Unprecedented Moves Towards War With China Would “Upend Supply Routes, Trigger Global Recession”

by | Feb 9, 2017 | Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Headline News | 108 comments

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    Economic tensions are tipping over into military ones.

    Warships have sailed, and the rhetoric of Trump’s officials has shifted dramatically from the previous era.

    The larger threat to the petrodollar and the continuance of U.S. hegemony has been put face-to-face with a China gaining in power and confidence, and ready to depose American dominance. It has become bold enough to make fresh claims on territory, and the U.S. has taken it as a call to war.

    How much more pressure will this situation take before it explodes into a deadly confrontation? And why is world war three suddenly back on the table?

    The Trump Administration is starting off on a highly aggressive posture with China – with taboo calls to Taiwan, loose talk from President Trump (since the campaign trail) about a trade war with China, and now stern warnings from Secretary of State Tillerson about China’s activities in the South China Sea.

    It might come off as just a scolding, if not for the huge military assembly surrounding the region, and the unprecedented level of ICBM missile testing and genuine threats/predictions of war to come. Someone clearly means business:

    via London Independent:

    China has accused Donald Trump’s administration of putting regional stability in East Asia at risk following remarks by the President’s defense secretary that a U.S. commitment to defend Japanese territory applies to an island group that China claims.

    Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang has called on Trump’s administration to avoid discussion of the issue and reasserted China’s claim of sovereignty over the tiny uninhabited islands…


    Widespread alarm over how the region could shape geopolitical tensions was raised following the revelation that Steve Bannon, the chief strategist in Trump’s White House, said he believed the US would go to war with China within five to 10 years during a radio broadcast in 2016.

    “They’re taking their sandbars and making basically stationary aircraft carriers and putting missiles on those. They come here to the United States in front of our face—and you understand how important face is—and say it’s an ancient territorial sea.”

    Obviously, a hot war with China, if it ever came, would a world war of catastrophic proportions. The fact that the new administration is directly pushing for it is truly unsettling.

    It seems that part of the testy call with the Australian Prime Minister may have related to fresh tensions with China, as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has vowed to stop China’s activity in the South China Sea, and Australia has become something of a intermediary in attempting to calm tensions and avoid outright conflict.

    via AFR.com:

    [Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi] insisted the US and China relationship had defied all kinds of difficulties in the past 40 years …

    “Any sober minded politician will recognise that there can not be conflict between China and the United States,” Mr Wang told reporters in Canberra. “Both will lose and both sides cannot afford that.”


    Mr Wang’s comments, after lengthy talks with Foreign Minister Julie Bishop in Canberra on Tuesday, follow a period of aggressive rhetoric during which new US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson threatened to stop Chinese activities on reclaimed islands in the South China Sea.

    Ms Bishop said she was reassured that both the Chinese and US governments have signalled they will work together and reiterated that Australia would maintain its current neutral stance on the issue.

    Perhaps President Trump is eager to make his mark, and moving quickly to arrange the playing pieces according to his wishes, but the world is a powder keg, and there are those who are far too willing to set it off.

    Iran, China, Russia and the entire middle east have been caught up in the threats and risks of global conflict week after week in U.S. foreign policy, and it seems that the Trump Administration will accelerate many of those conflicts.

    In addition to the cost in lives and property damage that such the wide-scale, conventional conflict would bring, it would bring the global supply chain to a nasty halt, and create shortages, price hyperinflation and deeply damage trade.

    Experts have told The Independent they believe such a conflict would be catastrophic… The United States would likely win […] but even a conventional military victory would be a strategic disaster. It would set off a global economic crisis and create a potential power vacuum inside defeated China “the like of which we can’t imagine”.

    “It would, of course, totally upend supply routes, however, and probably cause a global recession. So it would, no matter who won in terms of military outcomes, be lose-lose and cut against the logic of self interest of both the US and China.”

    If a conflict with China became real, became tangible, Americans would feel the repercussions in a very short span of time, even if the U.S. military won the conflict, as most experts predict.

    The cost of such instability would be great to people everywhere.

    Prepare as best you can; things are about to become unpredictable, and quite possibly unstable. There will be a lot of talk, but we will have to wait and watch to see if anything actually happens.

    Read more:

    Flashback 2011: Trump to China: “Listen You Motherf***ers…”

    U.S. Warships Surround Disputed Chinese Waters, Prepared for War: “WWIII At Stake”

    As Yuan Rivals Dollar, U.S. Launches Ballistic Missiles Over West Coast: “Lit Up California”

    New Choice for World Currency: “Chinese Yuan Will Supersede Dollar as Top Reserve Currency”


    It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point

    Gold has been the right asset with which to save your funds in this millennium that began 23 years ago.

    Free Exclusive Report
    The inevitable Breakout – The two w’s

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      1. Sabre rattling to see who can puff their chest up bigger. The US is China’s greatest trading partner. I highly doubt they would put their Country into a depression to loose this economic supply chain asset. It will be white collar currency wars as usual.

        Although in the last few days China has moved warships to the outer coasts of Japan claiming that China will protect them. LOL… Meanwhile Japan is over here in the US signing a Hundred Billion Dollar Deals with Trump to fund the Highways bridges and high speed rail projects under Trumps $1 Trillion Dollar infrastructure Plan to stimulate Jobs. Nobody is going to blow these economic deals over banter.

        And there is nothing anybody here can do about it anyway, so why fret over something we have no control over.

        • Read an article earlier that said the islands in dispute between China and Japan (which the Chinese claim) and General Mattis says the USA will defend Japan for; actually belonged to China prior to WWII and the Japanese were required to return them to China as a condition of the treaty ending WWII.

          Interesting. 🙂

          • Hey DK…..
            I have been reading / hearing the same thing too.
            Also….and can anyone verify this…..?
            I have heard it said that the US have never signed the Freedom of International Sea Navigation Treaty.
            If that IS true, then old mate US is gonna have a hard time prosecuting China regarding these matters.
            Best thing China could do, if voices are indeed raised, is run 8 or 9 navy ships into the Gulf of Mexico…..with say 6 or 7 Russian flank ships….to do a bit of free navigation.
            That might calm Old Mate down…..and imbeciles over here in Australia.
            Best wishes all. Keep prepping and ready for The Good Fight against The Bastard Government.

            Nuke em Duke
            Suffering in 43 degree (C) 109 degree (F) summer heat
            But with frosty beer in hand 🙂
            East Coast, Australia.

            • Remember, regulations that start across the pond, often end up here.

              Cash No Longer King: Europe Accelerates Move To Begin Elimination Of Paper Money

              The European commission has quietly launched the next offensive in the war on cash.

              “the commission has unilaterally established new regulations that will affect the entire union.”

              “Negative interest rates and high inflation are a deadly combination that could further destabilize the already fragile union in the future.

              With less physical currency circulating, these trends ensure that the impact of any additional central bank policies will be maximized.

              If economic conditions deteriorate, the threat of citizens pulling cash out of their accounts and starting a bank run is eliminated in a cashless system.

              So long as the people’s wealth is under centralized control, funds can be shifted at will to conceal any underlying problems.

              But the longer this shell game is allowed to persist, the more painful it will be when reality overrides the manipulation.”

              ht tp://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-02-10/cash-no-longer-king-europe-accelerates-move-begin-elimination-paper-money

            • Is that a “beer” or a “Foster’s” ??? Just asking. 🙂

              • Nobody drinks “Fosters” in Australia.

              • Hi DK……
                Mate, I would estimate of beer drinkers in Australia, only around 0.001 % would drink Fosters.
                I prefer Toohey’s Draught.
                If ever you make it over here, look me up and we’ll blow the froth off a couple.

                Nuke em Duke
                Enjoyer of Worldwide Ales
                East Coast, Reality TValia.

        • Infrastructure plan would be a disaster. govt can’t grow the economy.

          We need to ramp up our productive capacity. What good is a shiny new infrastructure when we have no productive capacity to use it with.

          • AZ
            You asked for some info from me on the 7Th.
            Look up
            Comment ID: 3661720

            February 7, 2017 at 2:31 pm.

            It was the first story Mac put out that day.


        • Red China is the problem here, NOT the US. The South China Sea is international waters protected by international treaty. Red China knows this and chooses to ignore it. let Red China start something. We can damn sure finish it.

          • Hey DBH,
            Hope you and yours are well.
            I usually agree with your posts…..not too sure on this one…..and I could be wrong.
            I hear that the US has not signed up to any International Freedom of Navigation Treaties.
            Mate…..if China wants to play in her backyard, I reckon she can.
            Let’s face it…..the US plays IN EVERY BACKYARD….without apology, without reservation and without shame.
            Moreover…..China is no pushover, and the US can flex it’s muscles and is THE Biggest Hombre on the block.
            That said…..I have seen, more than once, the Big Hombre get his arse smacked nice and proper by another who was pushed too far.
            A US – China war would be interesting……but there would be ZERO winners in today’s phucked up world.
            Peace Champ 😉

            Nuke E’m Duke
            Cooking his son’s dinner (Fish Burgers & Daddy’s WORLD FAMOUS CHIPS)
            East Coast, Australia

            • Nuke Em Duke, if what you’re saying about that treaty is true that by itself could be a game changer. But the South China Seais international waters protected by international treaty. The Red Chinese know this and deliberately ignore it. Sure they can do whatever they want within their own TERRITORIAL waters. International law recognizes a 12-mile limit from anyone’s coast. Billions in trade and oil pass thru the South China Sea every year. Red China thinks it can stop that trade? That’s a HUGE NO-NO. I confess I have no use for MAINLAND Chinese. However, Chinese from TAIWAN are a totally different story. I’ve known a few Taiwanese. Some of the best people I’ve ever known. The only GOOD Chinese in my view, but that’s just me. I’ll agree if a war goes nuclear all bets are off. I just don’t have any use any bloody commies regardless of where they come from. My wife was a refugee from Cuba and lost half of her family to Fidel Castro’s butchers. When Castro’s death was announced I literally celebrated. Now he’s burning in hell. He finally got what was coming to him.

              • Hey DBH
                Sir……I am saddened to hear what your wife had to go through.
                Here’s hoping to no war at all……none at all, anywhere.
                Take care mate.

                Nuke em Duke
                With Respect
                East Coast, Australia

            • Japan will get drawn into this, probably will be the initiator of it, and we have defense treaties guaranteeing our defense of Japan.

              There are other treaties involved as well that would require us to join in.

              China has the power here, the US is pretty much a has been at calling the shots.

          • “Red China is the problem here, NOT the US.”

            Not necessarily. The Chinese Foreign Minister is the individual who said that the Islands belonged to China before WWII and that the Treaty to end that conflict in Asia required Japan to repatriate all Chinese lands taken in WWII.

            If that Treaty so states, then the Islands belong to China and a 12 mile sovereignty boundary borders the Islands. I believe other Maritime rights like fishing rights and resource development extend 200 miles out, but I am not sure.

            The US is not disputing the 12 mile boundary. China has a sovereign right to place military defenses on its territory.

            The TRUMPSTER will press his point on Fair Trade and the Chinese will capitulate. A “Two China Policy was just a negotiating tool. He has confirmed a One China Policy.

            Now he will want something in exchange. Like the head KIM on a silver platter. I expect Kim’s demise this year and the elimination of North Korean Nukes. 🙂

          • “let Red China start something. We can damn sure finish it.”

            Why? I personally don’t care if China or MobilExxon gets that South China Sea oil. I have no intention of fighting over it anymore than I will over a Qatar Natural Gas line through Syria.

            • Fair point, K2.
              Well received and understood.

              Nuke em Duke
              Thinking K2 is onto something
              East Coast, Imboville.

      2. My gut tells me that the Chinese/Russian/Iran axis will wait until the US is engaged in Civil War 2. Maybe when California secedes from the Union.

        We are being destabilized right now by the Left while Trump and his Cabinet are attempting to stop them.

        Then they (The Axis) will start military ops in Europe, the Middle East and The Pacific rim.

        Are YOU ready?

        • No one is ready Seminole (or are you actually Miccosukee? – my best friend is of that tribe); but, like your namesake – I don’t plan on ever being defeated.

        • I agree: all they have to do is stir up the ‘grows and America has unrest in every city. Why directly attack America when it will do most of the work for you? Tip the US into utter domestic chaos and violence, and the military gets bogged down trying to control things. Keep in mind the military is also filled with people who are from the same groups rioting, so they will probably turn too.

          Pick away at the periphery of the American empire, grabbing chunks here and there. Create areas of denied entry like there is across the Middle East. Make it very expensive for America to insert troops. The security costs are horrendous for the Pentagon whereas some sandal-clad dune coons can wreck havoc with IEDs, cyber attacks etc.

          • “Pick away at the periphery of the American empire”

            How would this threaten the security of an American? We shouldn’t be “over there” to begin with. No one is coming to this hemisphere and certainly not into the US.

            ” Make it very expensive for America to insert troops.”

            Where? Why did we attack the middle east nations? Iraq? No WMD. Libya? No threat to the US and now its fundamentalist central. What good has come from our intervention including the ungovernable Afghanistan that has never had, and likely never will, have a central government.

            • Kevin 2,
              FOLLOW the MONEY, there is the problem, the world as we know it runs on OIL and that and a few side reasons together is why we keep sending troops overseas. but it always boils down to MONEY=OIL= population control , the agenda has been set by the NWO and unless rebellion can remove those KEY people who REALLY control the world nothing will change and we will keep heading towards war, in the end lower world wide population and a people that can be totally controlled, that is what they want and we will see IF there is enough of us to stop it!!

              • So much oil, record inventory levels, sooooo NATURALLY its time to sell ten million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Go figure.

                Yeah, it could happen. 🙂

          • FT, your scenario is plausible except for the troops. WHOSE troops. Most of the US military are overseas. Not many left here in CONUS and some National Guard units are also overseas. That leaves FOREIGN troops aka UN peacekeepers. That’s what we’ll face along with Muslim gangs, Mexican drug cartels, MS-13, etc.

            • There are currently 1.3 million hunters in PA and 1.2 million in Texas. We have a standing US based army of 10’s of millions if needed. Not to mention a million plus law enforcement Agents and Officers.

        • Of course.

          Let America destroy itself from within. Then attack the weakened carcass.

          Any non-idiot can see that.

          The question is how to stop the Leftist Liberal Cancer that’s determined to stop and disrupt the three branches of government with any means necessary?

          • Free Slave,
            that is a good question ( how to stop the libtards) they are deeply embedded in the political world and it will be hard to stop them, BUT if we don’t the WAR, will happen and I am sure they have a plan (B) if this doesn’t work. we NEVER paid China back from our early 1900 collapse, they saved us by giving us millions in gold and so far we have NOT paid then back and they want there gold, lots of things all lead to a WAR scenario for many reasons, it does NOT look good for us and every day it looks worse!

        • SW, the libturds in Cali don’t realize that if they secede they LOSE ALL FEDERAL FUNDS FOR ANY AND ALL PURPOSES. They would become a failed state before they even started.

      3. Rolling downhill like a snowball headed for hell as Mr haggard wrote.

        • I don’t have a lot of confidence in this President. I think HRC was a worthless piece of shit and voted for Trump but he is looking really ridiculous nowadays. Get it together!

          • Trump is just following the typical U.S. Foreign Policy procedures, and nothing more. Everything about how the U.S. handles foreign policy(s) is and has been wrong!

            There’s ways of doing things on a diplomatic level. Unfortunately for those other countries – if they don’t follow or do as the U.S. says – then, they’ll bomb and invade into their territory(s) until they comply.

            • All the Neo-Con Holdovers are pushing Trumps buttons to get WW3 started. Trump needs to rein them in and cut off funding for adventurism. Spend the money on the wall, infrastructure and getting jobs back. It will take a bit to shake the snakes out of the bag, and into the cauldron. Stay tuned. Trump is throwing everything at the wall and most of it is sticking.

              Here is a NEO-Con Zionist who hates America and everything about us.
              Bill Kristol: White Working Class Should Be Replaced by Immigrants

              Kristol’s assertion that immigrants are all hard working, tax contributing, upstanding citizens isn’t backed up by the facts, which show that “lazy” white people are less reliant on welfare.

              According to the Center for Immigration Studies, “51 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal or illegal) reported that they used at least one welfare program during the year, compared to 30 percent of native households.”

              Immigrants also have a significantly higher use of food programs (40 percent vs. 22 percent for natives).

              Kristol was apparently nervous about his comments being recorded despite making them at a public event.

              “I hope this thing isn’t being videotaped or ever shown anywhere. Whatever tiny, pathetic future I have is going to totally collapse,” said the founder of the Weekly Standard.

              • Zeus, at least 90% of the foreign POS are on welfare. I would gladly sacrifice 2 bullets for Bill Kristol’s head. I can’t stand the sight of that POS.

                • BTW Zeus, I just finished watching that video and threw up a snack I was having. kristol is a disgusting juden.

            • The military buildup currently underway was ordered by the Kenyan, and is being put in place at Russia’s border. It was the Kenyan, the wtch btch HRC, John Kerry, and Angela Merkel who hatched this NATO mobilization against Russia because they thought their globalist queen of war HRC was going to be in the WH.

              Those who are fighting President Trump (Lindsey Graham, little Chuckie Schummer, the Kenyan, the wtch btch HRC, John McCain, Paul Ryan, etc.) are still hoping for WWIII. They still have an agenda, the plan for world gvmnt, by taking out Russia and China and controlling the US.

              The demoncrap/RHINO deep state war party that controls this country was laying the ground work for a surprise nuclear attack on Russia and China before Oct 2016. They ordered the Pentagon and the US Intel communities to compile an assessment of the probability of Russia and China surviving a US and/or a NATO surprise nuclear attack, and the report to be given to Congress by Jan. 15. They wanted it done before the wtch btch marched into the WH because they expected the queen of war to be in the WH, and not Donald Trump.

              That’s why Russia said in Oct that if HRC wins, Russia goes to war. Russia would have launched an attack on America before the inauguration if HRC had been elected. The People’s election of Donald Trump has messed up the globalists’ plan for WWIII.

              • Sir you are absolutely right. WW3 is the ultimate agenda
                and without it world government would be hard to implement.
                Reduce the population, blame the war for destroying our economy, the people beg for a world government to stop the bleeding and willingly give up their rights. Hopefully the civil war will serve the same purpose because the globalists and MSM are pushing for this as well.

      4. are you ready ?

      5. Well if we make it to 2020 with out a war with someone I will be surprised.

        Unprecedented Moves Towards War With China Would “Upend Supply Routes, Trigger Global Recession.” The world hasn’t gotten out of its recession to start with. It will be more like STARVATION, not recession.

        Russia really doesn’t want a war they have been blown apart too many times and they know how hard it is to rebuild, but they will fight if pushed too far.

        Iran wants a war to bring in the 12th imam and for him to rule the world.

        China is the new kid on the block (so to speak)with way too many people and they don’t care who dies. They will just move what is left into the cities that are setting empty in central China.

        Things will get very testy in the world if the USA stops shipping things around the world like FOOD.

        As I’m looking at this NO ONE WINS WW3.


        • “Iran wants a war to bring in the 12th imam and for him to rule the world.”

          A country that hasn’t invaded another country in over 200 years – all of a sudden wants to go on the offensive? Somehow … I highly doubt this.

          They (Iran) will defend itself if it feels threatened, after all … this is their right.

          Iran is part of the P5+1 Group – and they had every right to test fire a non-nuclear rocket into the air – it is within their right to do so per the P5+1 agreement.

          The only one reneging against this test is Israel & the U.S. because Israel once again complained about nothing.

          [I only added this Iran/rocket thing here because, I know somebody along the line is going to make a big deal about it.]

          • FTW
            With all do respect.
            Iranian Shiite proxy armies in several nations fighting the Sunnis.

            Iran Iraq war both nation were fight over land they both claimed. How about the Kurds in the north. The reason they haven’t invaded is because they haven’t been strong enough to do so in the last 200 years.

            Now they have nukes and a way to deliver them, and yes they want to bring in the 12Th imam to rule the world under Shiite Law.

            Over the last 200 years they were ruled by Kings and Presidents, they kept the Religious Extremist Shiite war mongers at bay.


            • Sgt., Good news, all I need to get is a pistol grip and handguard and use US made mags. An all US mag counts as 3 parts grip 1 part, buttstock 1 part, handguard 1 part. I don’t have to get the handguard but they make some nice ones with metal heatshield so…. These regs. are sooo stupid I can’t believe it. But I will have a bad arse battle tool!

              • “G”
                Let me know how things work out.
                Keep up the good work!!!

              • Genius, I respect and acknowledge your right to make your own decision on that. As for me, I’ve never heard of now acknowledge ANY ATF POLICY concerning our ‘liberty tools’. But that’s just me.

            • Thank God Iran is fighting ISIS (Israel, US terrorists) as invited by Syria to do so. The US use of proxy terrorists
              around the world has got to stop.

          • When USA attacks Iran, the world will find out how far along Iran’s nuke program actually is. Don’t count on Iran popping a nuke as a warning.

            Iran already has nukes. They are sprinting toward mass production and miniaturization.

        • Sgt. Dale

          China has taken massive steps in modernization in the last three decades and now has a huge energy demand. China desires a secure source of fuel, namely oil and natural gas that is not subject to being interrupted by outside forces. Kissinger said, “You control food you control people, you control oil you control nations”. China has no desire to be controlled. The West has every desire to control China.

          Russia and China are the last two major nations of real significance to be independent. TPTB doesn’t like that.

      6. “The Trump Administration is starting off on a highly aggressive posture with China – with taboo calls to Taiwan, loose talk from President Trump (since the campaign trail) about a trade war with China, and now stern warnings from Secretary of State Tillerson about China’s activities in the South China Sea.”

        WHAT??? So China doesn’t like Trump calling Taiwan. Too bad. A U.S. Prez can call anyone he damn well pleases.

        China has manipulated its currency and ripped off our intellectual property shamelessly for decades to our detriment.

        And China has claimed a large area of the Pacific as their historical territory. If I were Trump I’d sail a carrier group within a mile of one of their island bases and dare them to do something about it. The world courts have already ruled that the Chinese bases are clearly in international waters and they have no right to claim them.

        Obama backed down from China and Russia and now we have a mess. Something has to be done and if it leads to conflict, so be it.

        If your neighbor keeps parking his car in your drive way and always steals your morning newspaper what do you do? Backing down is not an option.

        Go Donald, go.

        • Lost Karma, damn good points. BTW, it was the President of Taiwan who called Trump, NOT the other way around. TABOO calls? WTF is a TABOO call? NOBODY IN RED CHINA TELLS OUR POTUS OR ANYONE ELSE IN AMERICA WHAT THE F#$% TO DO! Taiwanese or the only GOOD Chinese out there. I’ll take them any day over MAINLAND Chinese.

          • You’re right. He called Trump. Good for Donald to take the call. The Taiwanese have been good friends to the U.S. for many years.

      7. Shit like “we’d obviously win” makes me crazy.

        We couldn’t even take Iraq and Afghanistan.

        If we went to TOTAL war then yeah we’d win (maybe… slightly better than coin toss odds) but TOTAL war means everyone gets pissed at what everyone else started and nukes start flying. I think the cockroaches win that one.

        Our hubris and our military budget… I’m worried… kind of make this inevitable. England at least knew when to fuck off after Germany bombed the piss out of them with conventionals. I don’t think we’re going to get the fact that we… sadly… ARE in fact England (either now or soon). And if we refuse to get it we’re going to push it when we’re losing… and well.

        • What is USA’s war plan? Get China to buy more treasuries to finance our war effort?

          China knows a conflict will hurt them badly, so they would probably attack us economically early on by dumping treasuries. Russia may try to pile on, albeit at arm’s length if possible.

          A USA-China war would be a dream come true for Russia (unless nukes fly), We cut each other to ribbons, and take ourselves out of any basket of currencies used as the new reserve currency. Maybe even put an end to the whole reserve currency idea.

        • – TheGuy-

          We have something like 5 combat ready brigades in our army right now. Thank you Obama.
          It’s kind of like the US Army before WW2 where they didn’t have enough rifles and the
          troops had to practice drill and ceremony with broomsticks. Lets hope in this case history
          does not repeat itself. We are in sad shape. I guess it was more important to make the
          military transgender friendly. Despicable. They need to concentrate on beans and bullets.
          Not social programs. They need to shitcan all of Obama’s old admirals and generals. Those
          were YES MEN of the worst sort. Most of them put career ahead of country. If we are
          ramping up for war, we don’t need that kind of military leadership.

      8. I’m not too sure America could win a war with the Chinese. I’m sure we could destroy most of their navy, but our losses would be significant. A land invasion would be very difficult, if not impossible against a nuclear power. A real hot war is not good for business, only preparing for such wars is the way to make money, so I predict an interesting arms race in the next few years, lots of posturing, but no war. North Korea is another issue, but I doubt China wants to risk extermination in order to save North Korea from total destruction.

        • Problem is… North Korea can survive a nuke war: America, less so. The majority of the North Korean population has a shelter and they have entire cities and factories deep underground. How many Americans have a shelter?

          There is a ray of sunshine to this: with the high rate third world migration into the US, those will be the people who will also go up in smoke if their is a nuke exchange. Literally from the fires of radical Islam into the cauldron of nuke war. A divine justice of some sort.

          • ” A land invasion would be very difficult, if not impossible against a nuclear power.”

            Um so if they invaded here because we are a nuke power we would nuke our own land to get rid of them? Please explain…

            • I’ll explain. One must mass forces to invade. A 20KT WWII fission bomb would stop the amphibious D Day invasion in its tracks. The retaliatory capability of a nuclear armed nation thwarts any attack. Possession of nuclear weapons is invasion insurance.

              The US is not going to be invaded.

            • The neutron bomb makes a nuclear war a ‘viable’ option as the neutron bomb kills all living things within an hour of its effective range and leaves all weapons and infrastructure intact. Also it leaves very little fallout so there is no deterrent to using one. The only deterrent is, is you are letting pandora out of the box again. The rest of the bigger and dirtier bombs would most likely follow the neutron bombs lead. Keep looking up while your diigging down.

        • Rellik, I think WE are the ones who would risk extermination if we dropped even a small tactical nuke on NK. Red China is NK’s primary ally and benefactor and will draw the line on a nuke attack. They prefer to have NK as a buffer zone. Even if NK suffered only a societal collapse Beijing doesn’t want US or even South Korean troops on the Yalu River. Plus, they’re not too happy with NK’s behavior under Porky for the last few years with all the missile and nuke tests they’ve been conducting. Beijing will eventually draw a red line somewhere concerning Porky. IF BEIJING were to do something with Porky and stabilize the Korean Peninsula themselves, that would be a feather in their cap.

      9. “I’m not too sure America could win a war with the Chinese”

        I have a strong feeling that you are very much correct on your analysis.

        “but I doubt China wants to risk extermination in order to save North Korea from total destruction.

        It would be a nice thought … but … China & N.Korea have an agreement. Whether N.Korea is in the wrong or not matters none – China says they will defend N.Korea – which is why I say … “don’t go looking for trouble on a Military Scale with China or N.Korea, dispute your differences on a diplomatic level.”

        • China doesn’t give a rats ass about the people of N. Korea, only it’s natural resources. It will occupy N.K. the first chance it gets. The only defense they will wage for N. Korea is to keep other countries from taking it.

          • Actually China does give a rats-ass about N.korea … only because, they don’t want some foreign country involved south of China.

            China does not want a repeat of what took place in Korea during the early to mid 1950’s. That is the only reason why, China gives a shit and nothing more.

            • China wants the buffer that NK provides. The status quo is just fine with China.

          • If China really needed natural resources they would invade Mongolia.
            Nobody ever thinks about that. China does not want the US on the Korean peninsula.
            If the US was smart they would tell China, you help us get rid of fat boy, let the Koreans
            north and south unify their country, then we leave. Problem solved. Everybody happy.

            • “If China really needed natural resources they would invade Mongolia.”

              Mongolia have oil?

              • From the CIA World Fact Book Mongolia recovers 23,000 BBLs Day and Exports 14,000.

                That isn’t even peanuts. Its so insignificant that its too little to feed a single relatively small oil refinery.

                China wants a source of oil that can’t be readily cut off.

              • Perhaps not oil but minerals, precious metals, etc.
                Guess it all depends on what you consider natural resources.
                I used to have that fact book too. Gave it away. It bored the hell out of me.
                That country is sparsely populated. If China wanted to take it, they could.
                Those Yakherders would have nowhere to hide. All they could hope for is a

        • Explain your definition of “WIN”? The “victor”, with a greater number of its population surviving would be pushed back into a stone age existence. Cities, manufacturing, infrastructure, energy facilities and its associated transportation network destroyed. Wait for the follow up of a biological attack feeding upon the above.



          • A surgical strike on fat boys palace with some cruise missiles would be a good start.
            Most of their command and control would be gone right there. None of his cronies want
            to die for him or his failed regime. Its only fear that keeps his generals in line. The CIA
            should get back to assassinations the old school way instead of drone strikes like they
            do now.

      10. We are about to embark on a new world of disorder . Stay focused . The feeding frenzy between the mega rich is approaching full throttle.

      11. Obama dropped a hundred thousand bombs. No problem.
        Trump talks tuff and we’re shaking in our boots. I sincerely hope this is just a way of establishing a position of strength.

        Those islands are man made. Perhaps there is oil off shore and Tillerson, an oil magnate, wants it. Or maybe China is building a landing place for war planes and Trump’s people want to keep China from having the ability to wage war (against us). Because we won’t continue buying junk products from them. President Trump is very intelligent. I trust his judgment.

        I learned that there will never be a shortage of oil because oil comes from organisms in the earth that constantly reproduce. The peak oil scare was just another scam to overcharge us at the gas pump. Old oil wells are replenished after five or six years. Finally some good news.


        • Hey B from CA, You say, “Old oil wells are replenished after five or six years. Finally some good news.”

          There has to be thousands of capped drill sights in the Gulf of Mexico that have been stagnate for decades, so are you saying they need to go re-tap these capped wells, because they are filled up again with Oil? You think?

          • I have read that too. Russian (I believe a lot more than US) scientists proved that oil was abiotic and is continually produced. Look it up.

            • One of my music students, 40 years old with a PhD in chemical engineering, and with many patents to his name, works for Exxon Mobile (not sure why he is one of my students, he is brilliant). In one of our discussions, he also said that oil is constantly being replenished and that the thought that the earth will ever actually run out of oil is ridiculous. I tend to believe him.

              • The replenishment rate is much much slower than the extraction rate.

            • The proof that oil doesn’t come from dinosaurs or plants is that oil doesn’t contain all of the same elements. For example, bones contain calcium, but oil doesn’t. There are numerous other elements contained in all living things which are absent from crude oil.

      12. From the “Yes, the nitwits on the left REALLY did say that” file:

        Do you remember the old quote during Vietnam, where someone purportedly said, after a village was burned to the ground, “We had to destroy the village to save it.” (That was actually a fake lamestream media quote, and the man to whom it was attributed actually said “It was a shame that village had to be destroyed,” but hey! This is the fake leftist news we’re talkin about here!). Well, here’s the latest leftist gem from the Berzerkely riots, recently printed in the university’s student newspaper, the Daily Californian:

        “Illegal immigrant student Juan Prieto explained in an op-ed titled “Violence helped ensure safety of students.”

        No,, Sr. Prieto is NOT majoring in logic. But then, you already knew that!

        Cited from http://www.dailywire.com/news/13289/berkeley-student-op-ed-we-had-get-violent-self-ben-shapiro?utm_source=shapironewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=070516-news-title&utm_campaign=lead

      13. If there is a war with China, does this mean I won’t be able to get my trinkets, geegaws and fake Rolexes anymore with the money I *also* borrow from China (given that I am bankrupt, and only have money in the US due to, to quote Blanche in Streetcar Named Desire, “the kindness of strangers” in China, Japan and elsewhere ??????

        As a card-carrying socialist, it sounds pretty darned un-American to me when I can’t live for my own self-absorbed pleasures at the expense of someone else. (sarc off)

        • Damn I better get my ass on ebay and order more security cameras, dvr’s, cables, and radio gear from china before shtf 😮

      14. FUCK CHINA.


        • HCKS. AMEN to that one!

      15. So the US government thinks they own all of the oil on planet Earth. Reserves stacked to capacity, no problem, they must control it all. Big Oil has run the world into the ground with its plunder and devastation on a monumental scale. One can say this industry is responsible for the wretched situation the world finds itself immersed in, all wars fought for a private industry. The industry that leads the way in stopping technology across the board to protect its gluttonous misery. Let’s bomb the hell out of these oil holding nations. Smh

        • The oil age is also responsible for overpopulation…

          • Is the earth overpopulated? Says who?

      16. We should be concerned about this, but I just read an article and saw the videos, and this is where the real problem is right now. One day soon there will be a blood bath. One day soon the good guys will defend them self and these BAMN turds it will end up bleeding in the streets. I know if I was attacked like some of these folks someone would be going to the hospital, and it won’t be me.

        You can defend yourself anyway you can if you are in fear of Death or Great Bodily Harm.

        I know it is off topic but it is a must read must watch.
        we-want-riots-and-destruction-across-america-we-will-fight-next-in-the-streets-videos-psychopathic-Yvette-Felarca-leader-and-national-organizer-of-BAMN-a-violent-fascist-terrorist-group Steve Quayle’s sight.


        • Sarge,

          I am so pissed. That witch claimed self-defense when it was SHE who started attacking that fellow in Sacramento. She outright lied!

          Not only that, but namecalling without proof is NOT a valid argument.

          I mean, she keeps yelling “Fascist!” but my gosh, she’s the one doing the violent suppression to keep someone else from verbally expressing their thoughts. Isn’t that totalitarian behavior? And she’s the one shrieking about totalitarianism? What a freakin’ lying hypocrite!!

          If she wants to spew out her crap, go ahead. But violently hurting someone from speaking what they want to say, well, then that witch has got to be arrested and convicted for her criminal conduct.

        • This is what we need to Identify. This “Antifa” Movement is the Lefty Liberals who think that the Right is a bunch of Fascists. This group calls themselves “Antifa” for Anti Fascist. So they attack the Right which they like to refer to as Nazi’s. This is what the sacrament attack was about as the Right stabbed a few of the Antifa’s group members.

          Anti-Fascist Action – Wikipedia☑

          Anti-Fascist Action (AFA) was a militant anti-fascist organization founded in the UK in 1985, by a wide range of anti-racist and anti-fascist organizations.

          These are city dwellers. Watch this Video.
          10 English Patriots against 30 Antifa´s

          • BTW/ the Antifa rioters like to dress in all black and wear black scarves over their faces. This is similar dress to the Latest riots across the country (US) as we call snow flakes which are transforming into these groups also now identifying themselves as Antifa. As we know, George Soros is funding Black Lives Matter, and many of these other paid protestors, and this Antifa looks like one and the same group. Look up Sacramento and Antifa. Who is paying and organizing these Antifa groups?

          • Zeus:

            That is a cool video. It made me realize that police need to have more than one or two sets of handcuffs in a situation like that. They cuff one hands and feet then another until the aggressors disband, but at least a few get punished and give detailed info on who is behind the attack, then you have cause to arrest the promoter(s).


      17. Hire Local-Buy Local as much as Possible. Support your local economies. Get your barter programs into place. Get 2 years of food put up, and be debt free. Hold on.

        • I Do all that and a shitload more.

      18. peak oil is bullshit. Does anyone really think they would have built society to run on oil if it was gonna run out. It’s a matter of who controls the oil controls the world.

        • Asshat:

          Agreed. Furthermore, water can do most of what oil and nuclear does for next to nothing. The man who created the hydro (water) powered car was murdered when he began to implement plans to manufacture the car.

          Nuclear power is dirty and dangerous, but if you fuse the atoms together instead of cutting the atom (fission), it is safe and clean. Reports are that nuclear fusion is one hundred years away. I suspect that means the truth is that nuclear scientists are further along in this technological advancement than they admit. They say they have fused an atom, but they can not hold the fusion longer than a moment in time. Who knows.

          For sure, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg, Schiffs, and the rest of the international criminal conspirators have suppressed us and suppressed technology for money and power and the iron fist of control over our heads and up our ass.

          • ___

            …the international criminal conspirators have suppressed us and suppressed technology for money and power. They hold the iron fist of control over our heads and up our ass.


      19. I think it’s Rev. 9:16 .? About the king of the east with a 200 million man army. Throughout history is was thought impossible to have a 200 million man army. But China known as the Far East has recently reported the ability to field 200 million soldiers. We have 2 million. 100 to one are not good odds? Do we have enough nukes? Enough bullets ? Maybe that’s why even believers that didn’t fill there lamps will be forsaken.? The door shut on them . The coming Mesiah is suppose to destroy the children ))) of Satan ? It’s getting pretty obvious who they are? Along with the help of the full lamp virgins. The empty lamp virgins will be absolutely worthless? Remember the old lady in. The outlaw josey Wales who did the reloading? Well she better have prepped some powder? Anyway it’s getting pretty obvious WW3 Or The Tribulation Tri means three. No one knows the day or the hour. And foolish virgins with empty lamps get the door shut on them. Believers or not?

      20. To all the warmongers on this website that are foaming at the mouth bat shit crazy about the prospect of the USA going to war with China.
        Hey imbeciles, it WON’T be just with China! Russia will more than likely have China’s back! This would be a war of mutual annihilation, one in which NO ONE can win!
        It would go nuclear rapidly, by the side that perceived that it was losing!
        NOTHING is worth dying for hegemonic bullshit! We cannot and will not rule the world! It isn’t ethical, moral, or feasible!
        WTF are you thinking? Do you want to see your loved ones skin degrading and their lives exterminated from radiation just so we can fuck with China?

        • HA! It is not about you and us. It is about them. “TPTB”. There is only one resolution for all of this debt and over population in the world. IT IS WAR! Plain and simple. Always has been. Always will be, long after we are gone. You and I are just spectators on the far side line. I doubt very few of us (if any here) wish for war, but you are damn sure right about one thing. We can’t win and neither can they. TPTB will be the only winners. It is simply the solution for the problems at hand. Nothing that you and I can do about it (but prep). A “shit storm is on the way”. It is just a fact.

      21. Many decades ago we have had cars run on steam, and Stanley Meyer, before they killed him, got 100-miles to a gallon of water by inventing a way to fracture the hydrogen molecule without it exploding.

        Many free and wonderful energy inventions have been suppressed as have cures for cancer and other diseases. I recently learned the inventor of the self-recharging battery was murdered.

        Imagine that, a self-recharging AA or AAA battery!

        Another example, look up Sir Royal Rife and what he did decades ago and see how he was (mis)treated, defamed, vilified, ruined. Some of Nicola Tesla’s inventions are still classified.

        Almighty God did not create a planet or galaxy that would run out of “energy”.

        Thus, we have been lied to, and talented people have been threatened and others killed because their inventions, their medicines could free humanity from dependency and disease.

        “For the sake of profit many sin”, says the Book of Proverbs. It’s so sad, isn’t it?

        That’s why witnessing to and seeking the truth at every moment of one’s existence is key.

        The truth is so powerful that its inherent energy can never be extinguished. One example: the deaths of Christ, Gandhi, and King have not extinguished their truths, correct?

        Whatever you yourself believe or have come to know as the truth, remember that the evil guy will use manipulations, threats, lies, and more to defeat who he hates the most: human beings, all human beings. Satan cannot do a thing, wrote Dr. Peck, without the cooperation of a human being he has conned into believing his lies.

        Say the St. Michael the Archangel Prayer every day for protection from evil. I say it more than once a day.

        Each day you refrain from any words or acts of darkness, each day, each moment you are kind, compassionate, and truly human know that no amount of darkness can diminish or extinguish that.

        All the demons are out to entice humans to commit horrible acts of depravity, including lying and defaming others. Choose wisely how you behave, how you speak, how you relate. At any moment any of us could be suddenly before God and be faced with our judgment. I seek forgiveness for my transgressions, imperfections, sins, and you can too. Don’t let the devil convince you that your life has no worth or value for ANY reason!

        Thanks for putting up with me here. God bless you all.

        – the Lone Ranger

        • Lone Ranger:

          Nice post, but not your reference to King. The truth about King is vile. Fredrick Douglas is a better role model.


      22. A war with China would be a diasaster. Not because we lack military might or know how, our military is still the superior force on earth, but becauase of the people in each nation. The Chinese people are used to depravation and hardship and have a singularity of purpose unmatched in the world. America has a fractured ,overweight consumer driven population that has barely suffered since the Great Depression. Does anyone here really believe our population could sustain or even tolerate the hardships of a modern worldwide conflict. I do not, nuclear weapons aside(that’s a big aside) any war that inflicted real hardship on America for more than a few months would collapse, not because of our military but because of our people. Our urban population centers would denigrate into anarchy within a very short time of a major war starting. I think most of the fly over states would rally and pitch in but any disruption of supplies to cities that would be inevitable ina major war and many of our cities would burn. I think our leaders would be under tremendous pressure to try and end the conflict quickly, and we all know where that goes. With all that said It seems to me we MUST figure out a way to deal with these folks without a major war. As for TPTB wanting war for a New World Order, they have to win or at least survive it for that to happen and I just don’t see it. They have weakened America and Europe to the point that there is no reasonable assurance there would be a world left to order should they send the ballon up.

        • Agree: America has far too many people who are undisciplined and basically criminal in their outlook and lifestyle. In order to fight an overseas war, the US would have to scoop up this population and put them in camps to control them. This population is useless as a workforce – can you imagine all those ghetto kids trying to work on the shop floor at Lockheed Martin? And in a war situation, resources – energy and food – become strained. So, the country that has to waste these resources on a large, useless population (mostly blacks but also poor whites, hispanics etc.) will be the one that loses in the end. The British were able to resist the Germans because their population was still mostly white and could demand sacrifice and common purpose from them. It would be impossible to do today, as Britain is majority non-white in its cities.

      23. How much more war do we need ? We have no business making moves on Iran. This is a continuation of the neocon agenda. Israel is the problem. We have to have our children die for Israel.

        Its the Zionists the same families who funded every war. Every war is a bankers war. How would you feel if your family and children were slaughtered for profit.

        And you cheer Trump Trump. Rah Rah. LoL it amazes me how clueless and stupid the majority of Americans are. Spouting out this rah rah lets go team BS while innocent people are being murdered.

        We don’t need war and we don’t want war and we want out troops home so they can protect us from this Zionist Neocon agenda.

        This is what Hillary said she was gonna do. Invade Iran.
        Comom guys you gonna dis me because I like to eat watermelon and chicken ?

        You gonna censor my post because I talked about Zionist controlled Israel ?

        The same family that killed the Jews in WW2 concentration camps are the same families that built and control Israel.

        There are good Israelis and there are good Jews. Problem is everything has been taken over by these satanic Zionists who want nothing more than you and your children dead.

        Thats why there is endless wars. So there are less patriots.
        We have a lot to be ashamed of more so than be proud of here.

        IMHO DT is in a stranglehold by these Zionists and you can bet he needs your help. He wants a strong military thats a good thing but not when its controlled by Zionists.

        FYI a Zionist is NOT a Jew. You don’t censor the word chigaboo or sambo in here. There are plenty of good blacks that are patriots.

        Maybe one day you will wake up to find out most everything you perceive as reality is a fucking lie.

      24. Trump just made this latest announcement!

        Trump made a major Concession to China! Trump admitted that there is only “ONE China”!

        Trump is imitating Obama and others Presidents. See, policies will NOT change. The Presidents may change, but reality will NOT!!

        There will be NO War!!


        China is the MOST Atheistic Country in the World according to Pew, only 2% to 5% of China’s population are Christians. So you can look at a glass half full or half empty.

        That means that 50% to 95% are Atheists. Since China represents 20% of the World’s population, that make the Atheist Population 10% to 20% of the World’s Population, just in China alone.

        Then if you add the Atheistic populations of Vietnam, Japan, Northern Europe, Central Europe, and the raising Atheistic Population in the rest of the World, the number can add to some 40%.

        Christianity itself tops at only 30% of the World’s populations (if you add BOTH Catholic and Protestant Christians), even though many that survey as Christians are NOT really Christians as they NEVER even shows up in Church almost all their lives.

        Plus Christianity is DECLINING the World over, while Atheist, Agnostic, Non Believers, NONE are Booming. You need to read your own Charisma Website:


        Charisma News Website:
        Beyond the ‘Nones’: Secularism Rising as Christians Turn Churchless’

        4:00PM EDT 10/24/2014 CATHY LYNN GROSSMAN

        How does 38 percent sound?

        That’s what religion researcher David Kinnaman calculates when he adds “the unchurched, the never-churched and the skeptics” to the nones.

        * 25 percent are self-identified atheists or agnostics. Kinnaman calls them “skeptics.” And their ranks have changed in the last two decades. The percentage of women is up to 43 percent from 16 percent since 1993. Highly educated and more mainstream than before, “this group is here to stay,” he said.

        * 27 percent belong to other faith groups such as Jewish or Muslim or call themselves spiritual but not religious.

        * 16 percent are Christians—people with a committed relationship with Christ, Kinnaman said—who don’t go to church anymore.
        Kinnaman predicts no change in direction. He concluded:

        “The younger the generation, the more post-Christian it is”:

        * Millennials (born between 1984 and 2002) — 48 percent
        * Gen X-ers (born between 1965 and 1983) — 40 percent * Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) — 35 percent
        * Elders (born in 1945 or earlier) — 28 percent


        Do you see the direction where the US and the World is heading? It is heading towards Christian EXTINCTION. A “True Religion” would NEVER go EXTINCT and that is another Proof that Christianity/Catholicism is NOT the True Religion.

        Obviously you know what “Post Christian” means? If not, you should click “Post Christian” on the Internet and see what you get.


      25. Trump just made this latest announcement!

        Trump made a major Concession to China! Trump admitted that there is only “ONE China”!

        Trump is imitating Obama and others Presidents. See, policies will NOT change. The Presidents may change, but reality will NOT!!

        There will be NO War!!


        China is the MOST Atheistic Country in the World according to Pew, only 2% to 5% of China’s population are Christians. So you can look at a glass half full or half empty.

        That means that 50% to 95% are Atheists. Since China represents 20% of the World’s population, that make the Atheist Population 10% to 20% of the World’s Population, just in China alone.

        Then if you add the Atheistic populations of Vietnam, Japan, Northern Europe, Central Europe, and the raising Atheistic Population in the rest of the World, the number can add to some 40%.

        Christianity itself tops at only 30% of the World’s populations (if you add BOTH Catholic and Protestant Christians), even though many that survey as Christians are NOT really Christians as they NEVER even shows up in Church almost all their lives.

        Plus Christianity is DECLINING the World over, while Atheist, Agnostic, Non Believers, NONE are Booming. You need to read your own Charisma Website:


        Charisma News Website:
        Beyond the ‘Nones’: Secularism Rising as Christians Turn Churchless’

        4:00PM EDT 10/24/2014 CATHY LYNN GROSSMAN

        How does 38 percent sound?

        That’s what religion researcher David Kinnaman calculates when he adds “the unchurched, the never-churched and the skeptics” to the nones.

        * 25 percent are self-identified atheists or agnostics. Kinnaman calls them “skeptics.” And their ranks have changed in the last two decades. The percentage of women is up to 43 percent from 16 percent since 1993. Highly educated and more mainstream than before, “this group is here to stay,” he said.

        * 27 percent belong to other faith groups such as Jewish or Muslim or call themselves spiritual but not religious.

        * 16 percent are Christians—people with a committed relationship with Christ, Kinnaman said—who don’t go to church anymore.
        Kinnaman predicts no change in direction. He concluded:

        “The younger the generation, the more post-Christian it is”:

        * Millennials (born between 1984 and 2002) — 48 percent
        * Gen X-ers (born between 1965 and 1983) — 40 percent * Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) — 35 percent
        * Elders (born in 1945 or earlier) — 28 percent


        Do you see the direction where the US and the World is heading? It is heading towards Christian EXTINCTION. A “True Religion” would NEVER go EXTINCT and that is another Proof that Christianity/Catholicism is NOT the True Religion.

        Obviously you know what “Post Christian” means? If not, you should click “Post Christian” on the Internet and see what you get.


      26. Yawn! And just the other day this site published an article the the US could take on the entire planet indefinitely, and prevail. Man get your doom and gloom right.

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