US & UK Announce MORE STRIKES On Houthi Rebels In Yemen

by | Jan 23, 2024 | Headline News

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    The United States and the United Kingdom have decided to announce the continued strikes on Houthi rebels in Yemen. This comes after the US Central Command (CENTCOM) has said that American bombers are continuing to strike Houthi installations in Yemen.

    This is also the second time British bombers have taken part in the operation, now known as “Poseidon Archer”. Royal Air Force (RAF) jets based in Cyprus had been involved in the January 11 attack, while the US used cruise missiles and aircraft from the USS Eisenhower. Since then, the US has carried out six more strikes on its own, reportedly targeting Houthi missiles as they prepared to launch, according to a report by RT. 

    US and UK forces “conducted strikes on 8 Houthi targets” in Yemen just before midnight on Monday, CENTCOM said on X (formerly Twitter). “The targets included missile systems and launchers, air defense systems, radars, and deeply buried weapons storage facilities.”

    CENTCOM has further accused the Houthis of “reckless and unlawful attacks on US and UK ships as well as international commercial shipping in the Red Sea, Bab Al-Mandeb Strait, and the Gulf of Aden.”

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    Earlier on Monday, CNN reported that the Pentagon named the strike mission Operation Neptune Archer, suggesting a long-term US commitment to bombing the Houthis. The Washington Post reported over the weekend that the US objective was to degrade and destroy their capabilities, citing officials who wanted to remain anonymous.

    The Houthis announced in late October that they would strike all Israeli-linked shipping in the Red Sea until the blockade of Gaza is lifted, and have since targeted several merchant vessels. After the January 11th strikes, they expanded the target list to British and American ships as well.

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