’s military, leaving despite orders to remain enslaved to the ruling class. Skorokhod’s statement came as another MP revealed recently that rising losses and troop shortages have prompted plans to draft an additional 160,000 soldiers.

    Speaking on the Novyny.LIVE TV show as quoted by RT, Skorokhod claimed that rampant mismanagement and poor decisions by officials were contributing to low morale on the battlefield. It likely isn’t the “mismanagement” of the slaves, but the fact that the slaves have figured it out. It’s not going to get easier for the rulers from this point forward either.

    “I will not tell you the [exact] number of people who deserted and went AWOL, but will say it is over 100,000,” Skorokhod said, according to a report by RT.  She went on to say that she has been receiving complaints from soldiers and their families about the behavior of the higher-ups. “People are raising questions that I cannot provide answers to. ‘Why must I, a repair shop worker from just a month ago, sit in the trenches while senior officers are far away from the front line? Why just 10% to 15% of the army personnel are actually participating in combat?’”

    Military lawyer Roman Lykhachev said that “definitely more than 100,000 servicemen” have unlawfully (legality and morality are different) left their positions. In some instances, as many as 20-30 soldiers deserted at the same time, he said, adding that only the military knows the exact number.

    Why Military Conscription Is Worse Than Slavery

    Last spring, to compensate for the mounting losses on the battlefield, Kiev lowered the conscription age from 27 to 25 and increased penalties for draft dodgers. Earlier this month, an MP warned that Ukrainians could face criminal charges for undermining the mobilization push by aiding draft dodgers via social media. –RT


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